Chapter 1

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into Manhattans elite.

The long hot days of summer are coming to a close, and leaving me with a thirst for Gossip. The end of the school saw some of my blog's regular characters conquer their high school dramas, and take their first grown up steps. For most, these steps have guided them outside their penthouses as they move from Egyptian cotton sheeted king size beds, into bunks and shared enclosed dorm rooms.

Even our resident lonely boy may find the NYU dorm rooms' too confined. Rumour has it he spent the summer enjoying breakfast at the Van Der Woodsen's penthouse, as the Rufus Humphreys and Lilly Van Der Woodsen prepare for their wedding in the New Year. It seems my branding of lonely Boy as an 'insider,' was not out of line, he may have lost Serena as a girlfriend, but gained her as a step-sister instead. Who says you can't stay in touch with an ex?

Speaking of Serena, she has finally returned from Europe, only to pack her bags again and head for Brown. Her attempt to locate her father proved a dead end but not all was lost. While she did not gain a daddy, word has it that she did return with a boyfriend. Looks like Carter and Serena have relit a flame which was once thought long gone. Hmmmm....wonder how step-brother Dan feels about said match up?

Europe proved lucky for more than one couple. Nate and Vanessa came back from their backpacking trip holding hands and each other's hearts. Looks like they're planning on giving the relationship another go as they head to different Colleges. Here's hoping.....

But not all of us are destined for lecture halls and dorm rooms, Chuck Bass has decided to forego college and take over his father's company. His absent from any recent blogs suggest that this once rebel party boy has traded party and late night booty calls for business meetings and love. Looks like our star crossed lovers Blair and Chuck have spent the summer blissfully lost in one another. After so much heart ache, the two finally seem destined to be together. And with Blair staying in the city while she attends NYU, it seems their good luck is here to say....or is it?

With all off St Jude's and Constance's seniors moved on, does that mean the high school world is at peace? Think again. Seems Lil J has taken up roles of Upper East Side girl and queen bee. Will she fill Blair's manolos? Only time will tell....

Send me the details, because while Manhattan seems at peace for now, my bet is it won't be long before someone stirs the pot...

Until then, you know you love me.


Gossip Girl.

'I don't really understand what all the fuss is about,' Lilly muttered as Rufus and Dan roll their eyes at one another, 'I mean how hard is it to make waffles? I wish you'd let me try.'

Rufus opened the waffle iron and flipped the freshly cooked waffle onto Lilly's plate.

'I'll tell ya what Lil's, tomorrow you get your own personal lesson in waffle making 101,' he said with a wink, 'it just today is Dan's last breakfast before we ship him off to NYU. I want this morning to be perfect for him.'

'It's true Lilly,' Dan added, 'I'm so stressed this morning that I couldn't handle pretending to like your half baked mushy waffles. Not that they'd be bad –uh, they'd probably be fine, it's –uh just that I'm so use to Dad's waffles, and y'know, his an artist in everything he does, I mean I know you were a photographer too but...'

'Thank you Daniel, you can breathe again,' Lilly cut him off quickly, 'you're probably right. My waffles are no match for your fathers, yet. '

'Yet?' Rufus raised an eyebrow.

'That's right, when Dan returns for a visit, I'm challenging you to a waffle cook off,' Lilly said, 'hopefully that will convince you to come home sooner rather than later.'

Dan smiled politely. He was deeply touched by Lily's effort to turn the penthouse into a home for the Humphreys. She had been polite, supportive and willing to incorporate the Humphrey's life style into her own. If he had to have a step mom then no one was better than Lily. However, he wasn't too keen on referring to the Upper East Side as 'home.' He hated seeing the loft empty and bare. He hated watching all the old furniture being sold. He wasn't particular fond of the penthouse. It was nice, sure but it just wasn't him. And of course, the penthouse was made even more uncomfortable with the presence of his step-sister-to-be. Also known as his ex-girlfriend. He had only had to endure three days of the uncomfortableness before Serena whisked herself off to Brown, but it was enough to make dread the his first break from college when he would be forced to spend the holidays with her. Undoubtedly Carter would be joining them too. Serena had been thoughtful enough to refrain from having Carter over, which Dan appreciated. However, it would only be a matter of time before he would cross paths with the two of them. It wasn't that he wanted Serena back, that relationship was done. However, seeing any ex and their new love is undoubtedly uncomfortable and Dan did not want to have to endure that social awkwardness in his own home.

