Beneath the Façade

Chapter 1: A Fortunate encounter?

A Ranma ½ and Persona 4 Crossover Fanfic

"Human speech"

'Human thought'

"Shadow Speech"

'Shadow Thought'

Technique name



April 12, 2011; 11:30pm, Inaba, Japan

A cruel icy chill swept the sleeping province of Inaba, enveloped in a deep fog. The very few people who were out were shivering as the cold got to them; all except two. Right out the entrance of the town, two still silhouettes looked over the town. All that can be seen from taller silhouette were dark, stormy blue eyes, scanning the surroundings as they darted within their sockets. The other one was much shorter, and had startlingly big piercing coal black eyes that were doing the same thing. It also had a stick-like shape that was as tall as its companion, grasped in is hand.

"Inaba. So this is the place you wanted to go to?" A rough, teenage male voice intoned softly, revealing the figure's gender. "This better be worth my time, Old Ghoul." He turned to the other, shorter shape as his tone became sharp and arrogant.

The other figure narrowed its eyes very slightly and smacked the boy with her cane with a meaty thwack. "Tsk, tsk. I told you not to call me that, muko-dono. And don't worry yourself; this will be a very interesting experience, if the rumors prove true." A rough, feminine cackle issued forth right afterward, scaring the nearest passerby away.

The other figure rubbed his head with slightly narrowed eyes and sighed. "Fine… Elder Cologne, if you stop calling me muko-dono. It's annoying and it isn't even true anymore." He kept his tone cool, but annoyed. "I'm a Musk noble now after all. And after all da' shit Herb put me into to get that rank, I ain't letting ya forget it, ya here?" He immediately winced after that; he had slipped back again to his old habits. He had thought that he had much better restraint than that. Damn it….

The shorter female figure chuckled. "Of course… of course, Ranma-sama. Don't let that title get into your head though; I am still your superior. You are a decade too young to truly challenge me." She could not claim a century anymore; not by how much he had improved over the course of the year. But there was still more for him to go before he could surpass her… and then Happy.

The figure revealed to be Ranma scoffed. "Che. I know. I'm not going to be like Herb was when I first met him." Then a few seconds later he spoke again, clearing the sudden and uncomfortable silence, when she didn't respond. "So… where are we going, Elder Cologne?"

"We are going to stay in the Amagi inn for the week, while I shall look for more permanent lodgings. You shall be attending school here-" She was interrupted with an outraged shout. "What?! School?! You can't be serious!" Ranma's blue eyes narrowed in the darkness, and one could see him… growling? Complete with fangs, no less.

"Oh yes, I am completely serious sonny-boy. A noble such as you needs to be educated in the ways of his time, after all. Am I right?" The old woman said, completely unperturbed by his reaction; in fact, she was even expecting it.

"While looking like this?! Have you gone senile?! I don't even look fully human! Hell… I'm not fully human." He growled at her, completely outraged at her decision. She however, looked as calm and serene as ever to his enhanced senses. Why was that? His argument was reasonable, wasn't it?

"You, the great Shen Long Ranma, are concerned about fitting in? My, my, my…. And here I thought that you were above that." Ranma twitched at that; she caught him there. "So what if I am? Nobles such as I need to be concerned over their image, after all. As Herb taught me, I cannot afford to look bad." He did his best impression of the snotty, self-absorbed noble for effect; it was always helluva fun to mimic those uptight bastards!

Cologne actually cackled heartily at that. The more things change, the more things stay the same, or so they say. Even someone as chaotic and unpredictable as Ranma was not exempt to these things. This as actually why she liked the boy an offered to train him even without her claim; he was the best entertainment she had in over a hundred years! Even better than her great granddaughter, whose antics became boring after a while.

"Is that so? Then surely you must be ashamed of your heritage then? Why else would you be hesitant?" She shot back with a bit of mirth in her tone. "Oi! I ain't ashamed! I'll prove it too, and go to that school!" As soon as that left his mouth, he covered it in horror.

'Oh man… I fell for it again! I'm such an idiot! And to make things worse, she won't let me take back those words! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' The boy scolded himself mentally even as the ancient elder wore a smug smile. She knew that she won, and he knew it.

"Come now Ranma-sama. Our next destination is the Amagi Inn. Chop to it!" With that, she leaped onto a rooftop and began roof hopping to the destination. Ranma blinked for a moment, and then followed suit once the shock wore off, cursing her.

"Hey! That was cheap! Get back here you old ghoul!"

