Title: Train (Ch.4)

Authoress: Mistress Krane

Summary: Two strangers. One comes from a rural home, the other a more urban setting. A small train, running at an unusual hour, brings them together. AU, ItaSaku

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

A/N: Merry Christmas Eve, anyone?(: The important notes will come at the end, as I'm sure you guys are as eager to read this as I was to finally dredge it up and present it to you.

Sakura and Kisame laughed together, standing before the casual Italian restaurant that the latter had picked for her and Itachi. He had casually informed his business partner of the establishment beforehand, who had taken to informing Sakura of the location as well.

"Nice hanging with you for the past two hours, princess," Kisame said, ruffling her hair. "Call me later if you need anything. I'm sure you can get the little Uchiha to walk with you around town if you try, though."

Sakura just sighed, wrapping her arms around the tall man's frame.

"Yes, because the one thing that Uchiha Itachi wishes to do tonight—which calls for snow, I believe—is spend time shopping with me," she said, voice muffled by the fabric of Kisame's coat. Pulling her face back, she smiled.

"You don't see yourself clearly, that's for sure," frowned Kisame, spinning her around and leading her to the door. He opened it and pushed her inside gently. "Live it up, huh?"

Sakura grinned, walking further inside as the door shut behind her. Her boots made small thuds as she sauntered into the vineyard-style eatery. The walls were painted a pleasant, mellow green, and low hanging lanterns lit up the tables.

She looked at the plush furniture and elegant tables, admiring the decorator's taste. Absentmindedly pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Sakura brushed her hand over the water of the shallow fountain set off to the side. Flicking the dampness from her fingers with a smile, she straightened from her slight crouch and almost screamed.

"Sakura. I apologize for scaring you." Itachi had been standing beside her, and his proximity had scared her, much to his amusement. "It was not my intention."

"I would hope not," Sakura breathed with a laugh. She smiled at him, which he returned with a small smirk.

Itachi offered her his arm, ever the gentleman, but the pinkette hesitated. Uncertainty tugged at her mind, and though it was brief, the Uchiha saw it clearly. It confused him.

Still, he said nothing as she looped her arm through his, a calmness now radiating from her.

"How very charming of you," Sakura said, bumping him lightly on the shoulder with a grin. "Though I hope that you do not treat all of your friends as such."

He chuckled lowly as she giggled, her implications clear. "I do not," he assured her, leading her to their table in the wake of their host.

"I imagine that Deidara would be upset with you if he were to be treated similarly," Sakura continued to laugh as they walked to the booth set up for them. She settled into her seat, putting down her purse beside her.

"Quite," Itachi agreed dryly, sitting as well.

Sakura, once again, found herself scrutinizing the Uchiha curiously, though this time he was returning the gesture. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze, so much heavier than hers, and she wondered what he was thinking.

His eyes, embedded with the darkest of crimsons, were framed by the longest eyelashes that she had ever seen, and if she were any less of a person she would be envious. His features were sharp, and though he had never really been cold with her she could tell that he could easily become stoic and uncaring if he wished, every bit the businessman. If he were ever to act in such a way toward her, Sakura was unsure of how she would react.

"I am curious about your background," Itachi said quietly, his voice unusually soft. His expression was borderline unreadable.

Sakura blinked once, playing with her braid idly.

"You may ask what you wish, though I will be inquisitive of your childhood as well," she said tentatively. She was unsure of how sensitive Itachi was about his past, as sometimes people became uncomfortable about speaking of such things. "If that sounds fair, of course."

Itachi nodded, finally looking away from her momentarily as the waitress came to the table. She had wavy brown hair that fell to her mid-back and sea blue eyes that remained absolutely glued to Itachi. A flirtatious smile was poised on her lips.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I get you to drink?" she asked, her voice almost a purr.

Sakura slowly brought her hand up to cover her mouth, trying valiantly to hide her smile and blooming giggles. The sight of a woman like her trying to impress someone such as Itachi was endlessly amusing to the teenager.

"A glass of water," Itachi requested, looking back at Sakura. He raised a brow at her, glancing pointedly toward her hand.

Clearing her expression quickly, Sakura smiled at the irritated waitress and ordered a regular soda, watching the woman click away in her high heels.

