Thank you to everyone who commented/read the story!! I thoroughly enjoyed working on it and reading your reviews! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

So many hours of research went into this story, so I want to thank Wikipedia for the research and stuff. Most of what I put in here is true... or at least, I tried to make it true. The poem that Zero read in Chapter 8 just so happened to be a letter not in the police reports; the original letter went missing, so only a copy is left. Also, it is true that a man by the name of George Chapman (a young doctor who failed to get his degree) was convicted of being Jack the Ripper, though no one is really for sure that he was the famed killer. He used expensive knives from a surgery kit, and expertly was able to cut open his victims with acute precision (much like a Repo man, right? Haha, Repo reference...).

I also want to thank Johnny Depp and his inspiring performance in "From Hell" (refering to the the "From Hell" letter received by Scotland Yard police), which is one of the most epic movies of all time. (Besides that, it's Johnny Depp! Who wouldn't be inspired by him??)

I'd also like to thank the creator of Vampire Knight and for making his characters so damn hot... man, I wish they were real *squee*, but alas, they are not, and we have to deal with the people on this earth. Oh well. Real life bishis do exist. :)

A sequel? Maybe. I'll need to find another crazy serial killer, though *evil laugh* (which shouldn't be so hard to find now these days...) But there MAY be a sequel! Yay, more ink to use on stories!!!

Again, thank you so much and sorry for ranting on and on in this thing... damn, I feel like I'm giving a speech for some kind of award or something...