A/N: My feeble attempts to get inside Kevin's head. It's nice in there, there's a dance competition every Wednesday and a rabbit that likes to talk philosophy.

A little AU since I rewatched Home Movies and realized that Frankie wasn't born when they moved into the firehouse, but just pretend that they moved later.

He'd always done things his own way, reasoned them out and came to a logical conclusion derived from the evidence as he saw it. It's not his fault that everyone else is a little off kilter.


He was suppose to start school; suppose to go learn new things and meet new people. But Joe and Nick weren't allowed to go with him, no matter how hard he pleaded, and he didn't know anybody, and really, how could anyone expect him to stay in a class room all day with complete strangers. He wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

The other kids didn't know his favorite crayon was the green one, and that he only liked cranberry juice in a cup, not some silly box with a straw, or care about his cowboy costume back home, or about his brothers. Kevin didn't like school.

He tried hiding, and walking home, and begging to stay, and clinging to the car. Finally, after almost two weeks, his mom and dad decided he could wait a year for Joe.


The first time he ever made a girl cry, his stomach was so upset he threw up all over her. The doctor said he had the flu, but Kevin knew the girl's tears where to blame; something in them, some weird gas-like chemical, was released and it made his stomach twist and turn. Nick could probably tell him what it was.


When they first moved into the firehouse, his dad tried to give him the extra bedroom, talks of "being the eldest" and "he deserved it" attached to pats on the back and proud smiles. Kevin never did figure out what he did to merit such punishment as to be separated from his two best friends; but Mom stepped in, and before her eldest had to spend one night in solitude, had the remodel plans out and was transferring "Frankie's Corner" into a Kevin friendly place complete with a guitar closet and tour bus beds.


Macy was a scary girl at times, with her clumsy tendency and habit of carrying around her latest batch of sports equipment. But she had a pretty smile and wide dark eyes; he made a mental note to grab a camera later and take a picture, something to immortalize the image.

His mom and dad were concerned, at least that's the word they used. It really didn't surprise him that he didn't understand why.

"She's almost four years younger than you. And with the media following you everywhere…"

"You're nineteen; and she's still a minor. We know you, but the public will think what they want." The words came accompanied with kind eyes and hot chocolate and he nodded and smiled; these were all true, he didn't know why they needed to voice obvious facts.

His brothers exchanged knowing looks when he answered their "what did they want/what did you do" questions and he didn't like it; they usually tell him what the looks mean.

After his and Macy's first kiss she doesn't blog about it. It worries him; girls gossip when something good happens. He never thought he was a bad kisser, but if Macy didn't tell... Nick says it's a good thing; shows she likes him, but he still worries. His little brother is not a girl, no matter how smart he is, he's just not. At least Kevin's pretty sure he's not, it's been a while since he's checked.

But when Macy kisses him in the hallway the next day, his fears melt away. She is a little different, so maybe that's why she didn't tell. He doesn't care; he's a little different too.