He's such a stupid brat. I can watch him from my window as he walks across the terrace towards the servant's quarters. Stupid Greek. He thinks I have no idea what he's doing.

Egypt tries to keep me from the window. I know he knows. He's trying to keep me from seeing Greece running off, and doing what he knows he's not supposed to do. Gupta knows I don't like it; I can tell. He uses every means he can. I've even been mauled by that stupid dog of his. Sometimes I allow him to distract me; it's too tempting not to when he gets desperate enough. All to distract me for a moment or two! Why does he want to protect that brat so much? Sometimes I just ignore him, and I know it bugs him. He thinks I'm stubborn.

Nearly every night I can catch at least a glimpse of the brat as he runs by at full speed. He's so sure of himself, isn't he? So sure that I'll never find out. I tried once to ask him where he had been. I never received an answer, as it ended up being a fight. He's getting stronger, but if he thinks he'll ever best me, he's mistaken. Gupta was pretty pissed that night- he nearly closed his door on my hand. I think Greece was even more pissed, but it's hard to tell with that brat.

I can see him in the library now. I can't ever remember teaching him to read; maybe Gupta taught him. I come in, and he's silent. He doesn't want to acknowledge my existence, like normal. It's a useless attempt, and he knows it as well as I do. I get closer, and can watch his hands start to tense, gripping his chosen reading material hard.

"Merhaba," I try. "What're 'ya readin'?" He lifts his head up long enough to throw me an angered glare. Why is he so mad? It's not like I've done anything. He's just a bratty teenager. He's back to ignoring me. Why does he do that? I drop my hand onto his head, roughly messing up his hair. He instantly shoots up, looking ready to fight. I'm gone though, pleased to have drawn a reaction from him. My departure is followed by shouted Greek, only some of the words I understand; all swears.

I want to go see Egypt- he's out in the garden, tossing a bone for that irritating dog of his to fetch and drag back. It's a boring process, but I lurk at the garden's entrance for a bit, watching. When he tosses the bone again, I finally decide to come up to him and slip my arms around his waist, dropping my chin onto his shoulder.

"Merhaba," I say. He doesn't seem to react physically, but he never does. It doesn't deter me; it's rather comfy like this. He just replies with a short hello. He never acts like he cares if I'm there, but I know he secretly enjoys it. I brush my lips across his neck and, maybe without his knowledge, he presses lightly back against me.

"Greece is mad," I mention, and he instantly pulls back. He asks what I did, and I just shrug. He finally pulls away from me, whistling for his dog. The great beast comes bouncing out of nowhere. I take a few steps away, not wanting to get in the way of the animal. The dog leaps up, it's paws plopping down onto Gupta's shoulders and proceeds to lick his face. I can't understand why he allows that- it's disgusting. Ignoring me, he and the dog go inside.

It's so boring here.