When It Happens
Part One: She is Ice (Dan)
Summary: Her blood is cold, and he feels it; he's a dreamer, and he believes that one day, she'll melt.
Disclaimer: I don't own Gossip Girl.
AN: I just decided to write this. I'm slowly losing interest in CB and I'm pushing towards AU ships – they're more fun to write at the moment. I'm not giving up on CB – I'll still be continuing my current fics about them. But AU moments - they're fun to create.
Fill these spaces up with days.
In my room, you can go; you can stay.
"Sleep" – Azure Ray
It happened to me.
She's like ice, pristine and gorgeous. Her eyes are dark, murky, and not the least bit transparent.
When she smiles, her eyes light up. Malicious intents are usually hidden in those smiles, but there is a genuine one every once in a while.
The first time her fingers trail up and down your arm, you shiver; she's cold-blooded and that makes her all the more appealing. Her lips are dark red, like they always are, and she whispers.
Don't tell, okay?
And you don't. She's prone to melting.
Our little secret?
A little secret. A flaw.
She stays frozen. Her touch stings; your warm blood is intense and every once in a while, she'll gasp.
The feelings are different. And she smiles. A genuine one.
This is unexpected.
It is. But it's right.
It's right in the moment.
Maybe later you'll have better judgment.
You try to tell her that she's beautiful, perfect. She puts her finger up to your lips and her mouth is set in a thin line.
Don't talk, okay?
And you don't. It hurts her.
It's the one thing that she allows you to do.
And you do it. She needs you.
She runs her fingers through your hair for just a moment, then pulls away and retreats into her shell again.
You don't ask why she's pulling away because you already know.
It's because of him.
I'm sorry.
She means it. You push her hair away from her face and her eyes darken.
I can't sleep.
And suddenly, you can see the dark circles surrounding her eyes, the smudged eyeliner.
You can see the human in her.
You won't leave until she closes her eyes. They flutter for hours, weakening until she allows you to see her at her most vulnerable.
Thank you.
And when she does finally fall into a slumber, you get ready to make your heroic exit.
She's not going to melt overnight.
You know that's never going to happen. You're not the right guy.
She never promised she was the right girl.