Hidden Love 2

Chapter 13

"Choosing Dream or Reality"

It had been two weeks since the phone conversation Sakura and Sasuke had. Sakura was currently making sandwiches while Maynard was running around in the living room.

"Maynard! Be careful! You'll break something if you keep running around like that!" Sakura yelled but she knew deep down that her son was not listening to him. She heard the door opening and looked up to see Sasuke's father coming into the home. Sakura smiled at the older male and went back to making the sandwiches.

"Have you heard from Sasuke?" Sakura stopped her actions and her eyes had widen.

"No... we go in a fight and I haven't called him. You would think if he cared about me, he would call me but no he is off hanging out with-"

"Sasuke hasn't even tried contacting you? Weren't you and Maynard only suppose to be here for a week?" Fugaku was starting to get annoyed of his younger son's actions. His eyes softened when he noticed Sakura starting to get teared up.

"We were but with the argument with Sasuke... I don't want to go back. Maynard loves it here with his family and I have no one there. This trip made me realize how much I miss everyone and everything here. But Sasuke likes it there. He has friends, his school, his ex girlfriend and he doesn't even call me to ask how the baby is doing so he must be having a blast!" Sakura sobbed into her hands and froze when she felt a pair of arms holding her.

"I think it's time for Sasuke to come home. Let's go bring him home." Sakura looked up to see Sasuke's father looking down at her with a serious expression.

"No no no he's doing great there. I don't want to ruin his dream and-"

"Sasuke getting high with his stoner friends and spending time with his ex girlfriend while his pregnant girlfriend alone is not the way I raised my son." Fugaku pulled away from the girl and pat her on the head but she still had a confused look on her face, causing the male to sigh.

"I overheard your conversation with him two weeks ago. I wanted to go after him then but I figured he would realize he is making a huge mistake and come home or at least call you. I'm going to go get my son." Fuguka stated before starting to leave the room and stopped when he heard his son's girlfriend.

"Wait! I'm coming too." Sakura walked up to the older male with a determined look on her face.

"Are you sure? I don't think it is wise to bring Maynard. I don't know what condition he will be in and what if he has company when we show up?"

"I'll be fine. I can ask Mikoto to watch Maynard while we are away and if I don't go, I'll just be stressed out here which won't be good for the baby." Sakura smiled down at her swollen tummy.

"Hn." Fuguka responded and smiled at the girl before walking out.

'I swear this Uchiha language.' Sakura thought to herself.


Sasuke was currently playing the latest Call of Duty game while eating nachos and having a bong sitting beside his beer bottle. Ever since his conversation with Sakura, he had been spending more time playing games and not going out unless he had to. Yuago hadn't attempted to contact or even go near him since their last conversation which was fine by him. Suigetsu would stop by once in awhile but only to give him some bud and he didn't care what was going on with Juugo. There was a knock on the door but Sasuke didn't want to deal with anyone or anything. "Go away!" Sasuke growled as he continued to ignore the noise and continue playing his game.

"Sasuke, this is your father. Open the door." Sasuke jumped out of his seat and hurried over to his door. There was no way his father would be here. The bud he was smoking had to be lace but wanted to confirm his hallucination. Sasuke opened the door and was immediatly greeted with a punch to the face, causing him to fall on the ground. When Sasuke came to, he glanced up to see his father hovering above him.

"Father? What are-ugh!" Sasuke was pulled up by the collar and was punched again. Fugaku let go of the shirt and let out a deep sigh. Sasuke cracked open an eye and watched as his father walked over and took a seat on the couch.

'Fuck he hits hard.' Sasuke slowly got off on the floor and wobbled over to his father but still kept his distance.

"What's happened? Why are you here dad?" Sasuke watched as his father glanced up to meet his gaze.

"This is all my fault." Fugaku started the conversation. He needed to know where his son's mind set was currently. While driving, he had a lot of time thinking about what was going to happen when he approached his son.

"What is?" Sasuke was unsure what his father was talking about.

"I should had never let you become friends with someone who was already a mom. I should had never let her move in with that son of hers. I knew you were still a kid but I was hoping you would had grown up like me and choose family instead of your own selfishness dreams." Fugaku spat as he stood up and hovered over his son. Sasuke's eyes widen, taken in what his father just told him.

"Fuck you father! Sakura and Maynard are my family and I love them more than anything! Why are you saying this shit!" Sasuke pushed his father with his hands and his father pushed back.

"Then why are you here Sasuke? Why aren't you back at home with your so called family? Instead, you are becoming a druggie while your pregnant girlfriend needs you!" Fuguka was about to strike his son again but stopped when he noticed his son's eyes turning red.

"Sakura has only been gone for a week! Big deal father and she's coming back. She's there to visit so why are you here?" Sasuke had enough of his father treating him.

