Disclaimer: I don't own any part or character from The Nanny…yet.

A/N: I just watched the movie 'Baby Boom' and thought…what it that had been CC? This starts out on the same idea, but with a definite twist. Let me know what you think – D

Little Man

Chapter 15

Later that night after putting Scottie to bed, Niles joined CC in their room. "CC…Love…are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Niles…" CC called from the bathroom. "Is Scottie asleep?"

Niles shook his head slowly. "No…but he's on his way." Niles called back and grabbed his book from the nightstand.

"Well good, because Mommy has a present for Daddy to unwrap." CC stepped into the bathroom doorway wearing a black lace teddy and nothing else. Niles gasped lightly as he looked up and took her in.

The goofy grin slid across his face. "It's not my birthday day yet."

"Well…there's a really good reason I'm doing this tonight." CC sashayed to Niles' side of the bed. "But…if you're not interested…I'm not going to force you." CC turned to walk away and Niles pulled her onto his lap.

"I didn't say I wasn't interested." Niles started dropping light kissed along her collarbone.

CC hummed in response to his attentions. "Niles…what would you say your favorite word is?"

"Well," Niles continued his ministrations. "I think it depends, but I sure like hearing Scottie call me Daddy." Niles pulled CC around and flipped her onto her back as he now hovered over her. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering …" CC dropped her head back exposing her throat to him. "That's one of the reasons I wanted to wear this for you tonight."

Niles pulled himself away from her and looked into her eyes. "CC…if there is some point to this inquiry…could you get to it? I have work to accomplish and I'd rather not have to stop to answer questions." Niles waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Alright…" CC sighed. "I thought I should wear this for you tonight in case it doesn't fit on your birthday." CC waited and Niles dropped a kiss between her nearly exposed breasts.

"CC, Love…" Niles let his lip linger on her skin as the goose bumps rose beneath his lips. "You're beautiful…and I don't see why you think this wonderful garment wouldn't fit you in three weeks." Niles continued kissing CC's chest.

"Well," CC could barely manage words in her current state of arousal. "It's not uncommon for pregnant woman to gain weight."

Niles kissed the curve of her breasts. "Well of course, bu…" Niles head suddenly popped up as he realized what she was getting at. "Are you…are…are we…?"

"You know…" CC smirked at him hovering over her with a silly shocked look in his eyes. "I never understood the 'we're pregnant thing'. I mean…you're not pregnant…I'm pregnant…you're expecting I guess…but really when all is said and done…I'm the only one who is really preg…"

Niles stopped her tirade with his lips in a kiss so warm and full of love and joy she could feel the tears forming. When Niles pulled back again he too had tears forming. "When did you find out?"

"The doctor called this morning with the results of my blood test. But I was pretty sure anyway." CC stroked his cheek with her hand. "Are you happy?"

Niles laughed lightly, his eyes glowing. "Happy, no…I'm ecstatic!" Niles leaned in and kissed her again. "Are you sure it's safe for us to…?" Niles didn't finish.

CC looked up at him with pure love in her eyes. "Yes, Niles, I'm sure. I checked with the doctor…it's perfectly safe." A single tear slipped from his eye. "Why the tears, Butler Boy?"

"You've given me everything I've ever dreamed of. You, Scottie and now a baby…I couldn't be happier." Niles kissed her again.

"I bet I could think of something." CC let her sultry smirk slip across her face.

Niles kissed her again. "Well, I'm willing to let you try."

The months flew by. Scottie was a regular little Daddy's helper. From practically the moment he realized he was a biped, Scottie followed Niles' around no matter what he was doing. He was very verbal, spending whatever time he wasn't with his parents with Grace. CC thought he had a bit of a crush on the youngest Sheffield and Niles thought it funny that he was already interested in an 'older woman' saying 'like father like son' and earning himself a playful smack from his very pregnant wife.

"You listen to me, Butler Boy…" CC winced. "The babies are very busy today."

Niles softly rubbed her very big tummy. "I'm sorry, you're so uncomfortable, Love. But you know I strive to be efficient. Two babies, one labor."

"The world's best two for one deal." Fran cackled as she entered the den where the little family sat. "I gotta say, I neva thought I'd see the day when CC would be havin' a baby before me."

Niles smirked. "Well, at least you're married now. It won't take too much longer, Fran."

"I hope you're right, Scarecrow. Ma is really startin' to get on my nerves." Fran looked at Scottie who had his head 'resting' on CC's belly. "Hey, whatcha doin' Scottie?"

"Listenin' to babies." Scottie answered.

CC smiled. "Listening to the babies." CC corrected.

"Listing to the babies." Scottie mimicked making Niles laugh and CC shake her head just before she winced and grabbed her side.

Niles moved to where she sat on the sofa. "Are you alright, Love?"

