A Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfic by Raayy

I don't own Hetalia or it's characters.

This is not really a yaoi fanfic, it's more friendship. You can interpretate however you want, though.

Beta-readed by my friend, Bowser! Thank you so much, bow.

Japan/Kiku Honda's POV.

( 1 August 1894 - Begginng of the first Sino-Japanese war - The end of a friendship )

I never meant to hurt him.

I know that it would hurt him, but I didn't want that. I never did.

That night I went and came without saying a word to him. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't say "I am sorry" or "Please forgive me", because I would never forgive me.

He understood me wrong. He hates me, now. I can't help it- I did what I did, it's done and nothing, never, can repair it.

I wish I had not been a true japanese man that night.


I won the war, but it doesn't really feel that I've won anything.

Worst than that, I've lost a friend.

Maybe forever.

For what? For Korea's freedom? I don't like him. I don't hate him, either, but he is annoying. He isn't China. My boss said that it was good to set Korea free from China and I couldn't deny that order of invasion.

He says, too, that a true japanese man fights for his contry.

I thought that it was a true samurai.

True japanese men don't stab their friends from behind. They don't.


I had never seen him since then.

I've read that he was with a great scar on his back. I felt disturbed.

I wanted to apologize. I wanted to say that I did it because my boss said so- but I can't. I can't put the blame on my boss for what I did. I don't want to look worse - if it could be - on his eyes.

I miss him, even though I don't admit it.

I miss his strange way of talking, how he took care of me, when made me learn hiragana, his love for panda, the cheerful and smily way, the "-aru"s and "Aiyah!"s.

Why do I need to be a true japanese man?


He looks coldly at me now.

I was on my knees, completly defeated, and he looks down to me. He looks cold.

He used to be so kind...

... Like a older brother.

He turns back and don't say anything. I wished I could say something.

But the words die before I could think on them.

You're really strong, Chugoku... I said to my boss that it wasn't a good idea to pick up a fight with you.

But I'm a true japanese man and can't leave my country and boss behind.

A true and foolish japanese man.

( September 9, 1945 - End of the second Sino-Japanese war - The day I realized how foolish I could be )


Man, when I read Hetalia for the first time I though "this isn't a fandom that I could write about... I don't really like much the yaoi couples of them too" but....

Holy shit, Japan. FUCK YOU.

It's really easy to write with Japan and when I saw one pic (on an AMV on youtube lol) of him kissing China's back, I just wanted to cry. China is my favorite character of the whole serie, and sometimes, when I remember what Japan did to him I almost hate him. But I control myself. But then I though that isn't really Japan's fault, but his boss that wanted to invade China. Isn't it right? If was another 'boss' around that age, could be different.

Anyway, I like to think that Japan didn't want to hurt China. And I think this could really be, because China took care so much of Japan and all...

So, I started it. And even finish it lol. I liked to write about, and it was really cool to read about the Sino-Japanese wars. I love history, write about it is really cool, too.

If you don't know, Chugoku is the japanese for China.