Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

A/N: This fic is about Sirius Black coming back to life after DH. Isn't cannon but it's also not cannon if you know what I mean.

Please Review!

On June 17th it was an average day at the new ministry. Everyone hustling and bustling. The Prophet going off with some other crazy rumor. The usual for two ministry security guards, Ernie Dennis and Mickey Bruno. They were checking over every department to make sure there were no intruders in the Ministry before going to their usual night post stations.

"Come on Ernie!" said Mickey yelling behind him to where Ernie lingered. "All we've got left to check is the Department of Mysteries then we're done mate!"

"Alright, alright" said grumbled Ernie as he walked through the huge bronze doors that led to the Department of Mysteries. "But, this place gives me the creeps" he said as he looked around.

"Ah! Don't be such a wuss" said Mickey with a chuckle, looking up at the walls of glass spheres "There's nothing to be scared of here! I mean yea, it's all a mystery but, really, it's not like there's anything to be scared of"

"If you say so, but as soon as we're done here, I'm ordering my doughnuts" he said walking forward. "These kinda situations make me all hungry" he said, rubbing his large, round stomach.

"Honestly Ern' there's nothing to be scared o-" said Mickey before tumbling down and barely levitating over the ground before he reached it.

"AH! Mickey?" yelled Ernie in a panicky voice. "Are you there mate?!" he asked peeking over the ledge where Mickey had fallen just moments ago.

"I'm here mate. It's fine down here." said Mickey calling up to Ernie. "Looks like it's part of the department so we've gotta check it anyways"

"Uhhh … you sure I have to come down here?" said Ernie, trying not to sound as scared as he actually was.

"Yes I'm sure you nitwit!" said Mickey angrily at Ernie's lack of help. "Now get your arse down here!"

'I'm comin. I'm comin ..." said Ernie as his feet neared the ledge. "Well, uhh, mom just remember that I love you and Susie from seventh grade, yeah I love you too"

"Oh god! Get your bloody arse down here!!" said Mickey yelling up at him.

"okk" said Ernie before jumping off the ledge and being briefly levitated before falling on the ground.

"bout time you got down here" said Mickey with a laugh, giving him a hand to help him up.

"Thanks .. now let's just look this place over so we can get out of here … it's giving me a bad feeling."

"Oh honestly, why do you always think it's creepy?" "It's fun if you ask me!" said Mickey walking towards a an open area"

"Hey Mickey?" called Ernie sounding nervous. Mickey turned around to find him near a large black veil. He had to admit it, the veil was kind of creepy but, he never would, he was the brave one of the two of them ever since Hogwarts.

" Yea Ern?" said Mickey walking over to wear Ernie was standing, he seemed to be holding up a black cloth. 'weird' thought Mickey but, as he got closer he realized it wasn't a cloth, no, it wasn't a cloth at all it was a man. He knew who the man was. Who didn't know who that man was? He had had a rough life, for sure, but he was dead. Everyone knew he was dead! Yet …

"I'm Sirius Black" coughed the man with burnt, torn clothes and a long beard.

A/N: So that's Return Through the Veil! Hope you enjoyed it. I never though Sirius was really dead and waited and waited for him to come back to life. Perhaps its just me, but for those character's who haven't been hit with avada kedavra, I always believe there's still a chance. I hope to turn this into a multi-chapter fic but it depends on the response I get to the first chapter because (not to sound whiny) but I don't want to put time into a long story if not many people read/review it regularly. But thanks for reading!

Please please pretty please with a cherry on top REVIEW!