This is my first Ouran High School Host Club fanfic because let's face it, we have fallen in love with the craziness that is the Host Club. :) Review if you wish and flames will be used to keep me warm in the coming winter. :D Now enjoy the show!
Disclaimer: I, ichixichigo, do not own Host Club for they belong to the wonderful Bisco Hatori. :'( I however, will do what I want with them in fanfiction. D I only own who you don't recognize. x3 -ichi
If You Say Stay
Chapter I: New Days
It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining, the birds chirping happily-
"Stupid sun and it's stupid sunshine and stupid alarm clocks....."
-and a rude wake up call for those who hated waking early in the morning....especially if they had an AB blood type. The owner of the voice dug their head under their pillow, succeeding in blocking out the sun from tired eyes and fell back asleep. Well, they tried to anyway until they heard their door open. There's only one person brave enough to wake me this early...they thought tiredly.
"Now now Kai-sama. You know that you are to wake up early to go to the school and get your uniform," spoke a kind, elderly voice. The man looked to be about in his fifties with gray hair surrounding his head (except the top which was bald) and an equally gray mustache. No one knew what color his eyes were because he always kept them closed, yet he always seemed to know his way around. This was the household's butler Jenkins.
"Mmph.." was Jenkins' muffled reply. Jenkins shook his head before he grabbed the comforter and ripped it off of her body, exposing her to cool air as she was only wearing shorts and a batman t-shirt.
"Get up now young lady. Lest you have to walk to school." Jenkins smiled as he heard her growl an in-human growl.
"I'm up. Happy now?" she glared at her butler who kept the smile on his face, despite the frightening appearance.
Anyone who worked in the Katami household feared being the one to awaken Kailana Katami, who was a demon when awoken. Not just by her glare and in-human growl, but the way her face held a very dark and "I'll-kill-you" look and her messy black hair. Some of the staff still had nightmares and avoided her as much as they could in the morning.
"Quite happy Kai-sama," he replied before exiting Kailana's room and closing the door behind him as the once functioning alarm clock was thrown to where his head would have been, breaking upon impact.
Frowning at her failed attempt, Kai got up, albeit lazily, and dragged herself to her bathroom to get ready for the day.
Kai slouched against the seat as Jenkins drove her to school. "Is it necessary for me to wake up this damn early to get a freaking uniform?" she asked roughly.
"Language Kai-sama," he scolded before returning to the subject. "And no Kai-sama. It's not."
Kai's blue eyes twitched in anger. "So you mean," she began darkly, "that I could've slept longer?" T___T
"Yes." :)
"Damn yo-"
"Here's the school Kai-sama. Have a wonderful day." Jenkins gave her a big smile.
Kai glared at her family butler before exiting the car, which drive off quickly. Blue eyes stared at the giant school in front of her...a pink school. You have got to be kidding...
"Well, time to face the music Kai," she mumbled to herself as she started heading to the entrance of Ouran Academy.
So there's the opening of the story! :D I hoped you guys liked it! Tell me what you think!
And yes, I know there wasn't much detail about Kai, but you'll get to know more about her along the way! Promise. :)
Till next time!