Well this is the last chapter… wow I can't believe this is over, I had a lot of fun writing this… my roommate probably thought I was going insane but oh well.
It was the part of Roy being in the nightmare that DragonGirl90, my roommate guessed up to, I am kind of happy that most of you didn't seem to see that coming since that was the plan the whole time, just the part after was in doubt, and I was a little worried that when I wrote it I may have dropped too many hints that would make that outcome something people would assume, I kind of like throwing things like that out for the readers.
On another note… this chapter was so hard to write! Argh! I mean it, I think because it has a different tone than the rest of the story and still had to make it fit in somehow and I have issues with the idea that anything ends… because endings are beginnings… never mind that rant can wait for another day. I wrote, erased, re wrote, and re erased at least three other ideas before I came up with this particular ending, I am pleased with it though so I think it was worth it. I hope at least a few of you agree.
Just FYI this takes place roughly seven years in the future from where it left off. Yes, major time skip so sue me… not really I'm a broke college student who can barely feed my anime addiction from the stuff I get for free online…
Enough of that though, as per usual I do not own FMA … yet ;) muahahahah!
They say that dreams are just for the young who don't know any better, and that happily ever is only in story books. They say that the knight rarely slays the dragon and saves the princess in real life, they say that true love cannot conquer all like the stories say happens all the time.
And maybe they are right that there aren't any stories where the hero swoops in and saves the day living with his prize forever in bliss.
"Daddy!" I grunted as the little brown haired ball of energy Edward and I had adopted a year ago, after I had become the leader of the country, and made my first act that of giving homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual ones, and promptly married Ed, jumped on me. "Daddy says you need to come down now!" the boy ginned showing his missing two front teeth. I ruffled his hair sitting up.
"Well then I guess I shouldn't keep him waiting" I laughed. Richard, our son had no problem with having two 'daddies' though it got confusing sometimes when he forgot to differentiate which one of us he was talking about. Richard smiled and giggled before he darted off down the stairs quickly. I followed at a slower pace walking into the living room only to find it dark and empty. "Rich? Ed?" I asked looking around.
"Surprise!" the lights flicked on and several people jumped out from behind the furniture including Rich who must have been grabbed by Alphonse since he leapt at me from Alphonse's grip.
"What?" I asked unsure of what was going on.
"Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday again" Ed sighed coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my neck from behind "really how do you expect to run the country like this?"
"Isn't that what you are for?" I asked grinning at him as I looked at him out of the corner of my eye as everyone else finished getting out of their hiding places.
"Here Uncle Roy! Happy birthday!" Sarah and Trisha, Alphonse and Winry's twin daughters, about seven years old now, said each holding out a colorfully wrapped box.
"Can we have cake now Daddy?" Richard asked tugging on Ed's pant leg.
Ed grinned into my neck "well that depends on the birthday boy doesn't it" he laughed and I felt like smacking him for diverting the child onto me.
Four sets of child eyes locked onto me. Sarah, Trisha, and Mike, Alphonse and Winry's three kids, and Richard of course, were all looking at me expectantly.
"Alright" I agreed and the kids darted off to the kitchen in anticipation followed by the others who wished me happy birthday as they passed.
"You have no idea how hard it was to keep them out of it until you woke up" Ed laughed as there were shouts that signaled the kids fighting over who got the bigger piece of cake. "After they all leave, I've asked Elicia to take care Rich for the night" Ed added grinning mischievously at me as he walked into the kitchen as well and I had to grin too knowing what that meant.
"Can't you chase them away right now?" I pouted through my grin.
"You are hardly deprived" Ed said, "and besides you forgot it again so a few more hours shouldn't be too bad"
"So that is the respect the leader of the country gets?"
"Yep, enough idiots fawn over you and do anything you say, you need someone to keep your ego in check" he said walking back when I didn't follow him "I'll make up for it tonight. Now come on the kids will eat all the cake if you don't hurry up" he said softly kissing me before he dragged me to the kitchen as well.
Later the now sugar high kids were playing one of their favorite games, tackle Edward. The four of them were all chasing Ed around the back yard until Black Hayate, who seemed to think the game looked fun tripped Edward up and the kids all jumped on his back claiming victory. Of course the rest of us let Ed fend for himself, sugar high kids were vicious.
"Daddy?" Richard asked looking upside down at Ed sitting on his shoulders and leaning over when Ed quit moving under the four kids and closed his eyes. The other kids seemed to notice that Ed wasn't moving anymore because they got off and looked at him poking him in the shoulder. I could see Ed holding in a grin so I wasn't worried but the kids didn't seem to know what to make of it. Rich got off last and turned his back on Ed to look at me rather concerned looking. "Daddy what's wrong with Daddy?"
Before I could answer Ed roared and tackled Rich and started tickling the boy's ribs while Rich started laughing hysterically and wiggling to get free. The other kids blinked in surprise before Ed looked up grinning after Rich was completely breathless and, though no longer being tickled, still laughing a bit. The other kids gulped and started running as Ed chased them around all of them laughing and the dog even more excited started helping Ed capture the kids.
It was such a perfect scene, and I watched them go on until Ed was worn out and left the dog to entertain the kids who still had energy to spare. Ed sat down next to me on the bench and grinned at me breathing heavily from the games he'd been playing. "Are you having fun Roy?" he asked leaning against my shoulder.
"Hmm?" I looked at him smiling "not as much as you seemed to be"
"Aw, I'm sure they would play with you too, kids don't care who runs the country."
"I'd rather play with you"
"Is that all you ever think of?" He pouted.
"I just hope you didn't use all your energy on them" I grinned kissing him.
"Aw are you jealous, how cute" he grinned "don't worry Roy, not even Rich could take me from you"
I smiled petting his head he half closed his eyes letting out a content hum. "Good to know" I said watching the kids play. Everything was good; I had Ed leaning against me, friends around me, a son laughing his head off with his cousins in front of me.
Because when I was a kid I had it all planned out, what I would do with my life was as clear to me as if it were set in stone. And nothing could keep it from going to plan.
I would marry the world's most beautiful blond, and we would have the happiest of ever afters. My ending was as good as scripted, mapped in the stars.
But no story book, no child's day dream, nothing anyone could ever make up could compare to the happiest of ever afters I have found with my love, surrounded by my friends and family, in a life that once seemed forever denied me. That is my stunning reality.
Yay! Thank you all for reading this story, I loved getting the reviews, I would love more if you can give them…
Oh and my poor virgin mind whimpered when I wrote that part about Ed's birthday present to Roy… oh I am so painfully virgin I think that may be as far as I will be able to go… if I write them in bed together it will always stay with the pants on because my poor virgin mind… though I read things like that sometimes… will not let me write it.
Anyway thank you all, and I hope you will read stories I may post in the future! Goodbye for now everyone! And please review :)