In Error's Darkest Hour

Disclaimer: Avatar: the Last Airbender duly belongs to Bryke. No profit is made from this story other than the sheer gratification of reviews.

NOTE: You don't really need to read this part but you have my great thanks if you do. The tone is very light-hearted and happy. After all, we've had more than enough darkness for one story, don't you agree? This takes place quite some time after the events of the last chapters and needless to say, much has happened. I've tried my best to keep even this part as interesting and as plausible as I can so I hope this doesn't turn you off. You can always choose to ignore this part. I won't blame you.

All of my thanks and announcements will follow after this.


Sunlight filled the small room with a warm and cheerful glow.

Golden eyes snapped open and the former Fire Lord blinked a few times to get used to being awake again. He waited until everything came into sharp focus. Slowly he raised himself up on the bed and looked around. It was a clean, well-lighted place, very simply furnished and a stark contrast to the luxurious chambers he had been used to for so long.

"Well, it certainly took you long enough," a voice said with slight amusement.

Ozai turned to see his wife calmly sipping a cup of tea as she observed him.

He frowned and remembered where he was. In prison.

Granted, in very comfortable conditions, no doubt more than he deserved, but he was still nothing but a captive here, banished to be punished for all his crimes. The endless nightmare had finally ceased although faint memories of all that he had suffered lingered darkly in his mind. He shook his head to be rid of them.

Though he would never admit it out loud, Ozai was glad that he was not alone. He knew that his wife took no pleasure in being there with him, and was merely bound by a duty beyond her control. But it was a great comfort to him.

She knew that well enough even if he staunchly refused to show it.

"I suppose you must be wondering how long you've been away," Ursa said casually.

"It doesn't matter," he muttered stubbornly although he was extremely curious and Ursa knew it.

"You don't know what you've been missing," she said, ignoring his façade of indifference, "and you'd be surprised to know that you are now a grandfather."

At this revelation Ozai turned to look at her in astonishment. Ursa delighted in that strange expression of shock on his face.

"Yes, it has been that long," she answered the question he undoubtedly wanted to ask, "and if you think that you're going anywhere near that precious child, then you've got another thing coming."

"Hmmmph," he scoffed as nonchalantly as he could, "I couldn't care less."

"I'm going to tell you anyway," Ursa piped in mischievously, eager to be able to talk about all that had happened in the past three years.

The Fire Nation had prospered in peace under the rule of Fire Lord Zuko. Although he had his share of critics over the years, most people agreed that the young firebender was doing a better job of running the country than any of his ancestors.

For unlike them, Zuko was a hands-on ruler, and he really made an effort to reach out to his people. Instead of spending all his time in the palace, he was very active outside, whether traveling around the country or visiting the other nations and consolidating alliances with them.

It also helped, of course, that the Fire Nation's speedy reconciliation with the Water Tribes had been facilitated by an alliance of a more personal nature.

Not long after Zuko had been crowned, he and Katara had gotten married, to the relief and joy of their friends. After all they had been through together, it was a fitting ending. Katara was an invaluable companion, an affectionate wife, and a great adviser to her husband in times of crisis. They had long been able to set aside their differences to live in harmony and they were now endeavoring to make the case the same for the rest of the world.

And since the waterbender could not bear being away from her family for long periods of time, she and her husband often visited the Southern Water Tribe where her brother, Sokka had taken over and was also happily married to the head of the Kyoshi Warriors, Suki.

They were also often joined by the Avatar himself as he continued to travel around the world, trying to be of as much help and healing as he could to all those who had been affected by the war.

Aang was still his cheerful, slightly mischievous young self although he had matured much since they had all first met. His official home was the newly refurbished and rebuilt Southern Air Temple where he trained young men in the way of the monks, even if they could not airbend.

But he was always welcome anywhere he went, whether at the palace of the Fire Lord, the lodge of the Southern Water Tribe chief, or the court of the Earth King, not to mention in the homes of all the friends he had made throughout his journey.

And often on his voyages, he was joined by his good friend and earthbending teacher, Toph Bei Fong.

At the beginning of the restoration period, Toph had spent some time in the Earth King's court, being an invaluable adviser to him and weeding out all the treacherous conspirators who were constantly trying to influence his judgment. But she soon tired of such a tedious lifestyle and as soon as she determined that the young king had gained some semblance of a backbone, she left Ba Sing Se to continue a life of freedom and adventure.

And when she wasn't busy accompanying the Avatar, Toph just went around the world being awesome.

