I cannot believe this. The fates are damning me to a fate worse than hell. So much worse than death. Oh, so, so much worse... He was once nothing more but a boy with a pipe dream to me. Than he had grown to be one of my allies. Now, he is my desire. A desire that I could not drag into my arms. A desire that would have shamed my family, a desire that would have killed the respect I had worked so hard for... Yet, he had always been beyond my reach, hadn't he? Once, we had been rivals, and he would proud fully claim me as his friend. That was how I had wished it to be, content in the knowledge that he would not find another. That only I saw what made him truly remarkable. Sakura had never wanted him, and I had been sure that that was the only person he would ever wish for. He would never had settled for another, I had known this. Now, the destiny I had planned for myself, without him by my side, shatters around me.
Why was he with him? Why was my most secret passion crying out in pleasure created by that man? That monster of a beast that had once tried to break him? why was he so pleasured by what that thing was doing to him? I could hear his pleas for more where I stood. Watching, almost against my will. Watching, because I know I will never see my most dark wish exposed in such ways. Exposed in such ways that is not meant for me, but for another. In such a way that I had dreamed night after night that would be meant for me. Despite knowing upon wakening that it shall never be. And fury dances upon my spine and paints my cheeks red with it. Why am I not the one touching him?
"G-Gaara! Pl-eeeaaaasse! I can-ah hah!-not hold onnnn any long- long- oooohhhh."
No, I am not hearing this. He is not screaming a name that is not my own. Even knowing he would never had been screaming my name, I had believed that he would be screaming no one else's. Now, I am proven wrong. So horribly wrong in my mislead beliefs.
A monster had seen through that horribly scarred shell of his, and seen that soul that burns so brightly. A monster is possessing him. A monster is making him scream. And it is not even in pain that he screams. And it is not for me he screams either. If I could, I would kill him. I would kill him for making every dream I had ever had all that less satisfying in this moment. Of making me feel filthy for every time I had watched him for just that moment longer. It makes me feel like the lowest of specimens to know...that I was defeated by this monster.
There must be something wrong here. It is not possible that he would do such a thing willingly, would he? Gaara is a man who is used to receiving what he wanted. There are so many things that they could have been done to make this moment so. How could this be if not unwilling? He is too sweet, he is too loving. He is so many things that this monster is undeserving of. Why does Gaara have him?
"Lee, cum with me."
"Oooohhh, G-GAARA!! I LOVE YOU-OU!!!"
No, this is not happening! Lee is not loving this thing! I can not accept his words, they cannot be true! Is my destiny that frayed? Am I truly cursed? I watch as Lee falls off of his mounted position and lands beside that monster. Gaara catches him and drags Lee over himself. I cannot believe this. Destiny has tied these two together? It is not possible.
I watch as they kiss again. Something unfurls inside of me as I gaze upon this. As I watch their tongues dance together and their eyes close in bliss, I feel the disgust rise in me. Lee would allow himself to be touched by this thing. I am lucky to have ridden myself of this childish crush with him. I am glad for these two to find each other. Fate would have cursed any other coupling.
So, why do I feel this? It shakes my entire body and blurs my vision. It opens a thousand of non-existent cuts all over my skin and screams out in pain that I know can be seen upon my face. I must compose myself. I must lie to myself and say that this is for the best. If I believe otherwise, that will only hurt me more. Any more pain could kill me right now, of that I am sure.
As I watch those two actually cuddle, something I had never before even thought could be possible for the demon-ridden creature, I force myself to believe that this is for the best. I turn and walk away. I wonder to myself why it is raining only on me, because the ground to either of my sides is dry. I wonder because I can feel it fall down my cheeks. Why is the world around me spinning? Speeding past me at an incredible speed. I am a Hyuuga, I do not run away. I am a Hyuuga, I do not cry.
---- Change of P.O.V. ----(Gaara P.O.V.)
Lee, I am never capable of telling you what is pounding away in this red organ others refer to as a heart. I had once promised myself that I would love only myself, and I have yet to break that. Because what I feel when you are near is so much stronger than that petty vision. We fight each other, we fuck each other, we protect each other. We would kill each other if that were for the best. I know you would, Lee. I also know that you would follow after me, believing in that naive way of yours that we will be going to the same place and knowing that I do not wish to be alone. You are so selfless. I know that I would kill you, but I would not be able to follow soon after. I know that is what you would want. You know me so well, I sometimes have the feeling that maybe you read my mind.
I know that I wish for no other to gaze upon your body. Your modesty is pleasing when others have eyes upon you. Alone, you should be naked and waiting for me. It would be most pleasing if your legs were spread apart, your tight entrance already lubed, that way I could slide inside of you. I know that is even more pleasing when I can lube you myself. Fucking and making love are so different from one another and I could do both to you all night and day. Being a Kage had never been so bothersome as it is when it drags me from our bed and away into public where I can not see your sweet ass. I always want you, yet, I always need you.
