Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin...

A/N: This is my first Merlin fic, its just an idea I had, but its only half thought through at the minute. please review!

Merlin quickly ran into Gaius's chambers.

'Merlin, wait!' shouted the old man.

Merlin stalled for a minute, fidgeting his hands tumbling over each other.

Gaius knew something was off, 'Turn round Merlin' he commanded.

'Please! Gaius I'm tired...' replied Merlin as he began to move towards his room.

'Merlin!' boomed Gaius.

Merlin flinched.

Gaius saw the flinch, taking a deep breath he said, 'I'm sorry Merlin, please just turn round'

'I...' Merlin began as he turned around.

Gaius looked at the hunched form in front of him, 'look at me Merlin'

Merlin hesitated, but then raised his head.

Gaius gasped and Merlin flinched at his reaction.

'I-I'm sorry' stuttered Merlin as he ran for his room.


Merlin buried his face into his pillow, how could he have let this happen? So much for all his powers if he couldn't use them. He felt a small sob wrack his body and then a hand was placed on his shoulder. He jerked away but calmed when he saw Gaius.

'I brought some ointment with me, let me help you'

Merlin simply nodded, words seemingly failing him as another sob gripped him.

'Merlin, what happened?'


'Merlin, this isn't nothing... where are you hurt?'

Merlin blushed bright red and glanced down.

'Merlin it's okay, whatever you say I will have heard before and...'

'No, I-I let it happen, it's nothing really, and I'm sorry, you can go. I can deal with this'

'Merlin, I won't leave you alone, let me help you...' It was breaking Gaius's heat to see Merlin like this, he had a nagging feeling as to what had happened, Lord Daniels was in Camelot and he had a reputation.

Gaius had warned Merlin of Lord Daniels, and he knew that Arthur had told Merlin to stay away from him but he also knew that Lord Daniels was persistent and many a servant avoided him but they all met the same fate if Lord Daniels took a liking to them.

'Merlin, does Lord Daniels have anything to do with this?'

Merlin flinched at that name, 'I'm sorry... I know you told me to avoid him and I did, but he...'

'Merlin its okay, really it is. I know you did you best to avoid him, but Lord Daniels is persistent; many people have tried to avoid him. Many a master has told their servant to avoid him, and it has never stopped Lord Daniels, as he only attacks servants there is nothing that can be done, it is a servant's word against a Lords. Some Masters have challenged him over his actions, but he is skilled with the sword.'

He embraced Merlin in his arms, who was sobbing openly now. He knew is words may not have brought comfort but it was the truth, he needed Merlin to realise it wasn't his fault.

A/N: Please review, as reviews are love! let me know what you want to see!