Chapter 1

I kicked my feet out from the tangle of sheets and grabbed my jumper and left my dorm. It was the middle of the night close to two in the morning and I could not sleep. My mind was rushing around which made sleep impossible. I made my way down the spiral tower stairs to the common room hoping to find something that would either help me sleep or give me something to do.

The fire was still only begging to die down, the chairs and tables were disserted. I made my way to the fireside. It was only when I was standing behind the chair closet to the fire that I noticed that is someone else sitting on the floor.

"Scorpius, what are you doing up?" He jumped at that sound of my voice but relaxed when he saw that it was me

"I always come down here when I can't sleep"

"So you can't sleep a lot?" I sat down on the floor near him and looked to see what he was doing. He was holding the daily profit and doing the crossword. He was wearing red pajama buttons and a grey jumper.

"Like once or twice a week, no one else ever comes down here. Why can't you sleep?" he looked up from his puzzle.

"I don't know just couldn't get comfortable, so I decided to come down here."

"Well, Welcome to the club" He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

We sat there talking and joking, and I helped him figure out the crossword. Soon the Puzzle was forgotten in quite laughter.

"You know what I just figured out?" Scorpius asked.

"That it is nearly five?" I answered 'when did it get so late'

"Well yes that, but it think this is the first time you and me have ever been alone together." He looked as if he was trying to recall another time like this, just the two of us having fun, alone.

"Well with my family it is hard to get any alone time, though I think now I think I should start not being able to sleep more often. I never thought the common room could be so peaceful." I mused out loud.

"Hay now this is my spot, I let you hang out with me once, but if you…" I cut him off

"What, you don't enjoy having me around" I gave him a playful push.

He let my light push tip him over so he was now lying on his back. His knees still pulled up and his head resting near the foot of the nearest armchair.

"Oh yes how could I not want to have you around, I just love when you hit me" his voice was alive with playful sarcasm. He returned my punch with a fake hit to my side. Flowing his lead I fell lightly on to him so I was now lying across his chest.

"Rose you weigh a ton for such a tiny thing, now come on, get off." he teased me.

'He wanted to play that way', "why should I?" I was giggling now "What are you going to do"

"This!" and in a swift movement he flipped me over on to my back and he was on top of me tickling my sides. I wriggled to try and get away, but he had a firm hold.

"Okay-stop-you-win." I choked out trying to keep quiet as possible.

His hands stops, and he looked up at my face, making sure I was not about to try something else. We were both breathing hard with laughter. His eyes met mine and I felt a warm flush creep up my neck to my face. His sliver blue eyes looked confused and somehow hungry. The way we were positioned now seemed much closer and much less playful. His face was inches from mine and his body still hovered over me.

I felt my head rise and saw his face draw closer, are lips met and a shiver ran though my entire body. His silky smooth lips moved mine, and mind only thought was to returning every motion his lips made. My hands lifted and wrapped around his neck.

His body was now pressing gently in to mine. One hand was still on my waist but now his fingers were sliding under my jumper felling the skin of my lower back. The other arm was being used to keep the majority of his weight off me.

He broke the kiss and brushed his lips against my neck "Rose" he whispered softly near my ear. He began kissing and tracing lines in my neck with his tongue.

I was lost; my head was swimming in a haze. As he kissed me, my body relaxed further. My hands were now searching, trying to find his skin under his clothes. He shivered at the fell of my cold hands on his warm back, but I barely took notice. I was feeling from under the cotton the muscles of his back and how smooth his skin was.

The hand that was hold my back clenched as my lips found he ear and kissed the lobe of it. He relaxed he hand and began moving it I felt the feel of his thumb leave my hip and then I felt my shirt and jumper being pulled as one away from my torso. It was like he was controlling my body now as my arms dropped to the floor above my head. His other hand joined the other and he pulled off my top, so I was they're laying between his legs topless but for the red bra I was wearing.

I watched him as he took in the sight of me; it looked like he was memorizing every line of my body like this was his one chance to see it. His fingers skimmed the top of my breast tracing the line of fabric. My breathing hitched and he looked at up to me he leaned in and lightly kissed my lips again. He then moved his lips to my cheek, my chin, my neck, my color bone, and then he reached my breast. He kissed the top of one of them while again tracing the line of the fabric with his fingertips.

