Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note

AN: Yay, so by now everyone knows that a new chapter means new content, as well as the fic was edited. Though this one needed the least work so you don't really need to reread it, I just fixed a few small issues and grammar mistakes.

Now I also have to say something before (and I probably should have put it on the other two updates for WSF and NAA) you read on.

I didn't write the new content to boost my stats or get more reviews (as was suggested to me, and that kinda irritated the fuck out of me, actually). I got what I got for reviews on these stories and I'm happy with it. Besides, Choices completely blows all of these out of the water in reviews. So I don't truly care if I get more on WSF, NAA or JNRR.

I did it (as I did state in the other ones) so that I wasn't just putting up an AN to tell you guys it was edited just to take it down. I wrote the extra content because many of you expressed wishes to know more about what happened between the fic (though I only showed you a small clip for each).

So I don't expect you to review, in fact don't. I'll just be happy if you read the new update. (feel free to review though if you haven't reviewed the fics at all though)

So that's all really. I hope you enjoy this. See you in the sequel. :)


"I'm coming with you." Mello said before he had even processed the thought in his head. Matt stared at him in surprise and he wished he could take those words back. But taking them back was too much like slinking away in defeat.

Despite the horrifying urge to do exactly that.

He grit his teeth in annoyance at himself. He couldn't believe he had just told Matt he wanted to... leave the flat. To go shopping no less.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked while he lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall. His expression was closed off, as it had been of late. He had done that to him. Mello clenched his fist. "I'm sure." he bit out. He wouldn't take the out Matt had given him.

He stalked into the bedroom and closed the door, if he didn't Matt was more than likely to wander in there. Matt would wait for him, no matter how long he took. He shoved back the feeling of humiliation that threatened to flood his mind as he struggled with the once familiar leather.

He forced himself to calm down and he eventually got it over his hips and laced up. He found it utterly depressing that it was an accomplishment for him. He grabbed his large sunglasses and jacket and met Matt back in the kitchen, by the front door.

Matt had his goggles still over his eyes and had put on his cream colored deer skin vest. He was already ready but he still waited for Mello to tug his boots on. Mello hated the eyes that watched him from behind those damn plastic lenses.

The eyes that simply watched him. He couldn't tell if it was out of pity or not, and that was what he hated.

What he hated even more was the absolute, and striking, feeling of paranoia that struck him as Matt opened the front door and walked down the hallway. Stay or follow.


or follow....

Despite everything in his being screaming at him to stay, he left the flat and shut the door. He hadn't stepped foot outside in.... he actually couldn't remember a time in almost two years. He hated just what it had done to his mind.

Everyone knew his face.... he pulled his hood over his head and hunched as he walked brusquely to catch up with Matt; who was still well within eyesight. He had to have known that should he follow he would need directions to where they were going.

Matt was the one who did the shopping, and sometimes cooked. That or they did takeout. Though Matt generally went out to get it from the actual place. Mello never knew why, though it could be that he got edgy anytime someone was near their flat, even just to bring food.

His eyes darted around the unfamiliar setting and took in the sights. Never once since moving there had he seen the city. It was pathetic.

Yet Matt never said anything about it to him. Never tried to force him out of the shell he had retreated into, no matter how much it grated on him, how much it hurt him...

They walked for a bit more before Matt slowed down and took a right into a small grocery store. The shopkeeper waved to Matt who smiled back as they wandered off into the aisles. And Mello tried to ignore the curious stares he was receiving for his odd dress state, though it was difficult.

But he refused to leave the flat in a t-shirt and sweats. His mind might have been a tad bit skewed as of late, but he still had some pride.

Not much, but enough.

It had to be.

-End Special-

AN: So there we go. Just a little clip, it will make more sense once you read the prologue to The Silent Place, which SHOULD be out Friday evening (I sleep all day Friday as I don't get out of work until 7am, but don't actually get to sleep until 8am. Urg)