And here's the last chapter. I wanna say a huge thanks to everyone who reviewed it: dani6531, 274.x, Lorie-TSL, Laura Ward and McFressie :D I really appreciate it =)

'Get out of my house,' an eerie voice said from beside Harry.

He jumped a mile in the air and span around, his phone clattering to the ground. No one was there.

'Out,' it whispered louder.

'Guys....?' Harry whispered uncertainly.

'What's wrong?'

'I think we should get out of here,' Harry muttered in a terrified voice.

'But we can't,' Tom replied.

Harry glanced towards the window. An orange glow signified the sun was beginning to come up.

'NOW!!' the voice shouted, and this time, both Tom and Danny heard it.

'Get the stuff and let's get out of here,' Harry exclaimed, jumping up, grabbing Dougie's hand, pulling it up.

'What?' he asked sleepily. His eye had blossomed into a purple bruise. The light purple bruising around his neck showed in the light.

'We have to get out of here,' Tom said feverishly, shoving the newspaper, letter and everything else they'd bought into the bag.

They grabbed it and ran to the front door. It opened straight away and they sprinted down the front path and out the gate, shutting it with a loud bang. Once out of the house, they stood and looked at it. A spooky man's face was glinting in the downstairs window.

'Let's get out of here!' Danny shouted. They took off running towards the car.

'Keys Tom?!' Danny shouted feverishly. Tom grabbed the keys from his pocket and put them in the door, unlocking it. The four jumped in, locking the doors after them.

'Try it, come on, try it!!' Harry shouted. Tom put the keys in the ignition and turned them. The car started straight away. Tom drove back up onto the road and began speeding to the next town.

No one talked on the way. Dougie and Danny fell asleep in the back seat and Harry began to doze off.

They finally made it back to their house, just on nine o'clock. Fletch's car was parked out the front. Tom gently woke up the other three and they headed back inside. Fletch was sitting at their kitchen table, eating breakfast, a glass of orange juice and toast, making himself at home.

'Boys! Thank god! We got home, expecting you to be too! But when we made it, you weren't there. You've had us worried sick, we were almost going to call the police! Where have you been all night? Why is Dougie all bruised and his jeans torn? Why are you covered in dust and ash and blood in Dougie's case? Why do you have a bruise on your face Danny?' Fletch asked in a rush.

The four boys looked at each other, sitting at the kitchen table.

'I don't think you'll believe us...but here we go anyway...' Tom said and they began telling the story of their night, not leaving out any details.

They finished telling Fletch and all he did was stare.

'I told you that you wouldn't believe us,' Danny sighed.

'No, I believe you...' he said unconvincingly. 'Just go and sleep it off. You all look like death warmed up,' he said.

The four traipsed off to bed, visions of what they'd just been through running through their heads. It didn't seem real.

Danny got into bed. Fur Elise was playing in his head. He lay down and tried to sleep, the bruise on his forehead aching. Something moved in his wardrobe. He was so tired he couldn't be bothered getting up.

Harry got into bed and checked his phone. The picture he'd taken of the girl had changed. It was now only a picture of the room. There was no strange glow. Harry dismissed it and fell asleep.

Tom also had the piano playing over and over, as well as Melanie's spooky singing voice, singing Tomorrow. His whole body ached and he fell asleep within minutes.

Although they all felt as though someone was watching them.

Dougie on the other hand couldn't sleep. He sat awake, thinking, his neck and face aching. He would never tell the boys someone had been whispering to him the whole time... never... He decided to try and sleep.

'Sweet dreams Dougie,' a ghostly voice whispered to him. He jerked upright and looked around.

No one was there.

Although he tried not to believe it, he knew he and the others were not alone. Essences of the night would still follow them around forever. And so would the people...

I've been thinking about writing a sequel to it, what do you guys reckon?