Those nights that you are too sore or too wounded, there is nothing but to lie beside you and listen to you speak. I touch you and you touch me and laugh gently into my ears. Three years later, you still blush where there is no one but me watching you. I cannot understand such a human reaction, even more confusing when all I do is ask you what you would have wished for me to do to you if we could have had sex. Those days when we are forced into public, you walk beside me and eat with me. I do not understand what you have against cow tongue. It is a delicacy, unlike your curry. That was a good spoon that went into the garbage because the spice you require to make your dish was too much for it.
Yes, we love and I hate, but you forgive. We have sex and make love and fuck. I claim you constantly, marking you as my territory. You are mine, mine in every way. Your body, your mind, your blood. We have bonded all of them together. You claim that we have even blended our souls together. I believe that is impossible, seeing as I have no such thing. But I allow you to live in your own little world of disbelief. I know that you would forgive me for anything. I could attempt to kill you...again. If I were too ,again, be unsuccessful, you would forgive me. But I know that there are things that are unforgivable even to you. Such as harming your friends and family. I had once harmed your friends and wished your family dead, but I am here, with you on me, me in you. I know that you had only forgiven me for that because it was an order as well as the fact that I was unstable. You understand orders, and know what had caused my temporary insanity. But this, I know, would be different. This, I know, you would never be able to forgive me for.
I know that I cannot kill your teammate. I know that you would cry and demand a match and would fight till you yourself was dead if I ever moved to harm him. You do not love him like you love me. But he was your rival, a man you had worked hard to prove yourself against. Even though he is watching you fuck yourself on my cock, I know that you would stand between us and order me to stand down even though I am a kage and you a shinobi. You would never allow me to end his pitiful life. So, instead, I force myself deeper, you are so tight, and it burns my entire being. It scorches my skin and squeezes my organs and I know that neither of us will last much longer. You are so far gone, you do not even realize that we are being watched. You cry out for more, you beg for an end. He can hear you. And that brings me even closer to you, wanting myself all over you. I want him to know that he can never have you. That only I can mate with you in such ways.
I make our end sudden, with one last ratic shove into your tight ass and one last tug on your length, you come all over our chests. You scream one last time.
"Oooohhh, G-GAARA!! I LOVE YOU-OU!!!"
Then you are nothing but putty as you slide away from me. And I come within you, my essence sputtering into you. The fire that had engulfed me becomes an inferno, so encompassing, I stop breathing. I choke on that fire, my arms grabbing you and holding you to keep myself within this world that suddenly seems unreal compared to the one I am currently in. Than it is out, like a candle being snuffed out, leaving a relieving coolness behind. I hold you here still. Devouring your mouth as you attempt to steal my breathe again. It becomes a most pleasant battle until you release yourself to finally fall into that slumber which is always elusive to me.
He is gone, do you think I should follow him? Assure myself that I will never have to anger you by killing him? I will kill him if I feel he is a threat to you, Lee. I know that you would challenge my authority if I were to ever tell you so. But it is the truth, his eyes have gazed enough upon your body that is only meant for my eyes. I can name on one hand any others that have seen you in such condition and that was only for medical reasons. Otherwise, I would have had to visit them. I know you wish for me to kill no one for merely gazing upon you, and you would be terrified of me if you knew what I thought of every person who ever touched you.
Your teammate is no different. Watching you fall asleep, I know that there is only one course of action to take. When you sleep, it is just like any other activity you attend: full of unneeded energy and concentration. I know you are asleep because I stroke you hair and suddenly your hand is there, you face slack except for your eyebrows which show the slightest tension. Your hand slides away as you subconciencly realize who is touching you. Gods, you are something inhuman, Lee. Something that can only belong to one person. You are much too loyal to allow another to have you after you had already been claimed.
It is simple, the act of dressing. I do not look behind me as I leave the kage rooms stationed in your home village. The Fire Country may be my ally, but I can trust you alone to be there when I turn around, so I do not bother. Following the chakra flow left behind is only slightly more difficult. I can taste his tears on the wind and they excite me. He cried over his loss, Lee. But that is also dangerous. I had seen you cry once, afterwards you had come to the decision to fix what was wrong and had done so with such strength and speed that my ANBU had been left in your dust. You have yet to tell me what had been wrong.