"Phenomenal service, hmm?" sighed Sakura lightly, nodding toward the kitchen. "I believe she showed fantastic self control in not sexually assaulting you on the spot. It was quite commendable."

Itachi smirked in amusement.

"Are you saying that I am that irresistible, Sakura?" he asked, a quiet challenge in his lilting voice. His eyes smoldered as he leaned toward her.

She flushed, then, much to Itachi's surprise, almost seemed to flinch away. Did she find the thought of such intimacy with him so…abhorrent?

No, he decided, surveying her tinted cheeks. Recalling her reactions to his previous advances, though they were teasing in nature, she had seemed understandably flustered before almost reflexively recoiling. It was as if she were repeatedly conjuring up reasons to distance herself from him, which he found odd. He would have to look into the situation in further detail later.

Deciding to merely stay with 'friendly' topics in the meantime, the Uchiha reclined onto the cushion comfortably, noting Sakura's relaxation in response. He restrained a frown.

"You requested to know more about my past," Sakura stated, clearing her throat delicately. "Well, I suppose I will begin by saying that neither of my parents have pink hair. My father has light blonde hair and my mother has red, leading some to assume that the mixture somehow mutated to form coral."

Itachi inclined his head in agreement to the statement. Remaining silent for a few moments, he then asked, "What of your speech? I have noticed that contrary to popular belief, it is very formal, much like how I was raised to speak." He paused. "I mean no offense, but it is rather unusual."

Laughter leaked out of her airstream, filling the empty air around them. Sakura's eyes sparkled with renewed amusement, as if she had been expecting the question.

"Whenever I travel I often receive questions along those lines, more or less," she explained. "The only explanation I can offer is that, well, my father and aunt were rather adamant about the way I spoke when I was younger. More often than not I was sent to greet strangers arriving in our town for business on a few occasions each year, and though it never made sense to me while I was younger, they believed that formal speech was more beneficial if I were to meet someone of importance."

"Aa." Itachi nodded once, appearing thoughtful.

The drinks were brought out by a different server, a man around Itachi's age, and this time around Sakura was the center of attention.

"Thank you," she smiled, oblivious of his less than pure thoughts. Her focus was kept solely on keeping things completely platonic between herself and Itachi as she sipped her drink absently.

"Not a problem," the waiter winked, setting down napkins. "Are you ready to order?"

Sakura looked over at an expressionless Itachi inquisitively. Kisame had picked this restaurant, and she hadn't looked at the menu yet. Perhaps he would have a suggestion?

In response to her glance Itachi listed two unfamiliar names that she assumed were dishes, and the waiter's pen scratched quickly across the pad. Sakura grinned sheepishly at the Uchiha as soon as the man was gone, and he thawed visibly.

"I apologize for putting you on the spot like that," Ssakura said, tapping her fingers on her glass. "But I assume that you are aware of how forgetful I am concerning these things."

Itachi chuckled lowly, taking an elegant sip of his water. "It is to be expected."

Pausing thoughtfully, Sakura ran through her plans for later in the day and, much to her chagrin, found that she would be alone. Recalling Kisame's teasing statement about Itachi, the pinkette tapped her cheek lightly. Emerald eyes pinned down mildly interested onyx, and she decided that there was no harm in asking.

"Do you have plans for later in the day?" came the blunt question. "Because I was wondering if you would like to join me for a few hours after lunch while I wander the city."

Raising a brow at her daring, Itachi carefully formulated a response.

"I have a prior engagement scheduled for tonight," he began, tone bland. Catching sight of the almost undetectable flash of disappointment and entirely unexpected sorrow that flickered through her eyes for a split second, Itachi felt a tug of concern, again, in the pit of his stomach. He repressed a sigh as, now, Sakura was waiting coolly and patiently for him to continue.

This girl could conceal her emotions rather quickly, the Uchiha couldn't help but notice.

"But I believe that I will be able to accompany you for a while," Itachi finished, closing his eyes and taking a breath. She would be rather troublesome, but not in an entirely bad way. He smirked.

"Thank you so very much," exclaimed Sakura excitedly. She took his hand in both of hers and hugged it to her, and Itachi's eyes opened sharply.