Azula did not stay for long in the Fire Nation but decided to travel around the world, training and learning new techniques, not just in firebending, but also in interacting with others. It had been a difficult transition from the ruthless warrior she had been to one less violent but not less determined. Being released from the responsibilities and pressures of being an heir to the throne, she found that she enjoyed her freedom and wanted to make the most of it.

Mai and Ty Lee were never too far away and both were also enjoying the company of the new and improved Azula. It had taken some getting used to but they were glad that their friend had changed for the better. And with all the adventures they were embarking on, there was never a dull moment.

So it happened that the Avatar and his friends, formerly inseparable, had had to go their own ways. But they took every opportunity to get together again, such as when Zuko and Katara's first child was born or Sokka and Suki's eldest was born.

Or simply, when they felt like they needed to take a break, their favorite haunt being Uncle Iroh's hugely popular and successful tea house in Ba Sing Se. At the Jasmine Dragon, business was always booming, and its proprietor never felt more satisfied in his life.

With the constant traffic of customers and the occasional visit from family and friends, there was nothing more that Iroh could want. He had the quiet and prosperous life he had always dreamed of.

Back in the Fire Nation, Zuko owed some of his success to his choice of ministers and other officials. As promised, Yuna had been given a significant position in court and she had proved her worth by being a very effective and efficient leader. She represented the lower class and voiced all of their concerns to the Fire Lord so that he was able to act on them immediately.

Zuko hoped that through his efforts, he would lessen the disparity between classes in his society. Yuna was proud to be able to serve under such a wise and just leader. But she was constantly annoyed at the many suitors who knocked at her door, all seeking to marry her so that they would gain power in court and hopefully win the Fire Lord's favor. She turned them all down.

Among the other members of court was Kujin who, aside from being a friend that Zuko could trust, had proven to be an efficient administrator. Being inspired by a certain someone, the young aristocrat decided to take things more seriously and to work hard for a greater goal. His efforts proved beneficial to the country.

After a year or so, Kujin challenged Yuna to another Agni Kai, the condition being that if he won, she would agree to marry him. They have yet to set the date – for the wedding.

While Aang, Zuko, Katara, Sokka, and Toph were never free from all problems, they were very happy with the cards life had dealt to them this time around. Their families were growing, their experience broadening, and their adventures becoming more and more fantastic with each passing year. The world was an even more wonderful place now.

Ursa finished her account of the events with a nostalgic sigh. Ozai scowled and looked away, although he had been listening intently the whole time.

"Hmmph," the old man muttered, "and all this time you've been stuck here with me."

"Don't be ridiculous," Ursa replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "I was allowed to go out every now and then, on important occasions, of course, like my son's wedding, and the birth of my grandson. I was even able to see Azula every once in a while. Oh, and by the way, Katara's expecting so you're about to be a grandfather again soon."

Ozai shrugged and continued acting indifferent. But Ursa knew that he so hated being left out of things, and not being in control. His confinement there would be as much torture to him as anything else.

But that was really not that important anymore.

Ursa smiled and stood up, making to leave.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ozai asked sharply (and ever so slightly desperately).

"My work here is finished," she replied calmly, "now that you've finally awakened, I am no longer obliged to watch over you."

"And what am I supposed to do here?" Ozai demanded angrily.

Ursa shrugged unmoved. She was slightly impatient to leave. She knew that the spirits would not allow Ozai to wreak havoc on the world any longer, and she was eager to be free of him at last.

"It is not within my power to decide on that," she said simply, "now if you will excuse me, the world outside is waiting."

It was a changed world, a better world, and she had no intention of missing out on all the fun and adventure.


(And whoa, that was a lighter side of Ursa that even I didn't see coming.)

Now, I believe thanks are in order.

Whew. Another multi-chapter Zutara fic completed, and in less than a year too! Thanks so much for sticking it out with me for these past seven months or so. Especially since Avatar has ended quite a while ago. (Almost two years, by my count, oh wow, that is long). Anyway...

And of course, ZUTARA forever! I know the story wasn't wholly focused on the love story but it was still an important element in the plot. But as many of you know, I like situating the love in the larger context of the epic story.

I hope that this story was always worth the wait and that it did not disappoint too much, especially with the weird direction it took towards the end. I was not quite sure how to go about it but I'm fairly satisfied with the result and as usual, I'm relieved to have finished another long project. I had expected this to be shorter and yet it still managed to take some turns I never even expected.

Though not as complex and heavy as "An Alliance of Traitors", this wasn't quite as lighthearted as "By Tempests Never Shaken."

Enough of that, just thank you to all!

