Disclaimer: I own nothing. I own less Hetalia than Liechtenstein owns space on the world map.
Summary: Finland refuses to wake up. Sweden doesn't want porridge for breakfast.
Pairing: Sweden x Finland
Rating: K+
Finland does this to him every morning.
"T'no... g't up."
The night previous he'll say, "Don't worry, Su-san! I'll make breakfast!" and then...
"F'nland, wake up."
He rolls over, yawning sleepily.
Sweden tries again.
"T'no. Come'n, 's time t'wake up."
Tino rolls onto his back and blinks drowsily, mumbling something.
"Too early... five more minutes?"
Berwald wants to sigh, but he doesn't. Tino is not getting up.
"What do y'want for breakf'st?"
Finland rubs his eyes with the sleeve of his pajamas and says something, but Sweden doesn't understand.
Berwald's eyebrow arches, but before he can ask again, Tino is asleep again.
"Guess 'll just have t'go with porr'dge again..."
I'm not very good at this whole 'update' thing, and I'm having major issues on my Spain x Romano because a brilliant reviewer pointed out that I have no talent, sooo... yeah.
And I think I'm becoming partial to the grunt speak... it's so much fun. Though I failed in under-the-topness.
Also, my Word processor hates this chapter. The grunt-speak gets along with my Microsoft like France gets along with England.