It was the strangest case she could have acquired in all her life, and in such a quiet, rural town nonetheless. Usually the methods of a murder are quite common and simple, such as shooting or stabbing or the result of blunt force trauma. But this one… They had the victim - Yamano-san, a TV reporter - hanging upside down from a telephone pole! Furthermore, the cause of the cause of her death remains unknown, despite the attempts of the autopsy team. Indeed, this is Naoto Shirogane's most difficult case yet.

This is why Naoto was most surprised at the appearance of yet another strange factor in Inaba. This time, it took the form of someone. It was a male, to be exact, one that had the most peculiar appearance. Who, indeed, wears a cloak inside such a place? It was out of place, indeed. Perhaps this is another mystery to solve…? But alas, the Detective Prince had no time for such childish assumptions. She had to concentrate more on the murder, rather than some man's abnormal choice of apparel.

And yet, her curiosity did not cease. The question lingered inside her mind, and Naoto knew that it will drive her mad if it remained unanswered. It was the job of a detective to uncover mysteries and search out for the truth, after all, even this was such a petty thing.

Oh well, might as well ask, though she made sure to take caution in case the figure proved to be dangerous. She walked towards him with a polite greeting.

"Good evening, sir. My name is Shirogane Naoto. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Judging by your appearance, it would seem that you are a newcomer of Inaba. May I ask the reason why you are in such a costume?"

Ranma was already up on the rooftop when he heard her call out. Yes, he knew that the person was a her, not a him. He had learned from his past three encounters with very good cross dressers on how to distinguish one. Well… that and he had a brief scan of her aura. Hey, he was rather edgy today. It was his first taste of civilization after he left Nerima after all.

He looked in the old woman's direction for a second, only to see that Cologne had not waited up for him. Well… drat. He really needed to catch up with her, but his honor and protocol indicated that he stay. He can track her down later; hopefully she would understand and try not to bite his head off.

He gave out a sigh and jumped down, landing in front of this 'Shirogane Naoto' person. He then listened to the second part of the question, and scowled deeply under his hood. He can't really give a straight answer to that, now can he? How was he supposed to tell a normal person that he was hiding his face from the world because it was inhuman? Or that he was afraid that the fog might trigger his Jusenkyo curse? It would be best to simply dodge the question or go around it. He was in no mood to try and make someone believe.

"Why would it matter to you?" He crossed his arms as he spoke in a disinterested tone.

Naoto frowned. "In case you didn't know, I am part of the police department. It is our job to make sure everyone is safe inside this town. Therefore, I have the right to ask you regarding your current choice of clothing. If you are not hiding something, then I suppose it shall be fine for you to reveal your appearance to me?" It was a challenge – a small part of her even smirked. There was no way this figure would escape her grasp!

But then, a part of her still wonders the absurdity of the situation. Who in the world wonders in such a fog looking like that? Not only that, he also seemed to have disappeared from her sight for a second there. How could that be? No, she refused to jump into the conclusion that she was just imagining things. For one, she was quite awake, despite the hour, and her mind was sharp and clear. Furthermore, they were too close in order for the fog to play tricks on her. Indeed, everything has a reason. And Naoto is determined to find it out.

"Of course, we can always talk about it in the police station." She continued, after a second thought, in case he might retaliate. Her tone was calm, but still she didn't know if she can make him go there with only brute force. It was clear that their physical abilities have a high amount of difference. Her height disadvantage was only one of them. Her mind started tinkering, in search for methods she might be able to use against him. She was very confident in her deductive abilities – perhaps she can corner him with wit…?

'Tch. She isn't giving up. This is going to become difficult, isn't it?' He mentally sighed at that; his luck sucked even away from Nerima. 'My first day in Inaba, and I get questioned by a crossdressing teenage cop. Not only that, but a female crossdressing cop. If ever Cologne planned this… I'm going to torture her. Slowly and very painfully after being humiliated in all of Asia.'

The funny thing was, the girl actually thought that he would yield that easily, even with the subtle threats? He was Shen Long Ranma, and he never backed off anything, even if it was for something as trivial as this. He wasn't about to lower his hood for a stranger! Not even for a cute crossdressing girl.

He blinked; where the hell did that last thought come from? Whatever. The former Nerimian decided to reply after a few seconds, narrowing his clearly visible dark blue eyes. "I don't want to. And frankly, you can't make me." He put an arrogant tone in his voice as he spoke. So what if he looked suspicious? He was more comfortable in this, especially in the heavy fog.

