AUTHORS NOTE: Hey all. So I know its been a while since I've updated. . like a long while. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses, but I know you'd all rather know what's going on with this story. So. I have good news and bad news.

THE BAD NEWS: I started this story when I first started highschool. When I started it, I had no idea what the plot was going to be like. At all. I just knew I wanted to do a second generation fanfic. I'm about to graduate. My writing style has changed drastically since I started writing this story. And if I tried to write more of it now... well, it wouldn't make any sense. And in reality, when I go back and read this story, there are parts that don't add up and there's plot holes everywhere and unfortunately, the way the story is written at this second, I have no idea how to even begin to fix them. I also kinda want to go in a different direction with it.

THE GOOD NEWS: This DOES NOT MEAN THAT I'M DISCONTINUEING THIS STORY. Quite the opposite actually. Although, you may have to wait to see what happens between Taro, Tachi, and Hiro. So remember at the beginning of this story when I said I was thinking about doing a prequel? No? Well, I started a prequel. And it's not going to be the regular canon story line. As I said, it's going to lead Time Lines – which I'm going to rename because at the time, I couldn't think of a better name for it – in a completely DIFFERENT direction... sorta. I'm not going to tell you how exactly because that would ruin the prequel, wouldn't it? ;)

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The main plot line won't deter too much from the way it is now. Sasuke will still hate Hiro and Itachi will still think his brother is a dumb ass. Lol. Anyway. A few of the characters or character names may change because I'm not very satisfied with them at this point, but there won't be very many MAJOR changes. Just minor details. And the rating will most likely change from T to M...

SO WHAT HAPPENS NOW?: Now, I'm currently writing the prequel entitled: "Runaway Love". While I'm writing the prequel I'll keep "Time Lines" up until I get the NEW "Time Lines" up – I don't know what I'm titling it yet. And of course this won't happen until "Runaway Love" is completed.

As always I hope you guys go check out the prequel, "Runaway Love" and leave a review. If you guys decide to drop this story entirely and never read it again, I'll understand completely. But I gotta stay hopeful, right? Anyway, thanks for the support, guys. :)
