They were opposites. Where he was her sun, she was his moon.

She stopped the rain, and he gave her a reason to live.

They were yin and yang, day and night. Light and Dark.

Ichigo- The Black Sun

Rukia- The White Moon.

And the day they met, was an eclipse.

"She's not just a friend. To Kurosaki-san, Kuchiki-san is the one who changed his world."

Even Orihime knows!!!

Do Ichigo and Orihime sing a song together? No, they don't.

And the age thing? No. Age doesn't matter. And does Rukia look like a nasty old woman? No she doesn't.

They have a bond. A bond Orihime and Ichigo will never have. Nothing can break Ichigo and Rukia apart.

They understand each other.

"They're from two different worlds, she's too old. It'll never work." I'm sorry, have you met Ichigo dad and mom? What was his dad? What was his mom? Oh yeah, that's right. A shinigami and a human! The same as Rukia and Ichigo! BAM!


When she was locked up, it was Ichigo who she spoke of the most often.

Nel was jealous of her and Ichigo's relationship.

She changed Ichigo's world. For the better.

No matter what, she can make him feel better.

She told Ichigo that when he was ready to talk about his mom. She would listen.


When it's Rukia on his back, he lets her tell him where to go.

Nothing could stop him from saving her. Not even when she told him not to.

When he first tried to save her, she was worried about how cut up he was.

Ichigo swore on his soul to save Rukia.

Who did Ichigo gain Bankai for? Oh, that's right. RUKIA.

He told her to wait for him.


"You're that type of man in my heart, Ichigo!"


" the one who changed my world."


There you go.