Tch, she didn't want that, despite the fact that the possibility of him answering with such a manner was present. To Naoto's eyes, it would seem like this man over here has no respect whatsoever to the authorities, or probably even the elderly as well. It would seem like a more efficient method is necessary in order to persuade him to tell the truth. It was always like that in detective novels, right? You press on the suspect with logical explanation and evidence in order for him to finally give up.

But alas, she had no clues whatsoever, or even a good idea for his possible motive. Why would one wear such a cloak, indeed? Naoto sighed. Getting all riled up, just because of something like this… How childish of her.

But nonetheless, Naoto pressed on. "Hm, if you refuse to answer, then maybe I could try to figure it out." A smile played on her lips, bringing out false confidence. Oh, this was just a plan so she could have more time in thinking. It's not even winter yet, why would someone wear a cloak?

Ranma was feeling confident that she wouldn't be able to guess all of his reasons for wearing the damn thing, so why not? Besides… even though he should really catch up with the old ghoul, this looked to be more entertaining. And he missed that. "Go ahead. I'll give you till-" He reached out inside his cloak and brought out a golden pocket watch, held in his gloved hand. "-Five minutes after midnight. I'll even confirm if your guess is right, since I'm feeling generous tonight. After that though… I'm leaving." The arrogant tone was still present; he was feeling very confident of himself tonight that was for sure! Maybe it was the absence of his mentor? In any case, this should prove interesting.

'…Wait. Why would someone wear a cloak?' Naoto thought.

That's it! Rather than wondering on the possibilities of someone wearing such a thing in Inaba, she should concentrate on the purposes of a cloak!

"Other than being a costume, cloaks have other uses in real life." She began, playing around with the idea. "For example, cloaks were used as a means of protection from the weather, such as wind and rain. However, no strong wind is present at the moment, and obviously it's not raining. Perhaps, then, you are trying to protect yourself from the fog…?" But why? Naoto decided to wait and see his reaction to this. After all, she didn't want to dwell on a path that shall lead her to the truth…

He was surprised; she was really sharp! She was already very near to guessing one of his reasons already! Impressive. Just like that bitch Nabiki was… actually even her would have taken more time than this one did. Maybe he shouldn't have made that promise… too late. He can't take it back now. Why was he such a terrible gambler in things not related to battle?

"You're getting close to one of them." He admitted. But she could never guess that it was because of his Jusenkyo curse. Most normal folk won't even think about that possibility… or even have the knowledge that curses actually existed, along with magic. He had that advantage at the very least, even if it was a very unfair one.

Naoto would have to admit that she fell a burst of pride directed at herself once he admitted to one of the reasons. However…. 'you're getting close'. That wasn't good enough for her, but still she lacked the ability to uncover specifics. After all, she lacked the research. "Perhaps the fog triggers a condition?" Well, that's the best she could do for the one.

Yes, the mysterious figure said 'one of them'. Then he must have other reasons as well. Since her previous method worked, Naoto decided to continue with that thought. "A cloak is made up of a large piece of cloth, and they are made to in order to cover up an entire body…" Naoto's thoughtful look, however, gained a frown. "Perhaps, then, you are trying to conceal your appearance…? Or worse, anything dangerous…?" If he had a weapon, then she would have to arrest him for sure. A revolver may not be enough for self-defense, but it was the best she has.

Once she gave her answers, the cloaked teen froze. Holy… she solved his reasons in ten minutes flat?! Damn, she was amazing! Or was he that obvious? Either way… he had to tell the truth. His word bound him to it. Dear god… was she a detective or something?! It would make sense. Besides, not that she had to know just what the condition was. Even if he did take off just the hood, it wouldn't trigger his curse… not that he would.

"…Correct. On both counts." He relented with an amused tone. "I'm impressed. You solved that fast, Naoto. You a detective or something?" He added, with complete disregard to honorfics.

Naoto chuckled. She knew this was easy. "I told you I was with the police, did I?" Still, she did not let her guard down. What if he was a dangerous man - ?

Suddenly, they heard a very loud scream from the distance. A loud, horrified female scream. What the heck?! Someone was in trouble! "You heard that?" Ranma asked, his voice turning completely serious.

"Yes, I do." Naoto replied, revealing her revolver. Amusement and her sense of triumph gone, she was back into her usual, calm yet serious self. Of course, she was still in duty, and so she still had a job to do. Oh, if she noticed it just earlier! But alas, she was too concentrated on her little game with this young man. At that thought, Naoto stared at him. Well, since this was his fault, why not have him help? Besides, his build indicates that he is used to physical combat. Perhaps he might be of help…? "May you assist me?" To be honest, she was a bit reluctant – she wasn't used to situations where she is forced to be with someone else. She was used to working alone. But the situation calls for a 'backup', and this guy was the nearest one she could get.