"Sasuke... they have been gone a month...have you even been going to school?" The answer was silence as Sasuke slid down to the ground and put his hands in his hair.

"I have... but it seems like everyday is exactly the same." Sasuke mumbled but his father could hear him.

"It's time to come home Sasuke. It's time to choose your family if you really feel this way."

"Tch, I am home father." Sasuke growled while glaring at his father.

"This isn't home. Sakura, Maynard and the baby don't need to be here. They need to be with us especially during the pregnancy. They need you back at home with them."

"Father you are tripping... Maynard has his other dad, he doesn't need me. Last time I checked, the boy hated me and Sakura doesn't need me."

"We do need you Sasuke." Sasuke's eyes widen and looked up to see Sakura standing by the doorway with her hand on her stomach. Sasuke's eyes traveled down to her stomach and was amazed of how big it had gotten since the last time he saw her.

"Sakura..." Sasuke got up from the floor and walked over to his girlfriend but stopped when he got close enough to her. He wasn't sure how she felt about him at this time.

"Sasuke...why didn't you call me? Don't you care at all about my feelings after our last conversation?" Sakura sniffed and wiped the tears that were coming down her face. Sasuke sighed and brought his hand up to help her wiping the tears.

"I'm sorry Sakura...I'm so fucking sorry Sakura... Suigetsu told me that pregnant women have a lot of hormones and I figured you just needed some time away from me. I'm sorry for yelling at you and for lying to you. " Sakura could tell that Sasuke was telling the truth to her this time.

"What about Yuago?" Sakura whispered and was shocked to see that he was now smirking.

"I told her if she ever talked to me again, I would kill her. Why would I want to be with anyone when I have the best girlfriend in the world?" Sasuke was now patting Sakura on the top of the head.

"And the drugs?" Sakura eyed the bong that was on the living room table. Sasuke's smirk disapeared and heard his father making an excuse to get something out of the car, leaving the two teens alone.

"Can we talk in our room?" Sasuke saw Sakura nod her head and they both went into the bedroom. Sakura was relieved that her side of the bed didn't seem like anyone had been sleeping on that side. Sakura wobbled over and took a seat on the bed while Sasuke remained standing.

"Sakura... the reason why I started smoking was because of that whole Sai situation." Sasuke spoke truthfully.

"Maynard had been acting weird and with school and your pregnancy and then that Sai crap happened I got high that one night at the party but I didn't smoke again until after you and Maynard left."

"Why did you start smoking after we left? We were only supposed to be gone for a week..." Sakura trailed off then Sasuke took a seat on the bed beside her.

"I know but I didn't realize how difficult it was going to be without you both here. Getting high dulled the pain and it made time go by without me really noticing. What if Maynard decides to love Sai instead of me? What if he gets better and you decide to be with-"

"Don't be stupid Sasuke! Maynard and I love you so much! Maynard only went to see Sai once. He didn't like seeing him and Sai's parents and I haven't tried to get him to go back there either. He misses his daddy and you are his daddy." Sakura spoke and remembered that Sai and his parents would call and get Maynard to go back and visit but always made up an excuse.

"If you only visited once, why haven't you guys come back yet?" Sasuke was starting to get pissed off at the fact that they could had come home a lot sooner.

"Sasuke, I'm not moving back here. I had a long talk with your father and it will be best for Maynard and myself to move back with them. The doctor is better, Maynard has friends and it's causing me less stress to be back there. When we got into that fight, that's when I realized all this." Sakura watched as Sasuke took the information in. They both sat there in a moment of silence.

"I'll withdraw from school in the morning." Sasuke finally spoke up. Sakura was shocked and shook her head. She knew it was his dream to be coming to this school.

"You can't Sasuke! This is your dream of being here!" Sakura yelled.

"My dream is to be with you and my kids. I love you Sakura and I'm sorry that my actions hurt you and I realized now after talking with you and father that I need to be where my family is." Sasuke smiled at his girl.

"Can I kiss you?" Sasuke whispered softly while placing his hand on her cheek. Sakura moved the hand away and stood up from the bed.

"Give me some time Sasuke... you really hurt me with the lying. But I think we will be okay one day." Sakura smiled at her boyfriend.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. I should check on father to see if he got lost or something." Sasuke stood up from the bed and poked Sakura on the forehead, causing the girl to blush.

"You should rest, I can make you some tomato soup later but for now please rest." Sasuke smiled at the girl and walked out of the bedroom. Sakura smiled sadly around her room then glanced down at her tummy.

'One day.'


Sorry it's been a couple of years since I last updated! I need to finish this story. Sorry if it sucks and seems rush. I lost interest in writing and I wish I had a beta that could add more details and make corrections. Next chapter will explain why Fugaku is like this.