Ok yay! This is my second story im posting up so I hope to everyone that reads this will review plz!!! This is only the prologue tho

Disclaimer: me no own Inuyasha or any of the other characters I only own the plot…


The Elite

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Most people think that if you're rich you live an awesome care-free life. That there are no secrets only beautiful people with perfect little lives. The Elite right? Wrong. Despite what news the news, paparazzi, and reality shows have you believe The Elite are the opposite of everything they say. How do I know this you ask? I'm part of the Elite of course. I'm sixteen year old Kagome Higurashi. The heir of the famous Higurashi International Corporation. Yea, most people believe that my family is perfect. At least that's what my father leads on. Our supposed Elite is flawless and perfect in every way. That's what the elders of the Elite tell everybody. But we the "Heirs" children of the Elite know better. In this perfect, flawless world there are lies, betrayal, and even death. This is the story of the International Elite. Welcome to my world…