"Of course." The cloaked boy replied, putting back his pocket watch inside his pant pocket. He was now serious; a horrified scream like that indicated something very bad. That meant he had to hurry to the location… but he knew nothing of the streets. But he could locate it from the roof tops. "Sorry about this, but this is the fastest way to get there." He added, sounding rather apologetic as he scratched the back of his neck… or rather, the part of the cloak where it covered his neck.

In a swift movement unable to be picked up by a normal human's eyes, he moved towards her and picked her up in his arms, unmindful of whatever reaction she would have.

"W-Wait, what are you -!" Naoto exclaimed in embarrassment, her face already red. Furthermore, her tone sounded more feminine than usual…

He then jumped up to the roof tops and began jumping towards the source of the scream, not jostling his passenger at all due to his experience carrying people in this way. His cloak fluttered in the breeze as he did so, revealing that he was wearing kung-fu pants and heavy-duty boots. Despite that though, he wasn't making a sound as he headed towards his destination, his blue eyes aglow in the moon light and hitting them… making them slitted. Not that he noticed.

How. In the. World.

Naoto was flustered. Not that she didn't mind heights – in fact, she loved them– but… But still! To be held by such a stranger all of a sudden only to bring her up towards the rooftops! This… This is sexual harassment!

But still, the remaining rational part of her mind (small as it was) asked the question how could he have done it? He definitely had some superhuman abilities in order to do something like that. She was right – this man was indeed suspicious. Naoto made a note to keep track of him. Hopefully he is not connected to the murders…

11:50 pm

A woman was walking in an alleyway rather briskly, holding some small white plastic bags filled with medicine. She had been ordered to go and buy medicine for her son by her husband –which she would have done anyway even without it-, but it had been really late. In fact, she had to plead the store owner to give her the medicine she needed even though they were closed, which took a significant amount of time. Thus, now she was trying to get home as fast as she can at this dangerous hour, taking all the short cuts she could.

Unfortunately for her, that was her mistake. In that alleyway, three nasty-looking thugs were waiting for any prey to come to them tonight, becoming really bored as hell in the process. They were having a slow night tonight due to the fog. However, luck came through for them in the form of that woman.

The hidden thugs quickly ambushed her, smacking her upside the head with a fist. Then, they looted through the plastic bags and were disappointed. It was only medicine, and not anything really valuable. Not even food. "Well, ain't ya a useless wench? Havin' nothing ta give us." One of them, a burly man with tattoos and a buzz cut spoke.

"We still have a consolation prize though." The second one, a normal-looking guy with brown hair and eyes, only with thicker muscle and brass knuckles, said. He leered at the housewife. "Looks like we got a winner here! We're gonna get laid tonight, boyz!"

At that statement, the woman, who was barely conscious, screamed out, "No!!! Please no!! Someone help me!" But no one came immediately running to her aid… and she thought that she was doomed. And so… she cried as she surrendered, holding her aching head while crying as the thugs began to pin her down and remove their pants.


Ramna finally found them, and he landed onto the scene silently. He was boiling in rage as he saw the three thugs with their pants down, and with the woman's clothing almost in shreds; someone was doing to die. He hated rapists. He deposited Naoto to her feet, and then spoke, adding ki to his voice as a paralyzing effect, one of the tricks he had figured out from the perverted old goat. "Just what the hell are you doing to her?" The voice he used sounded deeper, and more inhuman. It also had this cool echoing effect… but he wasn't going to dwell on that. As for Naoto… let's see what she does.

Naoto, on the other hand, felt his ki. Well, she didn't know it was ki, but still she felt a bit numb due to it. Not only that, but she heard something dark and sinister from that tone. The Detective Prince frowned. It's just like what she feared…. But still, he was an ally at the moment, and she should take the advantage. She aimed at the ground, near their feet, and fired a warning shot. At least they'll know she was being serious. "This is the Inaba Police Department, you are under arrest for assault and attempted rape. Do not try to retaliate." Indeed, for someone as young as her to say something like that was impressive. Or at least, that's what Naoto thinks.

The would-be rapists would have laughed at the little boy's statement, even with the revolver. However, the intimidating voice and posture of the taller and cloaked make were making them have second thoughts. The woman of course couldn't answer, as she was also affected by the ki in teenage boy's voice.

However, one of them mustered up the will to retaliate. "I-I ain't afraid of you!" The third thug, a shifty-eyed guy with dyed green hair and yellow contacts shouted shakily as he took out his own gun and pointed it at them.

