Paris was flooded. Spencer couldn't decide between any of the many emotions he felt at seeing Derek Morgan chained to a cot in the corner of a cell. Some were so fearsome it frightened him that he could even think such things, while others were so tender that Spencer wondered what this man could possibly posses to make him feel like his heart would explode at any moment.
"Hello, Derek" Spencer said taking the seat that Emily had recently vacated. "I hope Emily hasn't treated you to poorly."
"Spencer...what's going on?" Derek pleaded leaning off the wall his cot was bolted to and reaching out to touch the young man.
"Derek, if you'd refrain from touching me, I'd be more than happy to share the story." Spencer said taking the chair and pushing it just out of Derek's reach. "I was adopted by Jason Gideon on the third anniversary of my mother's hospitalization. Three years in an orphanage, with every kind of imaginable torment there was, especially one as young and intelligent as I was. A man changed all of this for me. Not my father, but another man. He would come to the orphanage every week or so and bring me things, talk with me. He would still come find me even after I moved to Paris. He is the man that I now work for. No one knows, not Hotch, not even my father."
Spencer hated the look that grew from Derek's face as Spencer lit a cigarette.
"But I'm sure you wish to know how we figured out you were a spy." Spencer said dragging out the last word like he knew how much Derek disliked the term. "The Fuerst job. It cost you a lot, that mission. First your handler, then your information; now possibly your life, depending on how you cooperate. How does it make you feel knowing you've caused someone to die, that you let down everyone?"
"What do you want?" Derek asked from under the hands running over his scalp in defeat.
"You." Spencer said mouth turning into a grin. "Your contacts, information, anything you know. Even the slightest little procedural blip we want to know."
"You know I can't give you any of that." Derek replied looking up into Spencer's eyes.
"Why? For a country that doesn't even like you? Because of a job that's going to get you killed without any regards towards your well being? What's in it for you Derek?"
"You won't change my mind don't try." Derek announced with a tone of finality.
"I know that you won't change your mind, just like you know that I won't stop trying." Spencer said in the same tone, leaning back in his chair. "But you have to know that eventually things will get so bad for you, you won't even be able to make the conscious decision to betray everything you've ever know. It will just happen and you wont even know you've done it till you hear yourself crying out for mercy that will never come."
Derek didn't reply. They remained in this silence for almost an hour. Neither spoke, neither made even the smallest of sounds, they barely moved. Spencer had an idea of what Derek was thinking of as he faced the far wall in determination to not look in Spencer's direction or even think about him. Spencer was thinking as well.
Paris was drenched to the bone. Spencer was caught out in the rain once more; rain was okay, going back to the orphanage before he absolutely had to was not. His clothes clung tightly to his body, his body shivered every so often, his eyes kept darting back and forth looking constantly for danger; but he did not see the man watching him.
Yellowing with age, like a book that was too well loved, the man eyed the young boy walking resolutely down an abandoned street in the middle of the pouring rain; a lost soul, that is what this boy was. Lost souls were just the thing this man sought out. The younger and more impressionable the better, easier to control. This young boy fit his type perfectly.
"Hey." The man called out catching Spencer's attention and gesturing for him to enter the shelter of the doorway the man was currently leaning on. "What's your name?"
"Why do you want to know?" Spencer asked cautiously stepping back into the rain, away from this strange man.
"Don't worry so much, I'm not a a runaway?" The man tried again.
"Orphan." Spencer replied folding his arms defensively over his chest.
"You live at St. Ann's?"
"Who are you?" Spencer asked peering up into the man's leathery face.
"My name is David" The man said putting forth a gloved hand and an unnaturally bright smile.
It was David Rossi's greatest luck to have found Spencer Reid that day.
Spencer was soon knocked out of his memories of meeting his earliest mentor. Emily was gently knocking on the door to Derek's cell, watching in rapt attention to the staring contest that Spencer was having with Derek and Derek was having with the wall.
"What is it Em?" Spencer asked gently turning around in his chair to face his companion.
"Rossi want's to see you...says it's about the new guy." Emily said stepping forward into the room and taking Spencer's seat as he stood to visit 'the boss'. "I'll watch him while your gone."
"Thank you." Spencer said taking one last look at Derek before he left.
In that look he saw what he needed to know about the man. He was scared no doubt, anyone would be captured by the guy you thought you were about to go on a date with then forced (or about to be forced) to give up information, betraying your country. There was that solid look or determination and a will made of steel that Spencer had found so attractive at Derek's fight. What made up Spencer's mind about this strong man was the look of regret that would flicker across eyes so deep. It made Spencer almost ache to look at. He knew Derek wouldn't be telling them anything.
Still, he walked towards the office that was far away in space and class from the dungeon in which Derek lived. The young pianist wondered what David could possibly want to speak to him about, he was handling interrogations just as he was taught to, nothing had presented a problem so far. Perhaps David had something to tell him about Derek, some new information that could help with the proceedings.
Knocking quietly on the large oak double-doors, Spencer quickly stepped into the office not waiting for an invitation to enter. He sat quietly in a large wing-backed chair, waiting for David's phone call to end. Looking around the room he had been in thousands of times before he sensed something that wasn't there before. Searching he found a new blood-stained painting hanging next to the portrait of David and his wife. David taking a piece of artwork from one of their latest victims was nothing new, bringing one home seeping with that victims blood and hanging on the wall where everyone would see was quite a revelation.
It scared Spencer to think that his mentor had changed so much. In the early days David wouldn't have thought about killing a fly much less a human being. Spencer hadn't noticed the subtle transition from blackmailing heads of state to killing someone for no reason other than David wanted them too. Somewhere along their path of destruction David had transformed into something Spencer found completely incompatible with the man who saved him from a life of beatings and destitution.
"I see you noticed the new piece, Spencer" David uttered in that low tone he had when talking with Spencer, a tone Spencer had never heard him use in front of anyone else.
"It's covered." Spencer replied without hesitation. "What with Kathrine think?"
"I told her it was a new experimental artist that used pigs blood to 'enhance the cruelty of poverty we place on the lower class'" David grinned openly at his own deception.
"Emily said you wanted to see me about Morgan." Spencer said easing back into the comfortable velvet upholstery.
"Yes," David said eyes going dark and smile turning into a deep grimace. "We have a problem with him."
"What?" Spencer gasped fearing the worst.
"I know you have actual feelings for him, feelings I haven't seen you feel since you were adopted." David said turning his head away from his young protege. "You must either extract the information we need by force or you must kill him. You cannot allow feelings like this to grow."
His mind went blank with panic with these words from a man that Spencer had trusted with his life for longer than he cared to think about. Only one thought could escape the total fear that encased his entire being... Derek couldn't die, no matter what, Derek had to live.