The wait is over for all those who added this story to their Alerts list. But I really appreciate your doing so! So thank you to: ArrayePL, Kaydreams, Luiz4200, Novalightz, gred18850, AlbusSeverusGryffindor, lalaland81985, Manola3, Swordsoul2000, Swishy Willow Wand, meanja, xyzisme, MeatSarcasm-Guy, Umeplumblossom, vash3055, NathanJames23, randomrayyxx3, Rya Three Saber, Mashy-Gaara4life, PBallPsycho, things24, Lizabel, Faerex, Waterdog, Shang-Haid Warrior, darkangel1994, DreamHorse730, AnnaAza, nuku nuku6, edd-ot, Bloody Waterfalls, cdfalcon, Densharr, Teranika Meneldil, PheonixWing110, YourBiggestPretend, Rageful Jewel, Lucrezia6565, whatsername911,NoaH SerrgI, vampirelydia, Fantasy Loremaster, Aralys, french girl, Ashra Blitzgeschwind, and liron-aria.

A big thank you to all those who added this story to their list of Favorites, I feel honored by your support: Chilly Star, prieta, meanja, Akita-chan22, Gaara's Plaything, dracula-key, Niggyforever16, Rya Three Saber, Mashy-Gaara4life, sokkantylee, Adalia Greyson, Novawolf, AnnaAza, Damion Knight, GunboatDebater, nuku nuku6, kat-moon, passivestrength, Aipom4, peskipiksie, elle mendel, vampirelydia, Fantasy Loremaster, Kaydreams, things24, Luiz4200, Aralys, and xLittleRobinx.

And an especially huge THANK YOU and virtual hug of appreciation to those who took the time to leave a review. You have been my inspiration whenever I had any doubts about continuing this story, so Thanks again to: K-naille, Bonnie5572, Luiz4200, Kaydreams, sokkantylee, xyzisme, Liooness, Manola3, NorthernLights25, meanja, lazyguy90, Le Anne, PanPan, nephertiri, Ashra Blitzgeschwind, ArrayePL, Rya Three Saber, Mashy-Gaara4life, KaliAnn, AnnaAza, things24, Midori Aoi, Orihime-san, ElementUchihaMaster, DarkAngel1994, Densharr, wolf, AVATAR is the BEST so HA, and ellemendel.

I love you all so much for all your support. And I really can't thank you enough. Sorry for always having long last chapters but I always feel that I should properly acknowledge all those who made the story worth noticing.

Now for matters of the future:

To be clear, there will be NO SEQUEL or continuation whatsoever to this story. I simply have no ideas and no time.

I have one more Zutara story planned after this and beyond that I might take a break from writing for the fandom. You see, I'm entering my final year in university and I really want to do well. The past year my grades took a real fall (I don't blame writing for this, of course, but it might have contributed to my lack of sleep) and I really need to make an effort to catch up. And to do that, I will have to cut down on some of my hobbies.

And as you all know, the Avatar live-action movie will be coming out in July and I don't know what turns the fandom is going to take when that happens. I may or may not be inspired to write some movie fan fiction. Nothing is certain at this point, so I'm not making a lot of promises (even to myself).

So (shameless self plug follows this, do not read beyond this point if you aren't interested), my last Zutara story shall be relatively light and definitely among my shortest ones. It will be a funny, adventurous crossover of Avatar and The Lord of the Rings (the movie version, mind you, since I can never aspire to be able to write anywhere as well as J.R.R. Tolkien).

I have about ten chapters planned for this, but all of them rather short, so that the story can end quickly and you won't have to wait too long between updates. My goal is to have the complete story up before July 2 (when "The Last Airbender" will be released.) I will try to stick to that schedule.

Taking "Sojourn in Solitude" as an example, this is basically going to be Zuko and Katara being thrown into Middle-earth.

It starts from Season Two, when they are both in Ba Sing Se, and they join the LOTR crew in the second movie, just right before the Battle of Helm's Deep. I'm a huge LOTR fan and re-watching the movies just inspired me to do this. You don't need to be addicted to LOTR to be able to get the story though, it's rather whimsical, after all. If you've seen the movies, that should be enough.

So if I've piqued your interest, stay tuned for "DESTINY DIVERTED" coming on May 8. (Wow, that sounded so much like a movie trailer but whatever).

But again, thanks so much for your constant support for my work! I simply love you all for reading my stuff and leaving feedback! My ideas are flawed and strange but I'm glad you like them all the same.

You make posting my crazy stories all worthwhile!

I love you all and until our next adventure!