'Well, thank-you Lily,' Dan replied, and in remembering how much this relationship meant to his father, he added, 'but I really already have enough reasons to return home.'

Rufus smiled at Dan appreciatively, then glanced at his watch, 'oh son, we better get a move on, got to get you settled in to your dorm.'

'Oh yes, yes,' Lily exclaimed standing to say goodbye, 'now Daniel, you look after yourself ok?'

'I will Lily,' Dan replied, kissing his stepmother on the cheek farewell, 'anyways I'm right up town.'

As Dan grabbed the final of his bags and stepped outside the building's entrance he felt like he could finally breathe. He was free. No more Upper East side. No more socially awkward situations. No more drama. No more gossip. He was Dan Humphrey of New York University. Dan smiled as he approached his fresh start.

However, somewhere else in New York saw one NYU student holding her breath with impatience. Today was supposed to be her day. She was leaving her luxurious penthouse and about to embark on a new chapter in her life. However, her day so far had consisted of her waiting impatiently on her bed while Chuck answered the hundreds of calls that flooded his blackberry. He'd promised her that he'd have the day off so that he could focus on getting her settled in her dorm. Blair had visualised this moment all summer. She had pictured waking up next to Chuck in her room, and having a farewell breakfast with her mother, Cyrus and of course Dorota. Then, the removalist would come and her and Chuck would take the limo to the dorm, while the movers and assistance her mother hire to organise her dorm room would settle her in. Then her and Chuck would spend the afternoon taking a walking tour of the campus, before a romantic dinner together.

Her plan had failed before the morning had even begun. Chuck failed to stay the night due to a late night business dinner and then missed breakfast. He had been at Blair's for 20 minutes and 19 of those minutes had been on the phone. Blair loved Chuck. She even loved the new and improved Chuck, whose partying ways had simmered down to almost non-existent. She loved the way he spoiled her with theatre shows and jewellery. Designer handbags and manolos. However she'd trade all his riches for a few extra moments each day with him. She couldn't ask him to cut back on work though; it was his father's business. But Chucked work as though he thought his father was somehow still able to remind him of what a disappointment he was and fire him. She just wish he'd relax and return to the youthful and fun loving man he once was. The man who'd come back from Europe to confess his love for her. The man whose passion for her led him to acts that she could still not recognise as comprehendible. She missed being the prey he hunted. She missed the fire in their relationship. That was the thing with fire, sooner or later it has to die out, and all that remains is ashes.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Chuck crossed the room and place a soft kiss on the edge of Blair's jaw.

'What was that about,' Blair asked, keeping her tone emotionless.

'Work stuff, client in crisis, meeting needed to be push up to tonight.'

'Tonight?' Blair's voiced turned to a whimper, would she now not even have a celebratory dinner?

'Yes tonight,' Chuck whispered looking across the room as he sat down next to her.

'Chuck,' Blair began.

'Of course, I told them that I'd already sacrificed this morning, your morning due to work, and that the meeting could wait, but your celebratory dinner couldn't,' Chuck turned to her, his crooked smile causing her anger to melt away, 'I'm sorry about his morning, let me make it up to you.'

'Fine,' Blair gave in to him, 'You can start making it up to me tonight.'

'I was hoping now,' Chuck pulled a small box from his pocket and placed it on the bed between them, 'a gift. To remind you how proud I am of how far you've come.'

'How far I've fallen, you mean. If you recall I was supposed to head for Yale,' Blair couldn't help but feel the disappointment of losing her dream wash over her again.

'Yes, I remember,' Chuck almost winced as he thought about watching Blair sink so low at then end of the school year, 'but you pulled yourself up. That's something you can be proud of Blair.'

'When you get so wise,' Blair smiled.

'Well, I had to step it up. I am dating a college girl now you know?' Chuck leant in and the two kissed.

Blair couldn't even remember why she was so upset before. This was Chuck, she loved him. And he loved her. They had both come so far in this past year. You just have to get use to being in the relationship, instead of scheming ways on how to obtain it, she told herself.

'Open the box,' Chuck urge.

Inside sat a silver chain, with a heart shaped pendent on the end, encrusted with silver diamonds.

'Chuck,' she breathed.

'You can thank me tonight,' Chuck winked.

Blair laughed as Chuck place the necklace around her neck.

Our fire is definitely still burning, Blair thought as she pulled Chuck close for a passionate kiss.