"Baby time!" Scottie announced with a big goofy grin.

"I think he's right, Niles." CC stood. "We'd better call Dr. Reynolds and head to the hospital.

"Yeah! Baby time!" Scottie jumped up from the sofa. Scottie ran his little feet to the front closet and on tip toes opened the door. Using all his manly strength he pulled out CC's duplicate 'hospital bag'. Niles and CC decided early on that it would just be easier to buy two of everything CC wanted for the hospital and keep a bag at the mansion as well as the penthouse. That way, no matter where they left from, they'd have one.

Niles helped CC to the front door. "Fran stand here while I bring the car around, please." Fran took Niles' place helping CC not to double over in pain.

"Mama…" Scottie stood beneath her. "I love you."

CC looked down at the pale blue eyes that reminded her so much of her own. "I love you too, Scottie."

Scottie put his cheek against her belly and a hand on either side. "Babies…be good for Mama and Daddy."

"Geez, Scottie, how'd you get to be so smart?" Fran asked.

Scottie looked up at Fran. "Mama and Daddy…and Gracie too!" CC laughed.

"Geez, sorry I asked." Fran helped CC to the door and opened it just as Niles stepped into the vestibule.

Niles took CC's bag. "Ready, Love?" CC grabbed the door jamb and winced.

"Yeah…let's get a move on." CC took a single step and turned back to Scottie who practically glowed. "Be good for Aunt Fran, Scottie."

"K, Mama!" Scottie waved as Niles helped CC into the car.


"So in closing my fellow graduates I remind you…today we start a new chapter in our lives. Not just as lawyers, but as men and women. We will face challenges and experience changes in this world that were only the dreams of our predecessors. Some of us will be the facilitators of those changes and some of us will undoubtedly fight against them. That is the nature of this great country in which we live. But for today, we stand together as graduates, friends and dreamers for the next generation to follow. Thank you." The young man finished his speech to rousing applause; the greatest of which came from the front row of the audience. That's where his parents, siblings and extended family sat and watched this once tiny boy speak eloquently to his graduating class.

"You should be very proud." Carol Richards, now retired, hugged her friends and one time 'assignment'.

Niles and CC couldn't help but glow. "We couldn't be more proud, Carol. Thanks for coming…it really means a lot."

"Hey…don't I get a hug?" Scott Evans Brightmore grew into a man who oddly still very much resembled Niles and CC. His hair kept its reddish tint and his eyes still shone as bright a blue as they did the first day CC gazed into them. He was slightly taller than Niles but in all in all, no one would guess they weren't biological father and son.

CC looked up into the eyes of her oldest child. "You don't ever have to ask for a hug, baby." CC pulled him tightly to her.

"Mom…I haven't been a baby for 25 years." Scottie reminded her. "Where are the twins?"

Niles shook his head. "Scott…you know how they hate it when you refer to them in the collective sense."

"Dad," Scott raised an eyebrow, another trait he absorbed from his father. "They are twins. It's not my fault. It's just the plain simple truth."

Danny clapped his brother on the back. "There are many plain simple truths in this world brother…many you'd rather forget, so let's not push Lauren's buttons." Danny, at nearly 24 years old was the spitting image of his father. Well except for the pale blonde hair he got from his mother. It was an odd combination of Niles and CC that walked the Earth in the form of Executive chef Daniel Joseph Brightmore.

"That's good advice, Cookie." Lauren nudged her twin brother as she moved to hug Scottie. "I know more about the both of you than anyone on the planet. If you'd like to keep it that way…just remember who to keep happy." Lauren was the very image of CC at the same age, again except for her hair. She wore the pale reddish blonde wavy hair of her father long today rather than pulled into the pony tail she sported when she was running Sheffield-Babcock Productions for her mother and Uncle Max.

"Lauren Marie Weston," CC started. "Don't you dare threaten your brothers, that's for Daddy and me to do." CC draped her arm around her daughter. Where's the rest of the clan?"

Fran's voice rang out among the crowd as she split them like the red sea. "Here we are!" The entire Sheffield crew approached. Maggie, Michael and their son Max were right behind Fran. Brighton, Karen, their son Jeff and daughter Lindsey weren't far behind them. Grace, her husband Philip and baby Sara, walked in with Max who held Eve and Danny's son, Andy. Eve, Jonah, his fiancée Renee and Lauren's husband Tom brought up the rear.

"Well, that looks like everyone." Scottie laughed.

"We wouldn't miss you're graduation for the world, Scottie." Max smiled at him and stood next to Niles. "You know old man," Max leaned in to his dearest friend. "I'm glad you didn't listen to me all those years ago."

Niles took the grandson he and Max shared from his friend. "So am I, Max…" Niles held his raven haired, blue eyed grandson and looked at his wife, his children and his extended family. "So am I."