The sun was setting and Kagome had just put her leg on the other side of the well to get out of it. It was a beautiful cool night and it had been a week since she had come to live in the well with her new family.

They came out at night to practice their fighting and Kagome was currently teaching them some new skills to use in the upcoming battle. Kaede was busy teaching Kagome how to meditate and use her miko energy, and it seemed to come naturally to her. She could now channel the pure miko power into a perfect sphere in her hand, which she threw at targets.

She was worn out all the time, what with practicing her swordsmanship and her miko powers. Then Kaede gave them good news.

"I sent for my sister, Kikyo, and her mate InuYasha. They should be arriving soon to help you all. This war will be upon us soon."

They were all excited to have more people come help them and Kagome was overjoyed to be able to see her friends again. Things were finally turning for the better, until they were attacked.

They were engrossed in their fighting and didn't notice the demon sneaking up on them until it was too late.

Something hit Kagome and she went flying into the tree. On her hands and knees she fought to keep consciousness. She watched, unable to tear her eyes away, as her friends battled the huge lizard demon. It had poison that spread out at them all when it flicked its tongue. Kirara transformed into her magnificent larger state and Sango jumped on here with her Hiraikotsu. They wanted to gain leverage and so rose above it as Shippo distracted it with his fox fire.

Sango was a brilliant fighter and leapt from Kirara's back and raised her Hiraikotsu and cut its head off with one clean stroke. The demon laid there with all its guts spilling out onto the forest floor. Miroku cleaned it all up.

Kagome knowing that they were all safe finally fell into unconsciousness.


Naraku had just gotten report back from his general who had just returned from the village at the edge of the forbidden forest. He had reported that Kagome had in fact not been there.

This knowledge made him very angry for he could think of no where else she would have gone, unless she had gone back to Sesshomaru. It was war.


Everyone was in Kaede's hut watching over Kagome. InuYasha and Kikyo had arrived that morning and to everyone's disappointment had told them that they hadn't been mated yet. Not until the war was over would Sesshomaru let them be mated. They had brought along others also. Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Rin were there also.

Rin had bugged Sesshomaru about when they were going to save their Kagome and when InuYasha had come to him and told him where she was and that they were going to help, he had accompanied them.

She was still unconscious and it had been two days since they had been attacked by the demon. Kaede told them not to worry and that she was only resting from all the physical turmoil that she had been going through the past couple of days.

It was time to eat and everyone had gone outside to enjoy the meal Kaede had worked on all day. Sesshomaru went inside to watch over Kagome and to meditate on what he should do next.

Staring at her peaceful state he became startled when her eyelids began to flutter. She opened her eyes and Sesshomaru watched as her pupils dilated to focus on him. They shared a brief moment until Kagome spoke.

"Sesshomaru, I know who my parents are."

**88** Kagome's Dream

A brilliant bright light flew towards here and her first thought was that it was the biggest most pure sphere of miko energy she could ever fathom. Then when it came closer to her it exploded and its energy swept over Kagome like the north wind. She opened her eyes to see the most beautiful lady she had ever laid eyes on.

The lady came to stand in front of her and took her hands.

My daughter Kagome. The words seemed to whisper across her mind. The voice was clear and twinkled like a bell yet held a demanding tone.

I am your mother Kagome. Wait don't speak. I must explain everything to you about your heritage and we don't have much time.

Your father and I loved you very much when you were born and were overjoyed to finally have a child to carry on our powers. However, four days after you were born our castle was overrun by evil men.

We lived in the far mountains and ruled over a large city of the people who lived there. We protected them and cared for their every need. There were over five thousand men who were strong enough to fight in the army.

Well they couldn't defend their families and now they are under the rule of some new king who makes them do evil things.

We had thought that we were strong enough we wouldn't need to the protection of the stronger kingdoms of the North or West, but I guess we were wrong.

They killed you father and I, but before I had sent you with a trusted servant to the village nearest to us. It still would have taken nine days to get there on horse back, and she had to walk.

You come from an ancient family, Kagome. Your great-grandfather was one of the founding fathers of Japan but chose to live quietly with his family. He was rewarded however. All the girl children born would possess the powers of the strongest miko energies that would ever be seen in the world; fore it would grow in power each generation.

So Kagome you are the strongest miko that the world has ever seen. I was not apparently strong enough to protect my people, but you are strong enough to save our people and destroy the new evil that is plaguing you.

Be strong my daughter and remember that when you have my looks no man will be able to resist you, so pick one that cares for the beauty inside. She kissed Kagome on the forehead and it left a mark so pure and true. I love you. She started to fade in front of her, but before she left she whispered one last thing. The words would be burned in Kagome's mind for the rest of her life.

Inside of you is the key. Use it well.

You have your father's eyes.

Kagome reached for her but she was already gone and could feel herself pulled back into her body again.


Kagome's eyes met Sesshomaru's almost immediately when she awoke. Her blue eyes burned and met the intensity of his.

"Sesshomaru, I know who my parents are."

She didn't in fact know their names but she knew where she came from. That meant so much to her.

Then the pain came.

Shearing pain burst inside her stomach. She gasped and her back arched as she was raised into the air. Her head flew back.

Sesshomaru stood there, he had no idea what was going on or what to do. Kaede and the rest ran inside for they could feel the intensity of the miko powers flowing through the room.

The energy became too strong for the demons and so Shippo, Kirara, InuYasha and Sesshomaru left and ran into the woods to get away from the purity.

Kaede commanded everyone to not touch her and they watched as she started to convulse. Gasping she was laid softly on the futon again and looked as if nothing had happened. Then she sat straight up and put a hand to her side.

A sucking sound was heard and then Kagome held up a jewel in her hand. She gazed at it in wonder. Feeling four presences in the jewel, she held in her hand the souls of her mother, her grandmother, great-grandmother, and one she didn't know. It was an enigma she would have to solve herself.