I figured I'd post this here for one reason: to let you know THE SEQUEL IS NOW UP!

525,600 Minutes has been uploaded as a separate story. This is just an excerpt from the Prologue. If you want to read the whole thing, go to my profile and click on the newest story!

Thank you so much for your support, everyone!

Disclaimer: I only own the plot

Chad Dylan Cooper didn't spot her right away.

According to his watch, it was 2:15. Everyone knew 2:15 was the perfect time for a fro-yo break. Two hours after lunch, four hours before dinner. There was plenty of time to snack on something and still be hungry enough for a meal later.

Chad wasn't really paying attention as he glided across the crowded commissary. When he spotted the heavyset person filling a tray with fro-yo's, he took it for granted she was an employee. Why else would she need an entire tray of food?

"Excuse me," he said, without really looking at the girl. "Miss, when you're done with that order, I'm going to need an extra-large chocolate."

He didn't pay attention to her response, something about not working there which made no sense whatsoever considering her outfit. A few seconds later, when she had the audacity to bump into him, he had no choice but to finally give her his attention. No one walked into Chad Dylan Cooper and got away with it.

"Oh, my gosh…I know you!" she exclaimed, and Chad felt his anger dissolve, the same way it always did when he met a new fan. "You're Mackenzie on 'Mackenzie Falls'!"

That was when he recognized her. The enthusiastic brown eyes, the huge smile that was almost too big for her face…he'd spied on her a week ago, when she first stepped foot inside Condor Studios. She was Sonny Munroe, the newest inhabitant of Chuckle City.

"And apparently you're Madge," he said, feigning innocence. This was supposedly his and Sonny's first meeting. He shouldn't know her name yet.

The conversation dragged on. Sonny introduced herself and Chad traded her an autograph for her yogurt. He heard her shouting at his retreating back – "Chad Dylan Cooper just stole my yogurt!" – but kept walking anyway.

He had no idea he'd just stolen food from his future girlfriend.

The cafeteria faded away and Chad found himself sitting in his dressing room, alone. Someone was knocking on the door.

"Come in," he called out timidly.

His back was facing the door, but he could see her reflection in his mirror. He paused, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Sonny Munroe was standing in his dressing room.

More than a year had passed since their initial meeting, and Sonny was far from being just 'the newest inhabitant of Chuckle City'. Now, she was one of the most important people in Chad's life, the exception to all the rules he'd spent a lifetime building. She was also leaving him so she could attend college back home in Wisconsin.

"Let's get one thing straight before you take off, Munroe," he said, springing from his chair and closing the distance between him and Sonny. "You can be as mad at me as you want to about our break-up. You can even blame me for it if you want to. I don't care. I used to care, but now I don't. You're leaving so I guess…I guess there's no reason for us to even have this conversation. What does it matter?"

He was lying through his teeth. Of course, he still cared about their break-up; it hadn't been his fault. He was trying to help by ordering the re-count and instead of acting proud of him for fixing everything, Sonny decided it was time to terminate their relationship.

"It does matter, Chad," Sonny argued, grabbing his wrist before Chad could turn back to his mirror. "Every conversation we've ever had matters. Don't you get that?"

Chad stared at her, one eyebrow raised in the air. "Don't I get what?"

"That I'm only leaving because I love you too much!"

She threw her arms around his neck and, without giving Chad a chance to say or do anything that could stop her, she pressed her lips against his.

It was like the world stopped. All Chad could think about was how great it felt to have Sonny in his arms again, to kiss her like there was no tomorrow. He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He ran his fingers through her hair, cupped her cheeks, touched every inch of skin that he could. He wanted to remember everything about this moment. Everything about Sonny was special and he never wanted to forget the way she could make him act like the world's biggest fool just by looking at him with her big brown eyes.

The moment ended faster than Chad expected it to. Sonny stepped away, placing a hand over her blushing lips.

"I need to go," she stated firmly, maybe more for her sake than Chad's.

"No!" Chad protested, taking her hand in his. "You just said you love me!"

"I do love you. I just…We're not ready for this yet, Chad. We're not ready for a relationship like this. We think we're in love, but are we really? We're so young and I can't help but wonder if maybe our hearts grew up before the rest of our bodies. Maybe we can make this work someday, but that day isn't today. We both need to grow up and figure out who we really are before we can commit to something this…this powerful. You'll stay here and work on your acting. If we're meant to be together…Well, it'll happen if it's meant to happen."

Chad's body grew numb.

"This is it," he said softly, his voice hardly more than a whisper. "This is really goodbye then."

"Not forever," Sonny assured him. "It's just goodbye for a few years."

She hugged him, but Chad knew better than to hold on too tight. The harder he held on, the more it would hurt when she forced him to let go. This, saying goodbye to a girl who he was supposed to hate and had been stupid enough to fall in love with instead, was the hardest thing he'd ever needed to do.

"I'll miss you," Sonny meekly whispered.

"I'll miss you, Sonshine," Chad promised, kissing her cheek one final time. "More than you'll ever know."

Once again, this is just an excerpt. If you want to read the prologue in its entirety, GO FIND THE ACTUAL STORY ON MY PROFILE!

Can't wait to hear from you!