Jack threw his coat over the couch as he got back in from dropping the boys off at Rhiannon's. He planned to spend time with Ianto tonight and that meant the boys had to be babysat. Jack had originally asked Gwen and Rhys but they had romantic plans for the evening and couldn't take the boys so naturally the next person to ask was Griffin and Tucker's actual aunt.
"Jack, we do have a place to hang your coat you know" Ianto commented as he glanced up from what he was doing, before noticing that Jack was alone. "Where are the boys? I thought we were doing something tonight" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You're right, we are. I just dropped them at Rhi's for the night. I got them settled and she said that she would take very good care of them and make sure they stay on their routine. Now stop worrying about them" Jack told him softly, completely ignoring the coat comment and sitting down next to his lover.
"Yes but…" Ianto started to protest, stopping in mid sentence as Jack's lips pressed against his gently. Kissing back gently, Ianto smiled against Jack's lips before deepening the kiss a little bit more.
Jack responded, moving closer to Ianto. It had been quite a long time since they had been like this. Ever since the boys had been born, they hadn't had time for each other. Jack knew that Ianto was wearing himself out through work at the hub and looking after their children.
"Jack…maybe we shouldn't" Ianto murmured, pulling back slowly but Jack wouldn't let him pull back all the way, his hand at Ianto's lower back to keep him close.
"Why not?" Jack asked, with a small pout.
"Because…because I think we need to have protection now" Ianto finished lamely, blushing lightly.
"Protection? Ohhh. No Ianto, this isn't about me tonight. It's all about you. You've been neglected. I've been busy with keeping Torchwood going and of course, keeping an eye on our young. I haven't really had time to spend time with you" Jack replied.
"Well to be fair, I haven't had time either. To the point where Gwen and Toshiko are keeping an eye on the boys whilst I'm down in the archives and you're catching up on paperwork. I don't know, maybe we should look into getting a babysitter into Torchwood. I know that we'll have to retcon them after but maybe it's the only way that we won't both have breakdowns" Ianto suggested.
"Ianto…can't we discuss this in the morning? I didn't give the boys to Rhiannon to look after so we can talk" Jack sighed, leaning in and kissing at Ianto's neck playfully.
Ianto let his eyes flutter close at Jack's attack of affection, moving his head slightly so Jack would have more access to his neck. He had missed this, he just hadn't realised how much.
"That's better" Jack whispered, nuzzling Ianto's neck before working himself lower. For the rest of the night, Jack made sure that everything was for and about Ianto Jones.
The next morning, Jack woke up slowly smiling to himself as he felt his lover's head resting against his chest. Gently playing with Ianto's hair so not to wake him, he glanced at the bedside clock to check the time.
8am. Perfect. It wouldn't be long until he had a phone call from Rhiannon giving an update on the boys and what time they would need picking up. He knew that Rhi would feed them breakfast and keep them occupied until he got around to picking them up later. He just hoped that he wasn't being too much of a nuisance to her.
"She's fine with looking after the boys. Never gonna become a nuisance" Ianto mumbled into his chest.
Jack looked confused for a few seconds until he realised that he had spoken out loud. "I was supposed to be thinking that…unless I was and you've become telepathic" Jack smirked, raising an eyebrow as he stroked the younger man's hair.
"No, haven't developed that skill yet. Rhi isn't an idiot. She'll know that we'll need a few more hours together. She'll just take the boys out shopping or something…though I'm hoping it's not the latter as she'll just spoil them rotten with toys and sweets" Ianto chuckled.
"That's not so bad. They deserve a little treat now and then" Jack replied, moving his hand so Ianto could shift and get more comfortable.
"A little yes. But we both know that won't be on the cards with Rhiannon. She'll treat them big" Ianto pointed out with a roll of his eyes.
"I think the boys will be fine with being spoilt. It's not like we spoil them every single day or anything. Don't worry about it Ianto" Jack sighed, pulling Ianto close to him again.
Ianto let himself be pulled and he let himself settle in Jack's personal space. "So what are you planning to do before we have the kids back? I suppose you do have something planned otherwise Griffin and Tucker would be here" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Actually I didn't have anything planned…it doesn't mean that I can't think of something. What did I tell you Ianto? Everything is about you last night and this morning. The boys can have their time this afternoon" Jack smiled.
"What? We're not working this afternoon?" Ianto asked, raising an eyebrow. He couldn't help but imagine what the state of the fake tourist information reception was looking like and if all the archive filing was piling up and completely out of order.
"We're working tonight. I'll see if Rhys wants to babysit them tonight. Starting to think he's a little put out that we chose Rhiannon to look after her nephews instead of asking him, even if he isn't family by blood" Jack replied.
"He just loves looking after the boys that's all. He completely understands that Rhi would want to spend time with her nephews. Ever since her kids grew up, she's been at a loss" Ianto chuckled.
"Very true" Jack agreed with a grin.