Paying it no mind, the bubbly teenager smiled at him and squeezed his hand lightly. "Perhaps you can introduce me to all of the bakeries and potential stores for Christmas presents around the area?" Sakura suggested brightly. "I am still unable to come up with the perfect gift for Naruto-kun."

Though Itachi was unable to comprehend just how his agreement to join her could have created such uninhibited joy on her part, he merely relaxed his muscles and allowed Sakura to cradle his hand. He listened to her incessant, but pleasant, chatter and added an occasional sentence or two to prod her to continue.

Her voice was cheerful, precise, and carefree as she carried on about her enjoyment of sketching, particularly scenes of nature and/or living things, picking fruit and such at her home and in the fields, helping her family bake cookies and cakes, and many other enlightening aspects that shed some light on her humble and overall sweet and caring demeanor.

Sakura had obviously been raised in a very safe, kind, and warm environment, whereas many others were not as fortunate. Naruto though, from what he was able to ascertain from her descriptions and her previous phone call, seemed to be much more aware of the reality of things than she was. It was odd, considering the fact that they had grown up together. Perhaps he had shielded her from the unpleasant realities on purpose.

"Oh, this looks delicious," Sakura marveled, staring down at the steaming plates set on the table. A dish of perfectly cooked alfredo sat before her, and in front of Itachi sat an unfamiliar, but mouthwatering, slab of meat and vegetables. "Itadakimasu."

Carefully setting down Itachi's hand onto the table Sakura snapped her chopsticks apart, pressed her hands together for a moment, and began to eat. An approving squeal came from her mouth as she chewed.

"It is satisfactory?" asked Itachi amusedly, lips tilting up. "Itadakimasu," he added with a murmur, placing a piece of cabbage in his mouth elegantly.

"Absolutely," grinned Sakura, eating another mouthful happily. She took a sip of her drink, sighing. "So what of your family and friends? Your friends are quite special. I can see that without a doubt."

Itachi nodded in agreement, but Sakura noticed a shift in his disposition. It was still calm and controlled—still powerful—but it became more reserved. More introverted.

"Otou-san, Uchiha Fugaku, was very adamant about my entrance into business when I was younger. The situation caused much tension in the family for many years," he began almost tentatively. It was obvious that he probably hadn't shared this information with anyone other than his closest friends, who could most likely empathize, and even so it had probably taken much time for him to become comfortable enough to do so. Sakura wondered—knowing that Itachi was the type to thoroughly think things through and only do things with good reason—why he trusted her enough to tell her when their friendship was less than three days old.

Bothered, Sakura said quietly, "You do not have to tell me this, Itachi. I am just a girl that you met on a train two nights ago. Sharing such personal things with one who is practically a stranger to you would be-"

"Sakura." Itachi cut her off, eyes so intent that she couldn't look away. "Do not belittle yourself. As you said, we are friends. Do not think of yourself as anything less than that to me."

Sakura blushed, managing to look down demurely. His assurance warmed her insides in a way that she couldn't quite describe.

"Then I suppose I must say the same for you, Uchiha Itachi," she said, voice suddenly firm and determined. "You are a most precious friend and I care very much about you. Nothing can change that."

Itachi's features warmed fractionally, and he tilted his head forward in acknowledgement and agreement, He resumed his meal and Sakura followed his example.

"If I recall correctly, you have a brother, do you not?" Sakura began nonchalantly, watching carefully for any changes in his demeanor. There were none, and Itachi continued to eat calmly. "Uchiha Sasuke, I believe."

"Hn," he grunted noncommittally, swallowing a bite. "Yes, my otouto is quite…interesting to be around, if you will."

"I imagine," chuckled Sakura airily. "He must have adored you when you were children, always wanting to be just like you I would expect."

"It is natural, is it not?" he returned with a smirk, the gesture much more natural now. "Younger siblings tend to have a sort of competitive streak with their elders in most cases."

A dreamy smile lit Sakura's features as she remembered the small children that she had had the privilege of working with over the years. Always following her around, giving her small, handpicked or handmade presents: they were always so adorable and helpful.

