Chapter 4: Midnight Endings
Disclaimer: Nada.
A/N: Final chapter to this story! Thanks to everyone for reading.
Kurt once again, found himself in the kitchen in the middle of the night, but this time he was alone. Also unlike the past few nights he had no food or drink before him. Instead, he was staring out the window with a solemn expression. His tail swung from side to side in a way that showed his frustration.
He sighed and leaned his chin in his hand. He could feel the texture of his scars under his finger tips and wondered, not for the first time, what anyone could possibly see in him. Especially someone like Kitty.
Rogue's words earlier that day had been heart lifting and brought him hope. But as he continued to think it over, he continuously remembered himself. What he appeared to be and then his thoughts would shift to how he could possibly make a relationship with Kitty work.
He sighed angrily and buried his face in his hands.
"Guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you down here huh?" he twisted around and saw Kitty standing in the kitchen entrance, wrapped in a fluffy, sky blue robe. She was absolutely adorable and Kurt couldn't help but grin.
"Ja, ve should start a club." The teen giggled and came over to sit beside him.
"You okay? You look like you're trying to figure something out." She tugged her robe around her more tightly, the heater was down and they had yet to bring anyone to fix it. Kurt was plenty warm in a snug sweater and sweat pants.
"You could say zat." He gave her a half smile.
She put her hand on top of his, "Can I help?"
He flipped his hand to squeeze hers, "Thank you Katzchen, but this is something I need to figure out on my own."
She nodded, "Well…could I bother you to help me with something?"
He shrugged, "Of course. Vhat can I do for you?"
"Give me some advice. A friend of mine likes someone, but she doesn't want to wreck her friendship with him."
Kurt struggled to keep from laughing, he may have been foreign but he recognized the old 'I have a friend' procedure.
"I see. Anyzing else?"
She nodded, avoiding his gaze. He caught the sound of her heartbeat accelerating, "Well, he's a couple years older than her and, well, she doesn't want to get hurt."
Kurt's amusement left to be replaced with worry, "Hurt? How?"
She sniffed, "Well…a couple years ago, she liked this one guy but he completely abandoned her once another girl came around. I mean, she knows that this guy isn't like that but she just doesn't want to be left in the dust because she's too young or he doesn't like her, you know?"
Kurt nodded and squeezed her hand again, "Vell, in my opinion, you can't live vithout the possibility of getting hurt sometimes."
Kitty nodded, "Still…it just took a while to get over it."
Kurt smiled gently, "A broken heart takes a vhile to heal, Katzchen, zere's no denying eet. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out zere and hope for ze best."
Kitty finally looked up and smiled, "Yeah…I guess you're right."
Kurt grinned, "So, who iz zis mysterious friend of yours and whose ze boy?"
Kitty blushed, "Uh…Rogue. It's Rogue and um…"
"Logan?" Kurt guessed with a grin.
Kitty looked up sharply again, "W-what? Mr. Logan?"
Kurt chuckled and brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "Herr Logan iz capable of love, Katzchen."
Kitty smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I guess it was just a bit of a surprise…does he like her back?"
Kurt smiled, "He's in love vith her." He wondered if he was talking about himself and referring to her or if he was still talking about Logan.
Kitty sighed, "She loves him too…why won't he act on it?"
"I guess…he's just worried about the age difference."
Kitty snorted, "Well that's stupid. I mean he's, what, older than the Professor?"
"Zere's also his mutation." Kurt added.
"Still stupid." Kitty stated in a sure voice, "If he goes through his life worrying about the age gap and his mutation, he's going to live a very lonely life."
Kurt leaned forward, "Vhat about the fact he's been alone for so long?"
Kitty leaned forward as well, accepting the challenge, "All the better of a reason to take the plunge." She smirked.
Kurt thought this over for a moment, "He doesn't vant to ruin his friendship vith her."
Kitty smiled, "From where I see it they're at a standstill. The only place left to go in their friendship is to form a relationship."
"…You think so?" Kurt's voice wasn't any louder than a whisper.
Kitty blushed, finally realizing that they were barely a centimeter apart, "I know so." Her voice shook ever so slightly.
Kurt grinned, "Vell zen I have a question for you."
Kurt's smile widened, "Vould you mind terribly if I did zis…"
"Did-" she was cut off as Kurt kissed her warmly. A kiss that she happily replied to.
When they pulled away, Kitty could only say one thing, "Nope. I have zero issue with you doing that at any time during the day or night."
He grinned, "Good." He kissed her again.
The next morning Rogue woke up to see Jubilee was still sleeping soundly, but Kitty's bed was empty.
~God, not this early Kit. ~ She groaned and pushed herself up to roll out of bed and grasp blindly for a pair of gloves and a sweater.
Stumbling from her room she rubbed at her eyes as she headed downstairs, hoping to find Kitty and maybe some coffee in the kitchen. Ever since she'd absorbed Logan she'd had a love for black coffee.
Speaking of which, she nearly ran headfirst into Logan who was standing outside the rec. room.
"Mornin' sugah." She yawned, stretching her arms above her head.
He grinned at her, "Mornin' Kid."
"You're awfully chipper, what's goin' on?"
He grinned, "Take a look."
Rogue ducked under his arm and peeked into the rec. room to see a sight that made her face breakout into a huge smile.
Kurt and Kitty were curled up on the sofa, Kitty resting her head on Kurt's chest and a blanket was spread over both of them.
"Took long enough." She muttered.
Logan nodded in agreement, "Coffee?" he offered.
Rogue looked up and smiled, "Of course, sugah. You know Ah can't resist it when ya'll make it."
Logan grinned and followed the teen into the kitchen, "Why do you think I make enough for two?"
A/N: End! Finito! Done!
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