"Only problem with that Jack. The boys are going to feel neglected. I don't want to end up being one of those parents who become so involved with their work that they cart their children to the nearest person who will look after them" Ianto sighed.
"Oh come on Ianto. It's not like we always do it. It's an one-off. I'm sure they would love to spend time with Uncle Rhys since he spoils them rotten" Jack tried. Realising that he wasn't getting anywhere fast with the younger man, he shook his head "And I promise we'll make it up to the boys and spend time with them over the next weekend. Just need to check to see if it's ok with the rest of the team first".
"Thanks Jack" Ianto smiled, "I'm sure it's alright though" Ianto added at Jack's expression.
"I better phone Rhi…oomph!" Jack started, gently letting Ianto go before being pulled back into his husband's arms. "Ianto!" he scolded gently.
"Oh no, you're staying right here! I can phone Rhi now" Ianto smiled, reaching for his phone on the side of the bedside table.
Rhiannon was just about to get the boys up to get them washed, dressed and give them their breakfast when the phone rang. She didn't even to guess that it was her younger brother phoning to ask if she could have the boys for a few more hours. Of course she didn't mind, she hardly spent any time with her nephews lately and she knew that her brother and his husband needed time to themselves.
"Ianto?" she asked as she answered the phone.
"How did you know that it was me?" Ianto asked, sounding surprised.
"Oh come on Ianto. Its half eight in the morning who else is it going to be? Johnny already left for work after a good kick up the ass and well my children don't tend to phone me unless they need something. I'm assuming you want me to have the boys for a few more extra hours? That knackered eh?" Rhiannon teased gently.
"Well yes..if you don't mind. How've they been?" Ianto asked, his voice concerned.
"They've been brilliant. Just about to get them up. I know you don't want them until later but you do have them on a routine, which I'm sticking them to. I'll get them up, bathed, dressed and fed then I'll take them out for a little bit. I won't spoil them, I promise" she smiled.
"Oh you can spoil them a little. Just not a lot. Thanks Rhi, are you absolutely sure?" Ianto asked, sounding a little distracted and Rhi had a feeling that she knew why.
"I'm sure! I'll look after them. Now go be with Jack, I know that he's trying to get your attention by the tone of your voice. You two have fun and I'll bring the boys back around 3pm" she told him.
"Can you bring them about 1pm Rhi? It's just we actually want to spend time with them before we head into work later" Ianto asked a little sheepishly.
"Oh do you need me to babysit tonight then?" Rhi asked sounding a little too hopeful which made Ianto close his eyes briefly before opening them again.
"Actually we were going to ask Rhys to look after them tonight. I think he's feeling a little left out and well I thought you would like some time with Johnny and your kids" Ianto replied, sounding a little more than awkward.
"Oh Ianto. Don't sound like that. Of course it's fine. It's not like I'm going to go into a giant tantrum because I can't have the boys all the while. Just know that I'm always here if Rhys can't look after them one time or a big disaster is happening in Cardiff. I'll gladly take them off your hands for a few hours" she reassured him.
After a few more reassurances, they both said their goodbyes and Rhiannon started upstairs to get the boys up.
"Alright you two! Up you get! We have a lovely morning planned before you have to go home early afternoon and I don't want laziness this morning. You've both had a long sleep so no whining or excuses" she smiled, checking in on Griffin first then Tucker who both looked all snuggly in their warm beds.
"But Auntie Rhi, tired!" Griffin pouted but started to move out of his bed covers. Tucker appeared just behind Rhiannon from the other bedroom and clung to her legs, looking up at her with big wide eyes.
"Now stop that young man. You're getting up and doing what you're told. I'm assuming you do want to see your daddy and da later on?" Rhiannon asked looking at her nephews in turn.
"Yep! Daddy and Da! Miss them!" Tucker sniffled, looking at Griffin who nodded a tiny bit solemnly.
"Oh come on you two. They haven't left the country, they're just down the road and you're going home in a few hours. Right, Tucker is the first for the bath then you Griffin. Whilst I'm bathing Tucker, I want you to tidy up in here" Rhiannon told him. "You're old enough to do it yourself now" she added at his look of horror.
"But Da usually does it for us…" Griffin started before cowering down at Rhiannon's firm look suddenly remembering that his aunt knew his da extremely well.
"Don't lie to me young man. He's already informed me what you do and don't do in the house and even if he didn't, I know your Da's habits perfectly, now get on with it" she told him firmly but not unkindly as she took Tucker's hand and starting to lead him to the bathroom.
Griffin continued to sulk for a few more seconds before realising that he wasn't going to win this one and started to clear things away. It was rare that he ended up at his Aunt's but he loved her all the same. He just missed his Uncle Rhys. He had looked after him since he was tiny and it was strange not to be babysat by him.
He sighed as he thought of his parents. He still wasn't used at being away from them, especially his Da. He had gotten used to Jack going out on missions and Ianto staying behind to look after him and Tucker. With another soft sigh, he continued with tidying up, glancing at the clock every one and a while to when it would be time to go home.