Summary: I'm Mikan Sakura, 24 years old. Wanna know what's my outlook in life? Oh, I just hate it. Why'd you ask? Well, I lost everything that I had in just ONE FREAKING DAY. Unfortunately, when I woke up one morning, I wasn't at home. But on a king-sized bed and a fascinating room. Then, I saw a raven-haired guy walked out of the bathroom, HALF-NAKED! What the? Oh God, please help me…

Chapter 10: "Trapped"


"So you didn't remember." he said, almost in a whisper. I looked at him, incredulously, and I could see sadness in his eyes.

"W-What? What is it that I didn't remember?" I asked, obviously bombarding him. Like I care now.

"That you are to be my wife." he answered. And I still didn't get what he said. Me? To be his wife?

"Would you please stop talking in riddles?" I told him, my hands turned to fists. Instead of answering me again, he just smiled. But it didn't even reached his eyes and I know that it was not real.

"I can't believe you. And I even thought you're a girl of words." he whispered, his voice sounded like he was defeated. Girl of words? Well, yes, I am. I keep my promises, if that is what he mean. But what is it that I promised him? Why can't I remember any of it?

"What are you talking about?" now he's confusing me. He looked up again, and this time, he was back to the business-like, cold, Natsume.

"Forget it. It doesn't even matter anyway." He told me, emotionless.

"How can I even forget it? You told your parents that I am your wife. And you were talking about something I can't even understand. And you're telling me it doesn't matter? Seriously, what is your problem and what the hell is wrong with you?"

"It's you! You are my problem!" he answered. I see. So it is me. I am his problem. But why? I opened my mouth to say something, but I ended up closing it again. What am I supposed to say to him? Then again, that strange feeling went on me again. My heart's being squeezed out. Why does it hurt so much? I looked down, and I felt my eyes were about to emit tears.Hold it, Mikan. You can't afford to lose your face in front of him, can you?

Unexpectedly, I felt someone touched my chin and made me look up to him. I saw his hypnotizing crimson eyes, and for a moment, I was lost. Then, I felt something soft on my lips. It was then that I realized, it was his lips. He's kissing me and I'm kissing him back.

"We've been married, Mikan. Don't you really remember that? And we are to be married again." Natsume whispered after breaking the kiss, his voice husky, and I felt something hot that travelled all the way down to my stomach. His thumb touched my lips, and I felt jittery and excited by that simple contact. I think I'm going mad! I shrugged. What he said earlier slowly registered inside my head. We've been married, Mikan. Don't you really remember that? And we are to be married again. Oh, yes, I do remember now. It was way back when we were still in our sophomore year in high school. But I don't want to think about it again! I looked up at him and smiled bitterly, as memories started to sink in. Stop, Mikan. You're hurting yourself again.

"How sweet of you, Natsume. I wasn't expecting you'd remember that. Silly, but I don't know why we did such thing. But hey, it wasn't legal. It was a sham. Farce. In short, it wasn't real. So that doesn't make me your wife." I told him, and when I saw that his jaw tightened, I regretted saying those. But it was too late to get back what I said. He glared at me and I bit my lower lip. I know I'm about to cry anytime and I'm afraid that I might breakdown. But I have to control myself. I can't afford to lose my composure right in front of him.

"Just...Just marry Luna. She's your fiancée, n-not me." I told him and I know that my voice is shaky. But what I told him just now hurt a lot, and I don't even know why. Just thinking about the fact that he's going to marry someone else hurts a lot! Oh damn!

"No." He whispered, his eyes were still fixated at me.

"No?" I asked him. I know it's silly to ask him that alright, but I don't care anymore.

"Mikan?" a guy said from who-knows-where. I looked at the direction where I heard someone calling out for me, and when I recognized who it was, I just wished to myself that I never should have turned my attention to him. My blood started to boil, and I knew from that moment I was mad! More than mad! He was the last person on earth that I wanted to see. It was...

"Kyou..." I'm not even sure if I mentioned his name or not. And I really wasn't expecting to see him here.

"You know him?" I heard Natsume asked. Natsume stopped pinning me, but he didn't let go of my hand. I looked back to him, and I was surprised to see his reaction. He was more than annoyed and I don't know what was on his eyes. Was it jealousy? No, that's next to impossible. Why would he be jealous over Kyou? Or was it just indifference?

"Who are you?" Natsume asked Kyou when he turned to look at him, and it seems like he wanted to start a fight.

Kyou looked at Natsume, too. And he had that irritated look on his face when his sight landed on my hand (which Natsume was holding).

"Who is he, Mikan? And why are you with him?" Kyou asked, looking intently at me, his brows furrowed. I rolled my eyes. Seriously, after what he did to me, he still had the guts to ask me who I am with?

"It's none of your business, Kyou." I told him with my chin up. I'm not sure if he noticed the coldness in my voice. Tsk. The hell I care! He betrayed me, and of course he had nothing to do with me anymore! Yeah, I'm bitter! Call it silly, but I'm furious!

"It is, because you're my girlfriend." he declared. I scoffed. The nerve! How dare he call me his girlfriend? I felt Natsume tightened his hold on my hand.

"Correction, it's ex. And for your information," I paused for a second. I didn't know what to say, what alibi I was to make for him to make him realize that we're over. Then, the daftest idea I've ever had went on me. I gazed at Natsume for a brief second. He was looking at me, too. And it's like he had that 'Go for it' look. I took a deep breath and without hesitations, I looked back at Kyou and, "Can't you see? I'm married now. Natsume, he's Kyou. Kyou, meet Natsume, my husband."

Natsume's grip on mines became tighter, like he doesn't want to let go of my hand. Oh, Mikan, you can't be falling for him. That's stupidity!

"You can't fool me, babe. I know you guys are not married." Oh, wow! Why is he being so determined to get me back?

"Can't you-" I was about to say something, but thankfully, Natsume saved my ass again. Great, I owe him a lot.

"Try to understand that Mikan is mine, dimwit." Was what he said. And there goes my heart fluttering, beating faster than usual. Why? What's wrong with my heart? Crap, I think I need to consult a cardiologist, though I certainly know what's happening to me. It's crystal clear. I just can't face reality because it is absurd. Very absurd! And I can't accept that I'm trapped. Trapped for him. Oh yes, I am in love. What have you done to me Natsume? What have you done to my heart?

Yey! Another update for you all! I'm soo very sorry for the oh-so-late-update! Forgive me, loves. Being a college student is tough, but fun nonetheless. Gomen. Gomen. Reviews please? Oh yeah, would you be so kind enough to read my story entitled Memories? It's in FictionPress. Just search for my username HeHeartsMe. Pretty please? I'd appreciate it if you'd find time to read and criticize how GOOD my work is. I'm bluffing on the 'good' part. Anyway, thanks for reading my story and for being patient to wait for an update. Arigato Gusaimasu, minna-san. =)