Merry Christmas. Did I tell you the final results of Mario Party DS? It was no contest.

Wolfpaw and I had 20 stars and 23 or so coins. Crowfrost and Otterheart had 6 stars and 26 coins. I must be REALLY good at that game. Have a happy Veteran's Day!

"What's going on?" Otterheart demanded, but Spottedpaw13 and Crowfrost didn't reply. Suddenly, they vanished.

"Ah, now I'm all alone with you!" Wolfpaw complained.

Otterheart gave her a strange look. "I was about to say that, strange one.

Pokemon Stadium 2....

"This is the battle thinga mabobstuff," the person on the like fourth screen said as she pointed at the SlowKing thing.

"Go there!" Spottedpaw13 gasped.

"You have saved data. Azalea Gym Leader Trainer 2. Do you want to continue?" the person asked.

"No," Spottedpaw13 groaned as her cursor didn't move. "I knew we should've skipped this place."

Super Smash, BROTHERS!!!!!!!.....

"Isn't this a K-rated story?" Crowfrost whispered.

"You couldn't be anyone in it anyway," Spottedpaw13 whispered back.

How hard is it to find a video game?......

"Time to pull out the Nintendo DS...." Spottedpaw13 sighed.

"Why in the name of StarClan are we going to the Olympics?" Crowfrost demanded.

Spottedpaw13 shrugged. "This working would be a longshot. The real Spottedpaw13 is just going to use Blaze and see if Princess Peach and Luigi/Yoshi/Tails will show up."

"ARCHERY?!?" Crowfrost shrieked.

"Fail," Spottedpaw13 groaned. The computers were Daisy, Mario, and Knuckles.

Three tries later...

"Sonic?" Crowfrost raised his eyebrows as he became the blue hedgehog. "I thought I was Peach."

"Now it's evenly matched. Plus I got annoyed," Spottedpaw13 muttered as she changed into a green donkey- I mean dragon- I MEAN DINOSAUR!

Disclaimer: I do not own Nintendo. However, my family does own the green donkey joke. It's hilarious the way my dad says it.

First set: Crowfrost had 24 points, Spottedpaw13 had 17 points, Dr. Eggman had 17 points, and Blaze had 30 points.

"The real Spottedpaw13 is good," Crowfrost commented.

"Quiet. You're winning," Spottedpaw13 muttered.

"I love Archery," Blaze danced with her bow.

Dr. Eggman looked around himself. "I'm in last? Are you making fun of my fatness?"

Second Set: Crowfrost had 49 points, Spottedpaw13 had 44 points, Eggman had 40 points, and Blaze had 59 points.

"If this was real life Archery, she wouldn't be winning," Spottedpaw13 commented. "I'm glad she's not part of this. I'm only losing by 5."

"Doesn't the real Spottedpaw13 like cats? Is that why she chose Blaze?" Crowfrost asked.

"ARCEUS!" Blaze shouted, showing a touch of Spottedpaw13 playing as her.

Dr. Eggman sobbed. "You ARE making fun of my fatness!"

"I'm not," Blaze grinned. "Nintendo and Sega are. Besides, you're all on the hardest setting. I expected better."

Third Set: Crowfrost had 76, Spottedpaw13 had 70, Dr. Eggman had 61, and Blaze had 85.

"Yeah, I won!" Blaze celebrated.

"It's not over yet," Dr. Eggman pouted. The fatty was still in last. "I'm not a fatty!"

Blaze sighed.

Crowfrost smirked. "I suppose I'm better at Archery than you."

Spottedpaw13 laughed. "We're pretending to be Sonic and Yoshi. I'm better than you since I'm actually Blaze.

Fourth Set: Sonic had 99, Spottedpaw13 had 98, Blaze had 108, and Dr. Eggman had 85.

"Is it over yet?" Dr. Eggman asked sadly.

"Yup!" Crowfrost replied with a grin at Spottedpaw13.

"Yeah!" Dr. Eggman stood up and ran away from the Olympic stadium. "I'm going to start exercising!"

Blaze shot a glance at Dr. Eggman, then began rolling on trhe floor while laughing. Spottedpaw13 quickly joined her.

"You know no one actually does that, right?" Crowfrost raised an eyebrow.

"You only beat me by one. You're not the boss of me," Spottedpaw13 hissed.

Where are they again?...

"She easily could have looked that up," Wolfpaw whispered.

Otterheart shrugged. "Do you have any eights?"

Spottedpaw13 and Crowfrost appeared, Crowfrost looking triumphant and Spottedpaw13 dancing around.

"GO FISH!" Wolfpaw shouted.

Then there was an awkward silence.

"Anyway," Spottedpaw13 mewed. "Congratulations, blah blah blah, you got revenge, now LEAVE THE CASTLE!" And with that, the castle began to crumble.

"What will Dewspots say?" Otterheart mewed. "Her poor castle!"

"Hey, she's not in this story anymore, so she doesn't own the castle. It's abandoned," Spottedpaw13 rolled her eyes. Suddenly, she and Wolfpaw vanished.

"Pointless!" Crowfrost yowled as he ran back to their companions.

That room...

"Oh, no...." Otterheart whispered.

Breezepaw and Kinkfur were dead. And Emberfoot was nowhere to be seen.

Otterheart got a really angry look on her face. "WHERE IS THAT TRAITOR!" she demanded as she sprinted out of the castle.

Crowforst blinked. "Note to self: Never make Otterheart angry." Then he followed the angry she-cat.

Outside of the CASTLE!

"It almost feels like there will be another Legend of Zelda thing in here," Crowfrost growled.

Otterheart cautiously padded towards the castle remains.

Dr. Eggman suddenly jumped out. "I must get revenge on you for beating me!"

"Whoa there, partner," Spottedpaw13 replied. She flicked her tail, and Sonic appeared. The blue hedgehog beat Eggman, and they both disappeared.

"Random," Otterheart muttered as Spottedpaw13 also disappeared. Then she padded closer to the castle.

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you;ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

A scream could be heard. It's origin was the Den of Author.

"If it scares her, why is it in this story?" Crowfrost demanded.

Welcome to G ost T wn 8 !

"How'd we get back here?" Otterheart asked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm leaving," Crowfrost growled. "Too much adventure for even a main character." Then he packed his bags and left to go back to Shadowclan.

"I need to take care of something," Otterheart hissed as she too packed her bags and left.

Sorry to disappoint y'all, but this is the last chapter. I would be more than happy to make a sequel if I actually had any ideas. So if you're demanding a sequel, give me ideas.


Otterheart borderedthe RiverClan-WindClan border with an angry look in her eyes. Not one cat had joined her to do this.

Suddenly Emberfoot padded up to the border. "Hi, Otterheart!"

"TRAITOR!" Otterheart screeched, and the next second, Emberfoot was dead.

Mistyfoot padded up to Otterheart. "Did you really...?"

"I didn't..." Otterheart whispered. She looked back as Mistyfoot led her back to camp. "I didn't kill him."

Who put that Epilogue there? And how did Emberfoot die?

Ah, well, any sequel ideas, let me know. Happy Veteran's Day!
