He just had to do it and get it over with. Don't say anything, just walk in, do what needed to be done, and see what she had to say. That's what Skipper kept telling himself as he made his way over to Marlene's habitat. He had been trying to figure out what to say for several weeks but just couldn't think of the right thing.

Skipper had never been the romantic sort until he met her. From day two all he ever wanted to do was hold her in his arms. Ah hell, she caught his eye on day one, but Skipper was just too suspicious of the new girl to give her a chance. That is, until she introduced herself in such a sweet fashion. He could still remember the day she came over to their habitat with a bowl of fish and her best "nice to meet you" smile. You could almost say she had him from hello.

Way too soon, Skipper was standing on the railing of Marlene's enclosure. Her lights were still on even though it was almost 11:30. He couldn't help thinking about her lying there, on her cold, hard, concrete bed. Her shadow swept across the opening of her man made cave. It looked like she was holding a broom in her right hand and a dust pan in her left. Just like Marlene to be cleaning her home in the middle of the night, laughed Skipper. He shuddered in the cold breeze and thought about turning back. Get it together man! It's now or never! He jumped into the freezing water below, trying not to make a splash. He wanted this to be a surprise. Slowly, he came out of the water and stood there to drip for a moment. But he knew if he stopped now, his cover might be blown. Onward he went, creeping along the wall, staying in the shadow. Before long, he could hear Marlene whistling to herself.

"Oh Skipper." She mumbled. His heart quickened when he heard his name coming from her as if in a dream voice. It sent chills down his back, but it was a good sensation. He remained in position a moment longer, waiting to see if she said anything else, before he made his move. Quietly and calmly, he walked into the room and waited for her to take notice. Only about 30 seconds passed before Marlene stopped sweeping and looked around uneasily. She could sense someone's presence in the room and had the feeling of somebody watching her. Her head whipped around and she froze in shock.

"Skipper!? What are you doing here?" He opened his beak slightly as if to answer but instead, he swallowed and moved towards her. Frightened, Marlene took a couple steps back but stopped when she saw the calm, seductive look in Skipper's eyes. She had never seen him like that. When he was only about three or four steps away from her, she expected him to stop and say something like "I thought I would come check on you since your lights are still on so late at night," and then the team would come in after him and start checking the place out. But no. He was only inches away from her face and still moving forward.

"Ski-" But she was cut off by Skipper pressing his beak against her lips. She immediately tensed up but when she felt his flippers wrap around her, she turned to putty in his grip. When he started to pull her closer, she put her arms around his neck and did the same. It ended too quickly for her. He pushed away just far enough that they could still hold each other but they could see clearly into the other's eyes. Marlene opened her mouth to say something but couldn't find any word that could fit her emotions. So instead, she leaned forward and once again, they shared a loving, passionate kiss. Actions speak louder than words.