AN: Ok this is my first fanfic so please don't hate ME if you hate IT. I just love RavenXTrevor they are so cute. Before I start rambling here it is!


'Curse that stupid monster girl and her STUPID BOYFRIEND!' An angry Trevor Mitchell thought as he stomped up the front steps of his mansion. Even with its relaxing TI fish pond and spring green grass he was anything but 'tranquil and calm' as my mother would call it. 'Raven and I were doing just fine until he came along and ruined it all!' Well Raven and I weren't exactly a 'thing as Jessica (AN: I think that was his girlfriend's name, if it wasn't oh well it was now!) would call it, but I know she wants, well no wanted me. STUPID ALEXANDER! But not only do I want her I need her. HE ruined it all! That night at Matt's party, yes I was drunk but I knew everything I was saying a doing, and I meant it all. Of course she'll never know that because – "Trevor, sweet heart is that you?" My mother's cheery call interrupted my rampage in my mined. I plastered a fake smile on my face so I wouldn't get interrogated. "Yes?" I said trying to act like I wasn't crumbling on the inside over one vampire obsessed Goth girl. "Oh, good listen sweetie, God I hate that pet name, your father has a Tennis match Friday at the club so, we will be going and spending the day with the Madison family-"As soon as my mom said that I zoned out with only one thought in my mined ' I AM SPENDING ALL OF FIRDAY WITH RAVEN MADISON!' "Can you do that for me?" I heard my mom break through my walls of joy. "Umm, do what?" "I knew you weren't listening, can. You. Pick. Up. Raven. After School and take her to the club?!" My mom asked annoyed "Oh, y-yeah s-s-sure." I fumbled trying to cover up the fact that I wanted to scream 'YES'. My mother just nodded her head and went to the kitchen. I ran up the stairs as fast as my soccer snob legs would carry me. I ran to the last door on the right and opened it up to my room. My room. There were so many memories and reminders of her. Like when I was sick and she "came" in. More like broke in. But when I opened my eyes I could have sworn I was dreaming. I didn't care that her hair was all over her face and her breathing was hard from running, all I knew was I wanted her to stay here, with me. She is my monster girl, NOT ALEXANDERS! When she said she came to see me I felt my heart beat thump out of control. When she also said she was just there to take care of me because I was sick, and was here only because of school, I could hear my heart shatter, and I'm sure she could see it on my face. I couldn't help it, I started making snarky comments the way I always do, and it sent her off, but I must say she's so beautiful when she's ticked. Then that night, I know she didn't really do it, but it was nice to dream about. I dreamt she kissed me, and I didn't need to hide anymore. Every time I see her, dream about her, talk to her, or just think about her I fell like she lets me be free for a few blissful seconds before some curl hearted, idiot knocks me out of it, and I come back down to Earth and have to remember two things I hate, One- I have to act like I don't love her, and two- she has Alexander I can feel my skin cringe just at the thought of him. Just as I was going to lose it something caught my eye, something plastic, with fangs, and a black cape. Dracula. The action figure of cores, the one I got on my fifth birthday, the one Raven gave me. The thing I cherish the most besides her, or me. (TN: Wow this author chick makes me sound self centered AN: Shut-up Trevor I can kill you this is my story remember!? TN… AN: that's what I thought now shut-up and listens to how the story goes!)

I didn't have the nerve to forget it in the trash. After every one left I dug through the frosting of cake and wrapping paper and BINGO! There it was I ran up the stairs as fast as a five years old legs could carry him, my long blond hair flying in my face, covering my eyes that were like a love sick puppies. That's was the only one of those toys I got that day that made it to today. All the other ones were either thrown away, or burned. Yes, I burn toys I don't want. But when ever one of my maids for this one and even touched it they were fired. I lay down on my bed with the action figure in had and fell asleep. To a blissful night of images of him and Raven.


'He said it!' 'Alexander Sterling said he loves me Raven Madison and better yet Trevor heard. How do I know this, I saw him in a bush. Yeah the mighty Trevor Mitchell in a bush. Shocking I know. But ALEXANDER LOVES ME!' "Raven?!" And there's my mom. (RN: Wow Trevor was right this chick makes me sound really sarcastic. TN: See I told you she made me self centered! AN: BOTH OF YOU SHUT-UP I CAN, AND WILL KILL YOU! RN… TN… AN: GOD SHUT – UP AND LISTEN!)

"Yeah mom?" "Raven what I'm going to say, well your not going to like, but let me ?" "Ok?"I said confused "YourdadhasatennisematchwithTrevorsdadandbothefamilysaregoingtosupporedthefamilymemberattheclubandyouhavetodrivetherewithTrevorhealreadyagreeded." My mom spat that out way to fast but I heard Trevor, drive, club, and Tennis. This is NOT going to end well. "Well I can't scream, and saying no or arguing wont help so, I guess I have too." That came out of my mouth before I could even argue with myself. My mom was just as surprised as me because her jaw almost hit the floor. She gave me a 'are you ok' look. Before I could say something snarky or sarcastic my legs carried my up the stairs. What is going on! I'm not controlling my body or mined! I tried to stop but I just couldn't. When I opened the door to my room I found out why I wasn't controlling my body. "Alexander!" I screamed but in a whisper. "I'm sorry Raven but I need to tell you something." Alexander's face was serious. Raven came to stand by Alexander at the window. She grabbed for his hand but he yanked it away. Raven knew her face was something between shock, and anger. "Raven-""Alexander just say what you want to and get out." Raven said her eyes tearing up. "Raven, Alexander put a hand on Ravens back, I'll always love you, but Jagger won't give up, and the only way to beat him is for me to marry Luna." Raven ripped away from his hand and whispered two words that had the most impact on anyone "Get out." "Get out and never come back." Raven felt the tears roll down her face "Raven-" "Didn't you hear me I'll be ok, just get out, go run off with Luna, just never come back." I crossed my arms with my black eyeliner smudged and tears staining my face. "I'll always love you Raven." He turned around and left out the window. Befor I knew it I was alone. Not only in my room, but alone in the world. I lay down on my Marline and Manson comforter and cried my self to sleep. As I sobbed into my pillow I realized that Alexander never loved me, he just thought that would make the fall easier, but truth is this made me hurt more that anyone or anything should ever feel.

AN: I'm sorry I made Alexander look like a complete heart breaker, and for putting him with Luna, it was the only way this story will work with out making Raven look like a lying cheating back stabber, so sorry if you disapprove, and sorry if it sounds like … new moon, there I said it! Please say NO!)

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