A Nightmare Before Christmas Story.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Nightmare Before Christmas or any of it's characters. All credit goes to Tim Burton and Danny Elfman.
Jack and Sally stood atop the spiral hill. Gazing into the sky as they held onto each other.
After everything that had happened, Jack nearly ending Christmas, Sally escaping the doctor, and the fight with Oogie Boogie, their heads were still reeling. Neither could hardly believe that all of this craziness could end in something so beautiful. Finding their true feelings for one another.
Of course we all know how Sally has felt about Jack, though she was too shy to admit it.
Jack, however, was so wrapped up in making Christmas that he had been oblivious to how she felt. Perhaps had he taken more time to really look at her, he would have seen the love and admiration her eyes conveyed. Jack felt stupid now. How could he have been so blind before?
Jack looked down at Sally. She was breathtaking here in the moonlight. Her long yarn hair and big heavily-lashed eyes were beautiful to him.
"Sally?", he asked. Sally shifted her gaze from the sky to Jack.
"I'm sorry".
Sally cocked her head. "For what?".
Jack sighed as he chewed on his words for a moment. He was new to this kind of confrontation.
"For…not seeing how you felt. I- I never realized…and all that miserable time you spent with the Doctor. I should have done something…I-", But Jack was cut off as Sally laid a small stitched finger against his mouth.
"Shh", she said, then reached up and kissed him once again.
Jack had never known how good it felt to have such adoration. And not the kind he got from the witches and other female monsters in Halloween Town. No, their intentions were not innocent, not the Sally's were. She loved him in a different way. He could feel it. He could feel the way she adored him for who he was. Not just because he was the Pumpkin king, but because he was himself. To her, he was Jack Skellington.
He grinned in his skeleton way. "You are truly amazing, Sally."
Sally felt a smile take over her face. From the moment of her creation, Dr. Finkelstein had treated her like an inferior being. Hardly a kind word. Never any freedom. She truly did feel like…a rag doll. But now, looking into Jacks face, she felt an overwhelming happiness creep into her. Her heart nearly skipped a beat. She was in love, and she knew now that nothing would tear them apart. Ever.
Suddenly a chilly wind whipped through the hollow. Messing Sally's hair and chilling her. She shivered.
Jack gave a concerned look.
"My dear Sally you must be freezing. Here". He removed his pinstriped Jacket and draped it around her shoulders, leaving him in pinstriped pants, a button up white shirt, and his bat tie.
Sally frowned.
"Dear Sally, I'm a skeleton, I don't get cold", he laughed. Sally smiled and nodded.
Giving a fleeting glance to the sky, he started to her usher sally down the hill.
"Come now, lets go home." Sally stopped walking.
"Home?", she asked. To her, the only images associated with the word home were the Doctor and the drafty old dungeon that used to be her bedroom. Jack smiled warmly, knowing what was going through her head.
"Sally, we are together now. My home will be your home."
Sally returned the smile and nodded. Then they continued on.
Walking through Halloween town, it seemed like every monster wanted to chat with Jack. Witches, Vampires and a small group of Werewolf children flocked around them. Jack nodded and smiled politely to the people who idolized him so much. Trying to hurry to get Sally home.
Eventually they made it to Jacks house.
"Thank you very much", he said to the townsfolk as he opened the gate. "You are all too kind. And yes we will discuss the events of next Halloween soon. But for now the Pumpkin King would like to get some rest". He pulled Sally inside and shut the gate. Leaving the excited crown behind.
"That was embarrassing", Jack murmured.
Sally squeezed his hand and smiled. "Nothing could embarrass you Jack."
Jack smiled back.
Once inside, Sally found herself observing everything in Jacks house. The only other house she had been in was the doctors, so this was all so new to her. Downstairs was a large sitting room with two large Victorian couches, adjacent tables, and moth eaten curtains. There was also a small kitchen attached to he sitting room with a large, ornate dinning table. Jack chuckled at Sally's expression. "I hope you like it. I know it's daft and lacks color but you can do whatever you want with it. Decorate, revamp. Whatever you please."
Sally smiled and turned to Jack. "It's perfect." She expected Jack to return the smile and take her to look around upstairs. But instead, he remained still as a very serious expression twisted Jacks face. "You are perfect."
Sally frowned. "Are you okay Jack?"
But he said nothing. Instead, he knelt down in front of her, and took her small stitched hand into his long bonny one.
"Sally, ever since I first met you, I knew you were different. Nothing like the other women in Halloween Town. You had a kindness about you. So innocent, but still so special. I was too busy being the Pumpkin King to notice it before, but now I do. I know how wonderful and beautiful you are. And I would be a fool to not make an official union between us. I want you Sally. I want keep you."
Sally felt her heart flutter.
Jack reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small silver ring. There was bat perched on it with jewel encrusted eyes. He slipped it onto the fourth finger of her left hand.
"Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Sally Skellington?"
Sally almost hyperventilated. She didn't even need to think about it. She knew what she was going to say.
"Yes!", she cried out.
Jack smiled widely and hugged her.
After their small celebration, Jack carried Sally up the long spiral staircase
"Jack, this isn't necessary, I can walk!"
Jack chuckled, high on cloud nine.
"Just practicing for the wedding darling!"
After Jack had carried Sally through his study, he sat her down at the bedroom door.
He took her hands and smiled.
"I love you Sally."
Sally returned the smile.
"I love you too Jack Skellington."
Then they kissed. A longer, and more passionate kiss than before.
Jack led Sally further into the room, throwing the door shut behind them.