I needed to kiss him again, I pulled his face up to mine again and deeply kissed him, and when my lips parted his did to and are tongues met twisting together like are bodies were now doing I rolled to my side taking him with me. Then he moved so I was now on top of him, my thighs straddled his hips. I moved my hands like his and began to remove the cloth from his chest. He allowed this finishing the process by tossing his shirt next to wear mine lay.

It was my turn to stare I took in the sight of his pale skin and how the contours of his muscles made deep shadows in the dying firelight. I leaned back down and kissed his neck, I felt the shiver roll down his frame. He held the back of my neck and brought my face back up to his.

He kept me there for a long while; it seemed are mouths were made to fit together. Are breathing was ragged and quick. Once again he rolled me to my side. And I felt cool air hit my face; he was once again kissing around what remained of my top. As his hand moved down to the skim the top of my pants my breathing hitched and my mind forced out the first addable word since he first kissed me, "Wait." The word was nothing but a whisper but he stopped moving and looked up at me.

"Why?" he took a deep breath in, "I want you now, don't you want me?" His eyes were digging into mine and my minds resolve wavered.

"I just, not now, not here" was the only sentence my mind could form.

We laid there on the floor of the common room face to face, his arms warped around me, mine caressing his chest. We both attempting to regain are breath and control over are actions. After both are breathing was back to normal I kissed him lightly on his lips. He returned the kiss with the same pressure, when we broke apart he drew in a long breath.

"Scorpius, now that we have some sense over are selves can I can I ask you something?" I wondered.

"Rose I think I have the same question as you but what is it" His voice was warm and soft I had never noticed how smooth his voice was until now. "Rose?" he pulled me out of me thoughts.

"What just happened?" I ask the question that my sensible side was screaming at me.

He pulled my a little away from him so I could se his face as his gave me a disabling face "Well, we snogged each other, and took of each other shirts, and then we were snogging some more, and then I then you stopped it and ask me that question." He was grinning as he finished and then kissed the tip of my nose.

I pushed on his chest with my hand, "yeah I got that" I looked down at my nearly exposed chest "I was kind of more wondering who we got from you tickling me to this" I gave a pointed look at his torso.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I can't really remember how, but we both just started on each other at the same moment." He gave me a little squeeze.

He laughed, "The one time were alone we end up all over each other. James, Al and Hugo are going to kill me aren't they?"

I pulled my self up on one elbow, "Why you're not going to tell them are you?" I was scared now, my cousins and brother might kick Scorpius up the arse but they are one, never going to let me live this down, and two never let me be alone with a guy until I'm thirty.

Scorpius was smiling at me and bought me back down off my elbow and kissed my forehead. "Well no I won't but I think when I tell them I am planning on asking you out they might freak out." He concluded this statement by kissing my stunned lips.

'He wants to ask me out! He likes me? What they bloody hell is going on' my mind was racing all but forgetting I was in his arms and the fact he was probably expecting a more enthusiastic response to his last words. 'Do I even like him, yes you did have a crush on him for the first three years at Hogwarts but she was over that wasn't she, but just look at him, but he is your friend, and best friends with your brother and cousins. But look at him.'

"You want to be my boyfriend?" The statement came out more shocked then I would have liked him to hear.

"Well, yeah but if you don't I just thought that..." He trailed off his eyes now looking away and he started to look for his shirt and mine.

"I Just didn't think you felt like that and I wasn't" my voice broke off as we both looked up, we could hear the first people stating to get up and get ready for their Friday classes. He jumped and grabbed are cloths and tossed mine to me.

"Here! Hurry, get back to bed or at least the Shower before they see you." We both tossed back on are shirts and Jumpers. I didn't want to leave the conversation like that, as he turned to get back to bed I caught hold of his arm. He turned to face me.

"Look I didn't say no or yes, I need to think, you understand that right." I looked in to his eyes trying to make him understand. "Meet me here when everyone has gone to bed tonight."

"I will be right here waiting" he pulled me over and crushed his lips against mine. I responded and my brain was begging to fall back in to a fog when a loud noise made us both jump apart and leave.

I hurried back up to my room, dazed and panting from the goodbye kiss. I made it to my room and into my bedroom with out anyone seeing me. I climbed back into bed and even though I had not slept at all, sleep now was more elusive than ever.

Within fifteen minutes I could hear the sheets of the others move around me. I had made it back just in time. I lay there for a while trying to get some tiny amount of rest in. When I admit that sleep is out of my reach I grabbed my bathrobe and headed of to the shower, maybe the hot water will help me think everything over.