Lee, he is sobbing. He sits there, pitiful sounds being ripped from his throat as he gazes up at the moon. You had always said that no one had loved you before I had. Looking at him, I know that that was a lie. I had only been first to reach you. His reach had come up short. A predatory enjoyment entangles the sand within the gourd and make the grains dance within its cage. My enemy has forfeited. My prey is helpless and I am free to attack. But, Lee, you would not wish for me too do as I wish to this imbecile, do you? A prodigy, they call him. Where had that lie came from? Had he not seen this coming? Even Naruto has accepted our relationship. But, this broken being before me is not displeasing.
Ah, he stops sobbing the moment my sand sounds. I can actually see the veil that falls across him, hiding his pain. He stands in a fluid motion and I can almost smile with how fake his calm is. I know that he is not as collected as he wishes me to believe. He turns to me as if he had known that I had seen his moment of weakness. For animals such as I, that moment was enough. This man shall never have you, Lee. You had helped me discover what it is to share everything, and I will not give you up so easily.
"Hm, so you leave him so easily to track me down, Kazekage? I am sure that he would hate to wake alone..."
I feel no need to reply to such tactless words. I know that you shall not wake alone. I will be there before then, you will never be alone as long as I can reach you.
"The one who is truly not a ninja and the one who is truly not a human. Fate has tied you two together for obvious reasons, you are deserving of each other."
His denial of our act together is annoying. I know that I can no longer be classified as human. But you are most certainly a ninja. No civilian or other imbecile could defeat me as often as you do.
"I hope that destiny shines upon your coupling. You will need it when Lee suddenly realizes the horrible mistake he has made. No one can truly love a monster, Kazekage, not even Lee."
It is so difficult not to kill him. He is begging for death to take him away. You would find this preposterous, but I know that he is doing this purposefully. He wants you to hate me. He wants me to pay for having you, for binding you to me. He knows that the greatest way to do so is to have me attack him and create life-threatening damage. I know by those sickeningly pale eyes that he would die to have you hate me. I can tell because of how dim they are. Not prideful or snubbing as they usually are. My sand begins their dance again. My prey is trapped and will indeed chew off his own leg to escape. It is always most interesting when they will not accept their defeat. I know better than to kill him, because I do not wish to fight you on such matters such as me killing one of those close to you.
"I can only thank the Gods that two men cannot reproduce. It would be a disastrous event and the whelp would have to be put down like a filthy mutt. I am sure that Lee would die bringing into this world. Just. Like. Your. Mother."
Lee, why is it this filth is not dead yet? Why can you not forgive me for killing this freak as you would forgive me for showing up for our spars late. I settle for a different tactic. I will not use force against this man, that is exactly what he wants. I will only threaten him. And it will work better than any attack on him could ever wish too.
"Lee does not know."
Just like a snake, I had poisoned this man. I can feel his body temperature drop and hear his breathe rattle. I would enjoy to see others gaze upon their favorite prodigy now.
"How do you think he would react? If I were to tell him all you had just told him?"
I know that I wouldn't, as long as you did not ask. There was no point in bringing up misguided words to win this war. But, I also see no point in lying. Should he challenge me on my threat, I will act on it. Should he call me a bluff, you will know all by morning and when you question this man, I shall be there to watch, just as he had watched. I shall be there when you run to my side, confused and hurt. I do not like hurting you, but I will not allow this thing to do so behind your back. I know that you are strong enough to take these sort of things.
He trembles, and my greatest desire is to strike now. End this pitiful spite and leave only blood behind me. But I am not that boy anymore, and the clawing need in me will continue to go unanswered. It is only the roaring in my head that I feel the need to give into. He is so weak in this moment that the veil that had fallen upon him before is shredding itself. It feeds my sadistic side. It stabilizes that part of me created by years of caring for the Suna people and of having Lee and caring for friends.
"You passed up your chance to have Lee, to know his heat. I made no such mistake. I have him now, and I will never release him. If you wish to have any place in his mind, you will know what to say to him and what not to. You will recognize that he is mine."
Seeing no more reason to be around this man anymore, I jutsu away. Reappearing in our room, I know I have won. You continue to sleep, unaware of the small battle that had just occurred for you. That would startle you, wouldn't it? To know that you had been fought over. Precious Lee, so unused to admiration and always wishing for it. I will always admire you, Lee.
Slipping out of clothes are as simple as sliding into them. There is that brief moment where your body moves to protect you and then it recognizes me. It is alive as you sleep and curls around me as possessively as I hold onto you. You push your face into my red locks and then stop all movement, still asleep. Your body is limp, knowing that I am here to defend you. Always here for you.
Should I tell the Hyuuga that we do plan to have a child? That there is an experiment that your kage has dragged you into and you had agreed? No, I will not tell him. He shall find out soon enough. I will not allow his prediction to come true. I am the Kazekage, and my word is law. Law states that you can never leave me, Lee. You had better had studied that law till it was imprinted in your mind.