Ranma was already severely pissed off at the situation, and he only got madder when he saw the gun trained at him. Instead of saying anything though, he simply ran up to him using his superhuman speed and broke his arms in three places with swift and economic movements, earning him three loud cracks that resonated throughout the area, along with the thug's pained scream.

"You still stupid enough to try and resist arrest? Or will you desist?" He said icily, going along with Naoto's declaration to justify his actions further. His voice still had ki laced in it… and with him holding the victimized thug's broken arms along with his slitted eyes, he looked like a dangerous predator right now.

Naoto was correct – without him around, she can also be a victim as well. Convinced that they were intimidated enough by her companion's actions, she stepped in closer to them, revolver still aimed at the culprits. "Put your hands in the air, and step away from the lady." She said in a business-like tone. A cop, indeed (or rather, a detective.) The two thugs, scared enough thanks to a certain someone's exhibition of strength, followed Naoto's commands and done as they were told. The detective them pulled out shackles from her pockets, and put them in the two. "Follow me to the station."

And then she glared at the mysterious figure as well. They might be thugs, but that's not a good reason to injure someone badly. "And you are going as well. Kindly escort the final suspect." Her tone was commanding – oh yes, she insists him to come along with them or else. The guy was like a monster, after all!

He glared right back at her with his slitted blue eyes that reflected gold for the briefest of seconds… but then relented. He got himself involved in this mess, so he might as well ride it out all the way through. "Fine." He hefted up the suspect into a fireman's carry, putting him on his shoulder. Of course, the thug flinched and whimpered as he did; he was too damn afraid of this… this… monster. "Why does the monster have to carry me?" He bemoaned as he was lifted.

Naoto felt a cold chill run down her spine. Those eyes weren't normal! And oh yes, she knew how to differentiate real eyes from those disguised with contact lenses… She was quite sure those slitted eyes were real. Still, she glared back again. 'Monster'… Yes, for now that was the best term to describe him.

At the statement, he winced slightly at that. It was a sensitive subject for him… as it was connected to the reason on why he left Nerima and the Saotome name. He didn't need to remember those memories. He had turned his back on that chapter of life and he was never going back. Ever. "Suck it up, you sissy. They're just broken arms." He had finally returned to his normal voice, which was lighter and normal.

Oh, and of course she can't just leave the victim all alone. "Are you alright now, miss?" She inquired, one that was received by a shaky nod. So the victim was also traumatized due to that, as well. "Do you mind us telling the entire story?" That, and she had to convince the woman to shut up about her companion – if anyone else knows about him, that would cause a panic and Naoto didn't want that to happen at all.

She agreed to do so… provided that they get something for the concussion first and after she picked up the plastic bags. Fortunately, Ranma had something that would remove the need to go to the hospital.

"Excuse me… may I offer some aid for that concussion you have there?" He asked politely, trying not to scare her off with his normal voice. The woman hesitantly agreed, still nervous around the cloaked man.

Once he had her permission, he started to touch some pressure points on her temples and massaged them a bit. After he was done, he could actually see that the woman was relieved of her pain, and very shocked as well that he managed to do that with pokes. "I simply dulled the pain of your concussion for a while. It should last until daybreak, so don't worry about it wearing off. I still suggest you go to the doctor and have that checked after you go the police station though." He said in a completely professional voice.

April 13, 2011; 12:05 am, Inaba Police Station

"That was quite immature of you, Detective Shirogane. To pursue a suspect of rape with no backup… Did you realize what could have happened?"

Naoto didn't like what she heard – no, she hated it. What's with the police force, treating her like a child? She can take care of her own, thank you very much! She can apprehend suspects without anyone's help, not even that stranger's! But still, she did not throw a tantrum. It will do nothing, after all. So she just calmly faced her lecture (oh, that made her feel more like a child!), nodding from time to time.

"I apologize for my mistake. It will not happen again." Naoto replied. She was still using that cold façade of hers. After all, in the end, this was her case. At least they allowed her to inquire regarding the entire story on her own. On a nearby room, the victim was already sitting in a chair, waiting for her to come up.

And then… There was also another one. The stranger, who fortunately cooperated with her this time, was also inside the station. Naoto was determined to figure out his methods of fighting. It was completely illogical, and yet she saw him do all of those things with her very own eyes… Just who is he?

Ranma looked completely bored as he sat on of the chairs they had in the station. He knew that his cloak was completely inappropriate indoors, but if didn't stop Herb or Taro, why should it stop him? He knew that he didn't know the first thing about social etiquette, but he wasn't about to start caring now; thus he kept it on.

