Outside, Gwen turned to Verdona. "Thanks for all your help, Grandma."

"I'm there anytime you need me, dear." She told her.

"You did a really great job, Gwen." Ben said. "You took them out like it was nothing."

"You were really amazing." Julie added.

"Thanks, guys." Gwen said. Then she noticed someone was missing. Kevin was standing a few feet away from them.

"Nice going, Gwen." He said. "I knew you could do it." And then he walked off.

The others were still talking. Gwen just watched as he left. She turned to thank Verdona again, but she was gone. "Verdona?" She asked.

"I think she left." Ben said.

"Yeah, a lot of that's going around." She said quietly to herself.

"Still, you should be happy. You finally managed to keep your powers under control." He continued. "Where'd you get that pendant from, anyway?"

Gwen blushed. "From a friend." She said. "Anyway, I'll see you." She headed for home.

"I'm glad you're okay, Ben." Julie told him. "You took a really bad hit."

"Yeah, twice." He pointed out.

"Well, we better get going." Julie said. "We're still on for tonight, right?"

"You bet." They walked off, their hands held together.

Gwen was upstairs in her room. She wrote an e-mail to her brother. As soon as she was done, her cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey, Gwen." It was Kevin.

"Hi, Kevin." Gwen said. "What's up?"

"Sorry about walking out on you. That was lame."

"I understand, I'd have done the same if it were reversed." Gwen told him.

"Still, I was wondering if there was some place we could ..." The two talked for a while.

"I'll just meet you there." Gwen hung up, sent her e-mail, and then headed back out.

In a big, grassy field, she paused. Standing in the middle of the field, was Kevin. She rushed over. "Hey, Kevin." She said, hugging him.

"Nice to see you again, Gwen." He told her. She pulled away after a few seconds. The sun had disappeared into the sky and the stars had come out.

As the two looked up at the sky, Gwen looked down for a second and noticed her pendant was glowing again. She looked over at Kevin, then back at the pendant. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, nothing." Gwen said. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me. You were the only person there who was really listening."

"It was nothing, really." Kevin said. "I just didn't want you to forget everything."

"Like I could ever forget you." She teased.

"Hey, I was really worried about you that time." He told her.

"You were?" She asked. She realized something. Her pendant always glowed when she was around Kevin.

"I'm just glad that you made it through this okay." Kevin said.

"All of you did help, though." Gwen said. "You were right about one thing though, it's okay to be scared."

"Yeah, about that, I was a little scared myself." Kevin explained. "I was scared that you weren't going to make it, but…"

"I did, thanks to everyone's help. Especially yours." Gwen told him. "You're the reason I never gave up on this. You always knew the right thing to say."

"Hey, anytime, Gwen. You're amazing."

"I love you, Kevin." She said.

"I love you, too, Gwen." He told her. The two were looking at each other. Gwen leaned in and kissed him. They broke apart as a strong wind blew by and ended up running to the other end.

"Okay, that was weird." Kevin said.

"As if that's anything new in our lives." Gwen pointed out. They started laughing. A few seconds later, they were kissing again. As the two looked back up at the sky, Gwen knew that things were going to be okay again.