Alright! I said I would do one of these a little while ago, so, here it is! This is just a fight one shot. I guess it would be a test for an upcoming "project" I'm working on, as well, buuuuuuut…you (all of you) will not know what it is…interested now, aren't you? Alright, well, I decided to use human representations of a upcomming characters in the series, as the fighters, but you should recognize one of them. They will both be dressed in their usual attire in one of my side stories that I plan on writing (they are listed on my profile). This would be the one where the gang has to go to the HUMAN WORLD! But, like I said, that is a different story...

Okay, I'll just stop rambling, so you can get...

Just a Friendly Spar?

"A roof-top? You really want to spar on a rooftop?"

Two people stood on the roof of a run-down, abandoned shop, conceled from the street and moon by the large sign that used to advertise the store. The sign read, in big red letters, "Jackies store for all your used tooth-brush needs!" Wonder why the shop closed.

A young boy, looking to be around sixteen stood with his arms crossed and a skeptical look on his face. He had relatively short, purple hair, and sky blue eyes. He wore a very dark purple, unzipped, jacket that came down to his waist, and under it is a plain blue shirt. His hands were covered in leather gloves that were black on the top and grey on the bottom, with a white wolf's head symbol on the back of each glove. As for pants, he's just wearing plain blue jeans.

"Does it really matter?" responded the second figure from the shadow of the sign.

"When you hit the ground, it's ganna hurt a lot more than grass."

"You mean, when you hit the ground?"

The boy shook his head and laughed, "Oh, there is no way you're beating me, Artemis."

"If I do recall..." started the shadowed figure as she walked out from the shadow of the sign, "I beat you last time."

The second person wasn't exactly a "person," but more of a wolf on two legs (^-^). She had mostly black fur, with the exception of her feet and hands, as well as the hair on her head, which was silver. She had a wolf-like muzzle, except mabey slightly shorter, plus, the yellow, seemingly glowing, eyes and large triangular ears to match. Contradictory to the wolf aspects of her, she also had cat-like aspects, like her tail, and feet. Of course, she also wore clothes to cover-up. She had a black tank top on than came down to just abover her stomach, and a dark blue mini skirt with a small hole in the back for her tail. The tank top had the a black wolf holwing in front of the full moon on the chest.

The boy shrugged, then crouched into a ready position, and Artemis grinned, her sharp teeth glinting in the moon light, "Ready..."



Artemis ran at the boy, not really planning on attack yet, she was only see what he would do. As she neared him, he dropped to the ground, attempting to swipe her legs out, but she was too quick, and dove over him, landing on her hands. While the boy stood back to his feet and turned around, Artemis spun herself on one hand and swiped her rigth leg through the air, smacking the boy straight across the face with a powerful kick. She wasn't done yet though, continuing her attack, she kicked her left foot out, kicking the boy's chest and sending him tumbling to the unforgiving gravel ground. Artemis pushed off with her hands and landed back on her feet, bowing.

"Thank you, thank you, I just kicked your tail." mocked Artemis.

The took her moment of distraction and raised his feet, then swiped them down. Doing this placed him on his stomach, and also swiped Artemis's legs out from under her. The boy then used the momentum from the spin onto his stomach to continue spinning, while also pushing up of the ground with his hands, which allowed his to deliver a kick to Artemis's chest as she fell, which sent her tumbling across the ground, and the wind out of her chest.

The boy smirked as he watched Artemis stand up, coughing as she tried to catch her breath, "And here I thought that you weren't going to hit me because I'm a girl."

"I got over that after you kicked me full force in the face."

Artemis shrugged, "Fair enough."

This time, the boy attacked. He spun on his right foot, aiming to land a spinning backhand, but Artemis ducked under it. The boy slid to a halt, then leaned back to dodge Artemis's fist as it shot upwards. While the boy tried to regain his balance, Artemis slid her leg between his legs and grabbed his right hand with hers. Artemis then quickly pulled him to her body while kicking his legs put from under him, causing him to spin as fell to the ground. After landing on his back, dizzy, Artemis stood over him and leaned down above his face.

"C'mon, you gatta try harder." whispered Artemis.

The boy shook his head and looked back up to Artemis, "I really don't want to hurt you."

Artemis sighed then grabbed his hand and pulled him up into a tight embrace, "If you win, you get a reward."

"And what would that be?" asked the boy, very interested.

ARtemis pushed him back then stood into a fightning stance as he stumbled to regain balance, "You gatta win to find-out."

The boy closed his eyes and laughed slightly, "Well fine then."

With inhuman speed, he swung his fist out, aiming for Artemis's chest, but Artemis, with her (literally) cat-like reflexes, she blocked the punch. Artemis then pushed his arm to the side while countering with a punch from her other hand. The boy saw this and ducked. When he did, he slid his foot behind Artemis and grabbed her wrist with the hand he just used to attack with, then quickly swept Artemis's legs out with his leg. He then continued the spin so that Artemis was now on his back. Finally, the boy spun slightly farther while grabbing Artemis's arm with his other hand so that he had both hands holding on to her wrist, and flung her over his shoulder, slamming her onto the ground in front of him.

Artemis cringed in pain as she hit the ground, thinking, 'Darn, I'll have to change clothes later.'

The boy leaned down over her face, a large smirk spread across his lips, "So, what's the reward."

Artemis looked up at the boy with a light smile, "Aww, you think you've won. That's so cute!" Artemis quickly brought her legs up, then kicked upwards, knocking the boy back and into the air, while also pushing herself off the ground.

Artemis quickly spun in the airso that she was right side up. The instant she landed on the ground, she ran forward and dove onto the boy before he could stand up, and grabbed his hands with hers, and wrapped her legs aroung his. The momentum caused her to roll, and since she was locked together with the boy, he came with her. Once the boy was above Artemis, she unlocked her legs and slid the between her and the boy, then quickly pushed him into the air. Next, Artemis spun on her back and flung her leg out, so then she kicked the boy square in the stomach as he fell, sending him spiraling to the side and nearly rolling off the building.

As the boy gasped for air, Artemis walked over to him calmly, a her large toothy grin gliting in the moon loght once more, "Sorry, but, you haven't earned the reward." said Artemis as she helped him up.

The boy rubbed his side and stomach, flinching in pain, "What was the reward anyway."

"You won't know until you earn it." replied Artemis, "Now let's go, I'm getting tired." Artemis then walked to the edge of the building and dove off, doing a flip and landing gently on the ground.

The boy rolled his eyes, "Show-off." then dropped down next to her, "Ow! Dang, you really left a mark!"

"Oh, get over it."

So, how good did I do? I really want to know how good I am at the combat stuff. Please rate me on a scale of 1-10, and tell me what I did wrong. Thank you.