"Children are so wonderful and innocent, don't you agree?" she cooed.

Itachi voiced his quiet assent, lips tilting up at the obvious soft spot in Sakura's heart for children.

Then again, he mused wryly, for whom did she not hold a soft spot for?

Shaking her head once, dreamy expression fading, Sakura placed her chopsticks in her empty bowl, having finished her meal abnormally quickly. "I apologize," she laughed, cheeks pinkening. "What are you doing for the holidays? I assume that you do not wish to spend them all by your lonesome."

Itachi raised a brow faintly. "Are you implying something, Sakura?"

Becoming used to the Uchiha's own way of expressing playfulness, Sakura smiled and shook her head. "I am afraid that I will be unable to join you, as well as your friends, for Christmas," she said apologetically. "I really must be home with my family on such an important occasion."

"I see," he said, eyes shifting away from her coolly. "It is understandable, spending time with relatives during the holidays."

Oddly enough, it seemed as if Itachi were stating something that he had gained from common knowledge as opposed to speaking from experience. The idea caused a line of worry to crease her brow deeply, and the Uchiha fought the tiniest urge to smooth it away.

"Please, are you unable to tell me that you have had at least a single truly joyous holiday with your family?" Sakura asked, anxiety clear in her every movement.

Aware of her unique talent of being able to read him when she found the need for it, Itachi closed his eyes and sighed minutely. Exhaling, he replied, "No. I am sorry, I cannot. Okaa-san and Sasuke have given their best efforts in the past, but nothing may repair my relationship with otou-san."

The pinkette cracked then. Standing from her seat and moving over to Itachi, she gave him a hug he felt he didn't deserve. He sensed that it was more for Sakura, and he carefully placed a hand on her head.

"You did not have to do that," Itachi murmured, rubbing her hair. "It was unnecessary."

Sakura didn't appear to be crying, much to his relief, but she held him tighter. "I apologize if it seems that I am overreacting," she said into his shirt. "But I believe that everyone must have a chance at a merry Christmas with their loved ones. Especially those close to me."

Itachi sighed, resting his chin on her scalp lightly. "You cannot make such things possible. It would be foolish of you to think so," he said, voice low. "I do not mind my current situation. It is acceptable."

"But you do not understand," objected Sakura, head shifting. She pulled away slightly to look up at him, eyes holding his. "It is not okay for you to only believe that your Christmas is as good as it will ever be. It is unfair."

Itachi tilted his head to observe her with less difficulty, breath fanning across her cheeks. Belatedly, she realized that she wasn't doing herself any favors by putting herself in this position, and she inwardly groaned. The fact that his alluring, masculine scent of ash and pine was starting to make her head spin wasn't helping matters either.

"Life is not always fair Sakura," he said simply before pulling away slightly.

"But life is meant to be enjoyed," she countered firmly.

Itachi reached over for the newly placed check, slipping the payment inside before regarding her silently. She sounded so sure of herself that he just offered a grunt in response, eyes softening as his tentative grip in her loosened.

Breaking away from the Uchiha, Sakura stood and retrieved her bag. She took one last sip of her soda and, with a bounce in her step, grinned at Itachi as she walked to the door. Her good mood had obviously resurfaced.

"I thank you for treating me to lunch," Sakura said as they walked outside. The sidewalks had become much more crowded, she noticed. "It is much appreciated."

"You do not need to thank me," Itachi dismissed, beginning to walk toward the small parking area off to the side of the shops. People moved out of his way discreetly as he made his way gracefully down the street, Sakura in tow.

"Nevertheless, you have been nothing less than kind to me for the duration of our relationship," Sakura smiled as they reached Itachi's convertible. Both of her eyebrows shot up in surprise, and the he restrained a chuckle at her reaction.

"This is yours?" she asked, disbelieving. Her eyes ran over the sleek, spotless exterior and she forcibly kept her jaw in place.

"Hn," he nodded in affirmation, opening the driver's door smoothly and sliding inside.

Sakura's door clicked open automatically, and she hesitantly climbed inside. The interior was alit with the complex dashboard, and from judging from her view from the outside the windows blocked curious eyes while simultaneously inviting light inside. The seats were leather as well, she saw with widened eyes.

