I need a BETA!

A/N 1: This is story is the fault of the the authors, Natassja, Twinkylady, and Leonaria Dragonbane, all of whom have written sexy-ass Storm/Sabretooth stories. If I left out authors, I apologize; I'm new to this pairing. I am also 1) irrationally obsessed at the moment and 2) completely inexperienced writing smut or angst. So we'll see how this goes.

A/N 2: Logan and Ororo are just good friends in this story. There may be an inkling of possible feelings, but for the time being, he's still infatuated with Jean.

A/N 3: Although this is set in the X-Men 1 movieverse, I drew upon the 1990's animated series a bit, as well as the comic. Canon be damned.



She didn't disagree with Xavier's decision, not exactly. Theoretically, she believed in reform, in trying to understand those who were against them. Xavier had even imbued her with distaste for the word "enemy." There were very few true enemies, just allies who had yet to be convinced. Right?

But having Sabretooth and Mystique in a makeshift jail in their basement while Xavier attempted to create a dialogue with them made Ororo nervous. Sabretooth was a sociopathic killer, and Mystique was a master manipulator. And both were now residing, albeit temporarily, in the school where she, her friends, and her students lived. Being a teacher and an X-man was stressful enough without having people who wanted to kill you living in your house.

And Sabretooth had definitely wanted to kill her. She still bore minute scars on the left side of her neck from where his claws had dug slightly into her flesh during an attack. This evening she would have to take her turn standing watch over their captives, and she did not relish being in such close proximity with him, or with Mystique for that matter. Though no telepath, Mystique seemed to have an uncanny ability to choose forms that were emotionally powerful and seductive.

I'm too tired for this tonight. Reluctantly, she had brought her hike in the woods to a close. The grounds of the school were nice, but sometimes she needed to get away from manicured gardens and people of X-Mansion. She had spent the day tramping and floating through 1,000 acres of pristine wilderness just outside of North Salem. It was heavenly. But duty was duty, and she was now headed for the sky, and back to the mansion to relieve Logan, who had been in the basement watching over Sabretooth and Mystique all day. Poor fellow. If there was anyone could find hours of company with Sabretooth more unappealing than Ororo, it had to be Logan. I better hurry it up; he's probably close to gnawing his own leg off.