Plus… on another note, he didn't understand the reprimand. Why would they be angry at Naoto if she managed to succeed? Besides… did she actually need backup? Those thugs were a bunch of wimps; they weren't even black belts in a single martial art for pete's sake. She shouldn't have to accept her pride being beaten like that, so why did she let them do it? Bah. He didn't understand women.

The interrogation only took a while. The woman was quite helpful, giving all of the information she could remember at that time, and thanks to their fear of their bones being broken, the two thugs immediately admitted their crime and were quickly thrown behind bars. The unfortunate one, however, was sent to a hospital – they won't let him suffer like that, right? And so the situation ended as fast as it flew by. Naoto immediately went towards the stranger, more serious than ever.

"I would like to inquire about your extraordinary display this midnight." She said once she was in front of him. "But first, may you properly introduce yourself to me?" Naoto was tired of calling him 'that stranger' inside her mind, anyway. Besides, she gave her own – it would be fair for him to tell her at least his name.

Ramna looked at her for a few moments, before relenting once again. It couldn' hurt… right? Right. Although… why was he giving up so easily with her anyway? Probably the honor thing. Yes… that's it. Yep. "Shen Long, Ranma."

"Shen Long Ranma?" Naoto tilted her head. "A Chinese last name, and a Japanese first…? So, you have mixed blood." Quite an unusual name, too. "Go on, Ranma-san."

"And as for the first inquiry… the answer is extensive training in the martial arts. Nothing special." Of course, Ranma had a warped view of normal.

To this, Naoto frowned. "I believe that vocal techniques paralyzing an opponent and the ability to jump across roofs are far from normal. They might have been seen in some movies but surely they are unachievable without props, tricks, and stunts. Your 'extensive training', therefore, has something special in its curriculum. Would you mind sharing it to me?"

Oh course those kung-fu movies were lame. Not only were they so weak, they were also fake too. They can't even balance themselves on bamboo without bending it, or lift boulders. Hell… most of them can't even use Ki at all. Even Akane wasn't that lame. And those actors needing stunt men to do those easy stunts were pitiful; they were obviously only concerned about looking good in the movie.

"Then they obviously don't know how to push themselves to their absolute limits." He didn't need ki for roof hopping anymore, and that says something about the things humans can achieve, right? And even without that, Ryoga was still inhumanely strong. He then decided to go into another topic. It wasn't like Ki was a secret technique after all. They use it for mining- i.e. Bakusai Tenketsu and the Shi Shi Hokodan.

Naoto can't help but chuckle. "Ranma-san, the reason they create kung fu movies is for entertainment, not actual combat. They don't have the skills to be as strong as you simply because that is not their ambition. They are actors, not fighters." There were some exceptions, though – like that famous Chinese guy – but still, they were obviously no match against this guy. They're just normal martial artists, after all, not trainees of some gruesome program.

"What do you know about Ki?" He decided to say after a few moments of deliberation. Let's see how far her knowledge of the obscure is.

"Ki?" A detective had to know several pieces of information here and there. Sometimes they provide good clues to a case, such as references in a riddle, or simple facts incorporated in a crime. And so Naoto knew the basics of Ki, at least. "I believe that Ki is the energy you acquire from the inside of your body, correct? It has been a basic factor in martial arts." Yes, she was quite sure even normal martial arts lessons incorporated Ki in their curriculum. They cannot, however, use it as efficiently as him.

So she does know something; this should make things easier to explain. "Yes. In essence, Ki is one's spiritual energy. It can be used to perform tasks that the body normally could not, like bending steel and jumping above buildings. However, the body can be trained to those without the help of Ki. It is just much harder and takes more effort.

There are also other applications of Ki, like healing and direct attacks. Sorry though, I don't know much about the use of Ki in healing. I never bothered to focus on that, so I only know the basics." He deliberately left out the combat usage aspect to see if she would ask. And he also looked around very discreetly to make sure that no one was focusing their attention on them right now… just in case.

Well, it seemed unbelievable, but he didn't seem like he was lying. Things made sense in Naoto's mind now, thanks to that explanation. And yet it still felt so unreal, that such power can be acquired by human beings in the real world. "So I assume that you were able to do those things thanks to Ki? The paralyzing effect and the, u-um…. Ability to jump across rooftops?" She had to admit, she was still embarrassed regarding that. Pink hues tinged on her cheeks again, making her look more like a girl. Slightly. "W-Well, how exactly do you use Ki for combat, then?"

