I dont own anything

Edward stood to talk to the vulture they were talking about i don't know what. Like i care the only reason i was here was because of the Alpha command. i sighed. I could be in pajamas watching Jerry springer.

"Shut the hell up Leah my imprints life is on the line" Jacob snapped

"Fuck you Black its your fault for reading my mine." i snarled

"stop you guys come on there's enough war" Seth tried to break us apart

"who's the hell fault is that." i pictured Nessie "your demon spawn"

"enough" Sam yelled "shut the fuck up and listen"

"there has to be another way" Edward asked

"Actually there is. a half breed can be made again but another female wolf well that's completely rare there will be no one like her ever. you can choice her or the she wolf

Every one started growling i was utterly shocked. The first time i was wanted and its freaking leach.

"We all want you Leah" Seth told me

"there's no way in hell were giving lee to those blood suckers" Paul said and then everyone started talking

"hell no" Quill agreed

"there has to be another way" Jared said pretty soon every one but Jacob started to talk. I don't know why he would say anything i mean me bitter bitchy Leah or his beautiful Nessi no brainier but there was a small part of me that though he would at least be sad at the thought of them talking me.

"Don't you dare think i don't fell anything i just don't know what i fell." Jake said loudly "don't think I'm not sad at the slightest possibility of you leaving but-"

i stopped him "I'm Leah fucking Clearwater i am no guard dog"

"But Leah"

"but nothing you are not trading my sister for a fucking leach"

"language Seth" Leah scolded

"Are you fuc- freaking kidding me he wants to give you away and your worried about my language"

"one month" the vultures yelled "you have to make your decision in one month"

Then the vanished just like that. there was a up raw with the vampires. I am not going to risk my life for a dog. some said while others said give them the dog whats the problem. pretty soon they all left no matter how hard Carisel and Edward tried to convince them to stay.

We all shifted back and were getting dressed when Jacob said.

"Were going to go to the Cullen house" he used in full Alpha command Every one was shocked even Sam, never having the alpha command used on him but now Jacob took his place as The Alpha. "Paul, Jared, Sam, Quil Seth Embrey" he paused looking at me with depression in his eyes " and Leah meet me at the Cullen home"

Cullen Home Jacob Pov

Every one was worried except. Except Leah she was completely calm. WE all sat in the living room. With Edward and Bella beside me. No matter how big the house is having a pack of wolves in your home will definitely make it look smaller. We were waiting for Leah she got here before us and was talking to Blondie upstairs. A good half an hour passed and i was ready to drag her ass down here. But then i saw her. With a tear in her eye. Leah never cried only when Henry died. I stood ready to kill Blondie for making my Lee-Lee cry i mean for making the packs Leah cry and by the look of it so was the pack. Then she smiled at us. not a smirk but a regular smile. And for a second i worried about nothing and then she said seven dreadful; words

"whats the deal about me and Nessie"

"Nothing the could have the monster" Paul said i shoot him a warning look to shut up but he continued "Look i don't like Leah as much as the next guy but i do love her she like my sister and im not giving her up to the likes of those leaches" he grabbed Leah and placed her on his lap. She didn't protest she just sat on him with no complain somewhere deep in my chest i heard myself growl. "Plus shes to hot to give away." She punched him in the arm

"Why don't we vote" Leah suggested sweetly what the hell was up with her now. what happened to the Leah how snapped if you looked at her the wrong way"All for Nessie to be taken by the leaches raise there hand. Every pack member raised the hand OK that's six everyone who wants me to go raise your hand OK that's six two. Me and Rosaline wont vote today so its up to you Jake."

How the hell am i supposed to choice.

"can i think about it"

"no you cant think about it goddammit shes your Nessie is your imprint just command her to go and that's it, god she just a bitch what the hell" that did it i heard clothes rip and Seth lunged towards Bella, Emmet and Sam barley stopped him in top from ripping Bella's eyes of.

"Dammit Seth i cant keep buying you new clothes and Bella you will pay for what you just said." she turned back to Seth "come on boy wonder change back" i don't know if it was the shook that changed him back our the...... no I'm pretty sure it was the shook when Leah and Seth were little Sethalways pretended to be robin from batman and robin. She grinned. "Go wait out side will you" he nodded and left. "So whats your answer. Jacob"

Hiya so i know Leahs Oc but theres a reason. I promise so what you think. Reviw and Rate please.

Leah: is this a blackwater

ME: Yesssss

Leah: good dammit come here so i can kill you

me running away singing Jacob and leah sitting in a tree

Jacob:you know you want me

Leah: go away and find Nessie you pedophile

Jake: I am not a pedophile and i love ya

Leah: Sure Sure dammit i cant belive i just said you phrase

Jake see im rubing of on you already

Leah where Alexis

Jake {points to me }over there riding embrey like a pony