(A/N): Fifteenth request from the ABC meme on LiveJournal.
1. Pick a letter.
2. Pick a prompt that starts with that letter (ex. K is for Keyhole)
3. Pick a fandom / comic / webcomic and a character/pairing.
Leave them in a comment and I'll write a drabble of it. No repeats in letters.
See my profile for what fandoms I'll write.
G- Group Therapy // Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's // Kiryuu x Yuusei x Jack x Crow.
This takes place after the times with the Dark Signers, but before the events of Season Three. I don't think anyone was satisfied with how they left the Team Sat issues hanging. Probably why I got this request. Hahaha.
G is for Group Therapy
The four sat in the room, a silent circle of uneasiness. Yes, they had been happy to see each other again, but...there was a rift between them. Even now, they couldn't help but feel that things would never quite be the same again.
The marker on Kiryuu's cheek, even now when it was a dull yellow, the color of all the tracking markers, Yuusei, Jack, and Crow couldn't help but see it as a bright, searing red, the color of blood, the color that Kiryuu would gladly have shed to get his revenge...he had almost succeeded. The scar crossing Yuusei's abdomen attested to that-the shrapnel piercing him from their last duel had nearly missed striking his spleen. If it had, he wouldn't have been around...and Kiryuu might never had stopped.
All this from a misunderstanding, a misguided vengeance. A betrayal because of an imagined betrayal. All of them had felt the effects.
Kiryuu couldn't even remember his time as a Dark Signer, couldn't remember trying to kill Yuusei. He had remembered, however, feeling that desire for revenge, even in prison. That feeling still remained.
He couldn't even remember Yuusei reaching out to him, in that second duel, Yuusei crying, Kiryuu disappearing...he couldn't remember it. And yet there was still some sort of inexplicable peace in him. He didn't like it. He couldn't understand what had quelled his desire for revenge all of a sudden, couldn't understand why it had disappeared. It unsettled him, made him edgy towards the others, which made the others nearly as edgy.
Their time apart had changed things between them, their brief reunion together even more so. They were no longer Team Satisfaction, banding together to beat all the gangs in the Satellite and to become the Kings of it, to make it better.
Now they were four confused teenagers with rattled emotions, uneasiness lining the air between them. It felt like a stark contrast to what they had known before. They didn't like it.
"Alright, let's get this session started," a voice cut in between them. A therapist had entered the room unnoticed, eying the four with the standard indifference that was required of his profession, although a hint of pity did show in his eyes. The four nodded back at him, not saying a word.
Even with the air of distrust and uneasiness between them, there was one thing all four agreed on: they'd fix this damn mess. They'd work together and work out their problems.
They'd be brothers again.
(A/N): Be careful when requesting. I got a load of requests during chat last night, so there are actually very few letters available. I'll be updating around ten to eleven stories at various intervals over today, and possibly tomorrow if I don't finish them all today. Check my LJ post for a more up-to-date list.
Review, pretty please?