As the cold wind lashed at Tamaki he thought of Aiko, who he had reluctantly agreed to leave at home for his outing. The temperatures in Tokyo were nose diving lower, reaching a low of 30 degrees F, completely unsuitable for an eight month old who wasn't anywhere near as big as she should be, Tamaki made a mental note to ask her doctor about that…

"Tamaki-sempai?" A voice came from behind him, making him jump. Tamaki whirled around; coming face to face with Haruhi, her coat zipped all the way up with her scarf rapped around her face. She was smiling ear to ear; she was so cute Tamaki could barely contain his affection for the single female member of their old club.

"Haruhi! How are you? Wait, before we speak, let's get you inside so you don't catch cold!" Tamaki ushered her into the café that she had chosen to meet him at, since it was convenient for both him and her. The interior was plane but expensive, a Starbucks for rich people.

"School and work are tough to juggle. Internships suck, but I'm thankful that I can at least bring coffee to actual lawyers. It means that I've moved up, I used to have to staple papers. My hands were, quite literally, bloody stumps," She laughed, shaking her head. Tamaki noticed that her hair was over her ears now; she could even put it into a tiny ponytail if she wanted to.

"I…um…heard about your wife. Is Ai-chan okay?" Haruhi looked up from the menu she had previously been reading to see Tamaki's face film over with grief. This Tamaki scared Haruhi slightly, he was different from the corner of woe Tamaki, he was actually feeling pain inside and out, and was still in mourning.

"Ai is a baby, I can't say how she feels, and she still says 'haha' all the time when she's crying. Kaniko used to comfort her while I was working…" His voice faded off to nearly nothing as he glanced to the side, tears threatening to spill over. "But, please, how is Ranka-san and Mei?"

"Dad has a boyfriend-" Tamaki exclaimed in congratulations "-and Mei-chan is actually fit to be married in about three months. She sent out the invitations about a week ago, so you should be getting one soon. Although, I feel slightly bad for her groom…" Haruhi giggled as a waiter came over to take their orders.

"Good evening. What can I get for the lovely couple at table 7?" He smiled at them as they blushed, not willing to meet the others eyes.

"Black tea, please, and a pasta salad," Haruhi handed her menu to the waiter as Tamaki did the same.

"I'll…uh…have a hot chocolate, please," He kicked himself silently. Hot chocolate, that's what little children would ask for, not adults! He really had to stop saying the first thing that came to mind.

"Yes, sir. Would you like anything to eat?" Tamaki shook his head no as the waiter bowed and tried to contain his laughter as he watched Tamaki's face slowly change to a rose red.

"I was speaking with Hunny the other day and he said that Mori is getting married, too. He proposed to Sakura-san last week," Haruhi was stirring her tea, not that there was anything in it. Tamaki guessed that she was crushing the tea leaves to make it more flavorful.

"Oh! Yes, her family has already chosen the date. Sometime around now next year. He's a very lucky man; Sakura-san is very loveable. He was telling me over the phone that he is very fortunate to have found her in time and to know that she is the one," Tamaki smiled, truly happy for his friend.

"Akihiko-kun is celebrating his first birthday soon, too. Midori sent me pictures. He looks so much like Kyouya! The cutest black hair and big brown eyes I've ever seen-oh! thank you," Haruhi nodded her head in recognition at the server, who had just placed down her meal. Tamaki watched her take four or five pastas at a time, suppressing a chuckle at half his memories of her, which were mostly about food.

"Tamaki-sempai…I've missed you. Please, let's get together again soon," Haruhi had set down her fork as Tamaki starred dumbfounded at her as she flushed a delicate pink. The rush of affection that came over him was so strong he felt like crying, and couldn't stop his hand from inching towards hers, caressing it.

"It's just Tamaki, Haruhi," he smiled serenely as she gave a tiny smile.

"Let's meet again soon…Tamaki."

A/N: Taaaa-daaaaaaaaaa? Was it okay? I think I made it a little too repetitive. Thank you for reviewing the first chapter! I'm going to be greedy now and ask for even more wonderful reviews from wonderful readers! My English sucks, so please, correct me on anything! An American needs to know how to write English!

And I just four out I actually have French readers, so the next chapter will have a translation cuz I'll have my international keyboard back from the shop!


