I hope you all like this chapter and also this sequel to 'No Longer in the Present'. It took awhile to do.
Chapter 1
Tea sat in the library looking over all the books. The library was truly a beauty it had a lot of books and scrolls. It had red soft chairs and some tables. It had been three months since her wedding with the pharaoh. She wore a long white shining gown and golden necklace with an eye on it also a crown with an eye on it. The library was empty for the day. Well it was actually close, but since Tea was the queen of Egypt she could come in whenever she like. I always thought there were scrolls back in this time, but never books. Man I wish I could tell Yugi and the oth- She felt a small kick in her stomach. Tea touches her stomach and there was another kick. Wow this child is strong just like his dad. Thought Tea. She sat back in a chair and closes her eyes. I'm glad Atem gave me memories back, but I really want to go home. Thought Tea. Tears started coming down her checks. I don't belong here to this time. I really want to go home. Thought Tea. She gets up from her seat and was about to walk out of the library when she spotted a big book that seem to glow as she walk past the book read. Tea grabs the book in her hands and walks back to where she was seating. She looks at the front of the cover and gasp. Odd I never saw a book with no title…or author. Thought Tea. She turns the book over and over again looking for the title or author, but no luck.
Throne Room
Atem sat on his throne listening to the reports of his city. He looks at his priests and smiles hearing that the city was safe and all threats were cancel thanks to having Tea's memories and thoughts inside of him. I just got word from Isis that I'm going to have twins. I'm so glad her Millennium Necklace can show her the future. Thought Atem. I can't wait to hold them in my arms. Thought Atem. Atem looks over at Mana and frowns when he sees a huge smile on her face. I'm starting to wonder if it was a mistake telling her about the twins. Thought Atem. I had to tell Mana not to tell Tea about her having twins, but she could never keep a secret even if her life depended on it. Mana is the only one besides Isis who knows ths. Thought Atem. He turns his attention back to his reporters.
Tea looks for the names inside the book and no luck. This is crazy I've been looking for a name for what twenty minutes and no luck. Why would I want to look through this book anyway it's not like it would help me out. Thought Tea. She closes the book and was about to leave it on the table. She gets up and starts to walk away from the book until she hears a loud thud and jumps from the sound. She turns around and sees the book opens and the pages turning. Odd there is no wind in the library. So how can the pages be turning? Thought Tea. She took a step forward to the book and the book stop on the page as soon as Tea was close to it. What is this? Hey nothing is on this page. Thought Tea. Huh! What's this? Thought Tea.
"Wow!" Said Tea to herself. That's odd the word just appear on the page. Thought Tea. She continues to look down at the page and gasp as more words started to appear.
If wishing to return home you must think of the a special place to you.
Also gather these items and do it by a full moon.
This spell will work once in a while.
There is a chance of never returning so think before you go through with this.
You might regret it if you don't.
Hey this looks like a spell. Thought Tea. Is this the spell that will return me to my original time? Thought Tea. It just has to be. I don't belong here. Thought Tea. She looks down at the page and sees the things she needs. This may be the only way I can return home. Thought Tea. I wonder what I'll need. Thought Tea. More words appear as she started to read.
You must take seven special golden items.
Do not forget a small piece of silver.
For this to work you must be outside during a full moon with the items in a circle and think of a special place in order for this to work.
Tea looks up from the book as if she just awoken from a dream. This must be a spell to take me back to my original time. Thought Tea. She closes the book and picks up the book. And if I'm right there should be a full moon tonight. So tonight will be a perfect time to leave but where am I going to find seven golden- I know where. Thought Tea. She walks out of the library with the book in her arms.
Tea walks outside the palace. She had a sack on her back. Please forgive me for this Atem. Thought Tea. She stood outside the on the balcony for fear that the items might in up in the wrong hands. Tea took out the item one by one. I hope they aren't mad that I took the Millennium Items and Atem. He will not like it that I back down from our deal at all. Thought Tea. She put the items around her.
Tea had asked the chief to take the day off. She had cooked the meal by making her special soup. She use different type of spices for flavor and pour some liquid into the soup. She took the tray and proud have been a waitress balance two trays of food in both hands. She enters the room where her husband, Millennium Items Owners, Mana, and Simon talk about making peace with another kingdom. "I think that we need to show this kingdom that all we want is nothing more than peace. Also that we are a peaceful kingdom." Said Shadi. "Yes, but this kingdom has seen us use monsters in this land." Said Simon. "But that was only to protect our kingdom from harm." Said Seth. "Yes, but they don't know that." Said Simon. Everyone nods there head in agreement. Mana looks up and gasp. "Tea!" Shouted Mana. Everyone looks up and gasp. Simon jumps up and grabs the trays. "Tea you shouldn't carry the trays like that especially since your pregnant." Said Simon. Tea smiles at the advisor. "I'm fine." Said Tea. "He's right you have the future ruler for this kingdom and you shouldn't over work yourself." Said Seth. "I'm only two months and I'm fine." Said Tea. Tea exits the room leaving the meal with them.
End of Flashback
"They should wake up in the morning." Said Tea to herself. I'll be able to return to where I belong. But why do I feel so terrible about doing this. Thought Tea. She took out the book and removes her necklace from under her white gown. Atem I'm really sorry. Thought Tea. I just hope that you all don't remember me at all maybe you won't. Thought Tea. She looks up and sees the moon and thinks of a special place to her and vanishes leaving the book and golden items on the ground.
Atem, his priests, Simon, and Mana wake up from their slumber. "Hey what happen? Why were we asleep?" Asked Mahad. "I don't know as soon as I ate that a couple of spoons of that soup it was lights out for me." Said Mana. "Um…has anyone notice that our Millennium Items are missing." Said Seth. Everyone looks around the table and gasp. They look around the table. Atem looks around and sees a crown and necklace with an eye on it. Tea. Thought Atem. He got up and ran to his chamber leaving his confuse priests, advisor, and Mana behind.
Tea opens her eyes to find herself in the arcade. Hey I'm back and- Tea felt a kick in her stomach. I almost forgot about having a baby. Thought Tea. She touches her stomach. Tea taps on a boy's shoulder he had blonde dirty hair. "Excuse me what day is it and also year?" Asked Tea. "Whatsa matter with ya. Ya lost or something. Everyone knows it is- The boy turns around to reveal Joey. "Tea!" Shouted Joey. "Joey!" Shouted Tea. Joey and Tea both hug each other. "Tea everyone thought you were dead." Said Joey. He release Tea from his hug. "What happen to ya?" Asked Joey. "It's a long story" Said Tea. "Well I'll call Yugi and Tristan." Said Joey. Joey and Tea walk out of the arcade.
I hope you like this chapter. I'll update chapter 2 soon. And I'm still going to work on my other stories. Please review it means a lot.