Well… so far the questions were easy. Hopefully that pace won't change. "For the paralyzing effect of my voice… yes. That is an advanced application of Ki. The Ki enhances the vibration, and shifts it to such an extent that it is able to give subliminal commands that the subconscious can pick up. Thus, the fear." Why can't he be this smart in school as well? It would make things much easier for him.

Of course, as dense as he is about women, he thought that the blush was because apparently she thought the room was very warm. "As for the roof hopping ability… no. I've long ago trained my body to be able to jump that high without the assistance of Ki." And his unlocked heritage made things even easier, being what he was. But he wasn't going to say that.

"And as for other combat uses…." He then decided that a simple Ki ball would do the trick. He was about to do it when he thought about something important. With his gloves, they would only look like some sort of trick. That meant he had to… remove them. Oh well. It's just one glove. He removed his right glove, exposing his tanned, calloused, and clawed hand. Then he focused a tiny spark of his Ki and let it out, making it float on top of his palm through sheer willpower.

It was a tiny ball, but it was radiating a lot of light. Strangely though… no heat. Mostly because he made it too small to generate that much heat. "Another use is projectile and weapon forming." He stated.

Naoto stared at the ball. It was unlike anything she saw before, like it was pulled out from from fantasy book! Warily she poked it, expecting for something to happen, but it didn't do anything bad to her. In fact, right after touching it, she felt rather… Brave? No, more like confident. It only lasted for a while, however – she quickly deduced that it was the Ki that caused her to feel that.

She would have been satisfied if not for yet another lingering question in her mind, one that popped out right after Ranma's little show and tell. It was about his hand. His eyes were one thing, but Naoto was not positive that no human should be able to develop such claws. There is the possibility of mutation due to radiation, but Ranma-san seemed unlikely to develop those through such means. Might as well ask.

"So, Ranma-san, does your exceptional ability also the result of your rather unnatural appearance? I highly doubt that you are a normal human." Ki abilities aside, of course. Still, that explains why he has that cloak around. But couldn't have he chose a less suspicious wardrobe…?

At the turn of the discussion towards his heritage, he tensed. He didn't want anyone knowing… even if Herb repeatedly told him to take pride in his Musk heritage. So what if he didn't want to? It cheapened his earned skills, even though he perfectly knew that his learning curve was the main reason for that, not his heritage.

"No. I trained it myself. These are things I learned through blood, sweat, and tears." As well as lots of mental scarring. Of course, she didn't need to know that. "And-and of course I'm just a regular human! Yep! Nothing weird about me aside from possibly my martial arts ability." Ugh. Even he could tell that what he said was an absolutely terrible lie. He swore that he had more than one curse; why else would he suc this bad at lying when not in combat? She was bound to be definitely suspicious now! There's nothing normal about him, especially with the Jusenkyo curse.

Naoto deadpanned. "Then I suppose slitted eyes and claws are normal features of a human?"

Ranma quickly thought up of an excuse. "Um… they're props? Contact lenses and realistic fake claws! I… just like wearing them. That's all. Really."

"Ranma-san, you are forgetting the fact that you are speaking to a detective. I've experienced uncovering disguises before, and I am quite sure those aren't fake. Besides, do you have a reason to wear such things despite that Halloween is seven months away? Perhaps you may want to prove them that they are fake, then. Why not remove them right now?"

Crap. He can't; they're most definitely real. This is one of the very few times he cursed Herb for unlocking his true nature. "…You win again, Naoto. Yes, they are real. Happy?" He narrowed his still slitted eyes- it was bright inside the station- as he sighed. At least she wasn't asking him to remove the cloak.

….Well, actually Naoto was about to ask him to remove said cloak, but his reaction to that made her take pity on him. It's not hard being different from all the others and having to live in society's standards… She knew that all too well. He can't be any different, right? "U-Uhm… If you want…" She muttered, her voice suddenly getting a little pitchy. "I can create some disguises for you, so you won't have to wear that cloak around here." It would be hard, considering that she didn't have the best of her materials, but Naoto knew it was possible. That it, if he would accept that deal.

Ranma immediately cheered up at that. "Really? That would be great, Naoto! Thank you for your kindness." However… now he did feel guilty. She was being nice to him now… and she was actually the first nice girl he had ever met. The rest… he would rather not think about them. "I suppose that since you are doing me a favor… I owe you one."