Without a word Itachi slid easily out of the parking spot and into the street, speeding down the pavement.

"Where do you wish to go?"

Sakura sat silently for a few moments before asking, "Are you familiar with any indoor shopping centers in the area? I have been meaning to search around for one."

Slithering around the other cars without trouble, Itachi eased to a stop at a traffic light. "Sasori enjoys the center at the southern edge of town quite a bit," he replied blandly. "Though he does not admit to it."

Sakura laughed, understanding completely. Her father, as well as Naruto for that matter, would never admit to liking shopping in any form: it was unmanly, the claimed. "Kindness comes in a never-ending supply from you, it seems," she stated as the car began to move once again.

In response to his inquisitive gaze, Sakura explained, "Shopping with one such as myself for hours on end is quite the impressive feat. Are you one to accomplish it?"

Smirking at the challenge, the Uchiha drove with a single, coordinated hand and pressed the radio dial. Quiet Christmas music tinkled in the car, and he caught sight of Sakura's warming smile. "I believe that I will manage."

"And I have the utmost faith in you," Sakura said patronizingly. The young girl patted his shoulder with a friendly touch and began to dig through her bag for her wallet.

Pulling out a green, compact hand purse, she lifted out a small piece of paper from its pocket. Numbers were inked out in her girlish scrawl, and, pulling out her cell phone, she hastily began to punch them in.

"Excuse my rude behavior," Sakura apologized, fingers moving with refined accuracy. "Deidara and Kisame may be expecting a call from me later, and I do not wish to be unprepared."

Itachi's grip on the wheel tightened once and loosened, gaze staying determinedly on the road. "You know Kisame?" he asked, voice even. At least, he reasoned, Kisame would care for and protect Sakura devotedly whenever he was with her. After all, he would entrust Kisame with his life.

Sakura's digits ceased their movements, and she chewed on her lip. Lowering her hands she stared out the window and studied the complicated building architecture.

"He…Kisame saved my life," she said slowly, not acknowledging Itachi's subtly tensed form.

The car's speed meter spiked imperceptibly before evening out almost immediately, and Itachi inwardly frowned at his poor self control.

"Kisame saved you?" he asked, tone carefully blank.

"Yes. I was about to be hit by a taxi when he pulled me out of the way. He then accompanied me back to the hotel before we separated at the restaurant."

Sakura slanted a glance at Itachi to see his unreadable expression, and she resumed her silent critique of the town's structure. It was interesting and unique, but still tasteful: winding designs of different shapes and figures lined the borders of the walls. Columns and rows crossed at different intervals to form various patterns, but she could not fully grasp the artistic display while they were in motion.

"So long as you are safe," came a soft-spoken statement. Itachi rested his head on the back of the cushion, eyes calm and collected once again.

Sakura smiled at his quiet concern for her, fingers resuming their earlier task. Small beeps were emitted from the device, her gaze occasionally moving back to the Uchiha beside her. His dark, mysterious features captivated her, but it was his mind and being that intrigued her. She wondered what thoughts ran through his mind at times.

He was an enigma of sorts, and one that she was dying to solve.

A/N: I apologize for the painfully short length of the chapter, but please hear me out.

This snippet of Itachi and Sakura's lunch date is the last of my original documents for Train from its original inspiration stages.

I'm sorry for not posting this earlier, but I just recently stumbled upon it and got around to making the necessary (very miniscule) tweaks to make it presentable; as in, there are only around five words/word changes total to the whole document from its origin last year.

In accordance to the wishes of the majority of you all, my dear readers, as well as my own personal reluctance to part from this fic, I've decided to leave the story as is for now and continue writing it out from this point. I felt that you all deserve this last little bit of Train-goodness before I spin it off in a vaguely different direction from its original intent to find an appropriate end.

On another note, for anyone who's interested, the next chapter of Sister which had been previously…abandoned, for lack of a better term, the past few months is in the process of being completed at the moment. The ItaSakuSasu is coming along, as well as a little surprise visit from a certain best friend of Itachi.(; While the plot thickens, of course.

Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you for all of the support that you've offered me. Your support is not in vain, I promise. :D

Mistress Krane