With that, he removed the hood of his cloak, revealing his head and face for the first time in the light. His face was tanned, and his features were quite handsome. He would have looked quite serious if it were not for the sheepish grin on his face, revealing his fangs. His ears were pointed, but human-sized. His eyes stood out even more now that they were out of the shadows obscuring his face, showing that they were twinkling in mischief… and a bit of embarrassment and happiness.

His most bizarre feature though, was his hair. It was quad-colored, and none of the parts were a dye-job. His spiked bangs were black, the ones tied in a ponytail were fire-engine red, and in-between them was black hair. Here were also two jagged blue steaks running the length of his hair, except for the bangs area.

She didn't know how to react, actually – whether to be surprised, to smile in assurance, or to die in laughter. Naoto chose option two, since the first one might hurt his feelings and the third one would totally be out of her character. "I believe some dye and contacts would help, and perhaps no one would take notice much on the fangs. It would take me some time before I can come up of something that can take care of your ears, however… I'll have them delivered to you by this week. Where are you staying at?"

"Hair dye? No. I tried that a couple of times. It simply slid off my hair and did nothing. Heck, they were more effective on my skin than on my hair." He gave a shrug at that; must be a dragon thing. Explained why none of Lime's or Mint's dye pranks worked on Herb. "And as for the eyes: as along as I stay in medium light, it won't contract into slits." He had honestly no idea for the ears as well though.

"Hmmm…" This put Naoto deep in thought. That would be a challenge, indeed. "Perhaps we can find a way to tame your hair and have you put on a wig…?" Still, the multi-colored hair was the least of her concerns. For one, people can always mistake it as dyed hair, though he will be labeled as unusual to use such colors.

The only way to tame his hair would be to… cut… it. Oh no. Oh hell no! He liked his hair this way, even if it wasn't a pigtail anymore –it was too thick for that-. And he wasn't even sure that it would even work! Is it a crime to like his hair long? Ugh… as if the macadamia nut of a principal wasn't enough. But he would have to anyway… it's quite probable that the school regulations would be stricter and much better than at Furinkan-cho –granted, they don't have a ki-vampire of a teacher or the Hawaiian freak Kuno- so Cologne would probably force him to cut it anyway.

At the mention of his current residence, he face-palmed; crap and a half! He forgot about Cologne! But… it was weird on how she wasn't looking for him yet; did she plan this entire thing? Nah. Couldn't be. Maybe she fell asleep after checking in because she needed an old person nap? Whatever.

"I'm staying at the Amagi inn for the week while my… guardian would go to look for more permanent lodgings. Also…-" He scratched his head sheepishly at this. "Do you know where the Amagi inn is? I kinda lost track of my… guardian when you called out. She was supposed to lead me there, since I'm new to Inaba… and I have no map." And frankly, he didn't want to wander around like Ryoga in Inaba. He was sleepy, damn it!

Oh yes, Naoto knew where the Amagi Inn was. It was where Mayumi Yamano was staying before she disappeared, after all. "Yes, allow me to take you there." Perhaps it won't hurt to accompany him towards there, right? Unless, of course, the staff notices his rather unusual characteristics…

Ramna really cheered up at that. "Really? Thanks Naoto! You're a cool gal. Haven't met any of those."

'…Wait. What?' Naoto thought in shock.

"E-e-e-excuse me, Ranma-san. I'm male." Though she didn't look manly now, considering that she was blushing all over (again) and stuttering in high pitched tones (again). Ugh, how come she always loses her cool around this guy?!

He scoffed at that. "I know a girl when I see one, Naoto. I've known cross dressers before… and no offense, but they were much better at what they did. I figured out on how to tell the difference between genders after those encounters." That… and her aura is definitely female. "Besides, why would I mistake a pretty girl like you as a guy?" Again, Ranma does not notice his mouth running amok, only smiling cheerfully in ignorance.

"…" Naoto gaped. Oh no, she can't think of a counter statement to that! (And what was that about her being pretty?!) So, instead, she shrugged off the question and coughed. "E-Either way, do you still want me to accompany you to the Amagi Inn?"

"Of course! Let's go!" The ponytailed teen said cheerfully, placing back the hood on his head, once again obscuring his features. Then he stood up. "Lead the way, Naoto!"

I would like to credit Ryuacchi for writing the Naoto parts of the story (and, in the future, the other Persona 4 characters). And yes… this is a collaboration between me and her.

As for the changes in Ranma at the beginning… I will reveal the reasons why bit by bit in the story, so don't worry about that.

By the way, here's the disclaimer! We did not create Ranma ½ or Persona 4. Besides, why would we create someone with such an outrageous hairstyle?

- Ranryuujin Omega