I haven't been able to update for a long time and for that, I apologize. However, it's because I've been busy, especially with school and stuff.

OH! Right, guess what? This story has been going on for OVER A YEAR! Wow! I never thought I'd see the day! Haha XD

It never ceases to amuse me to look at the pool, which seems to still be going (as in people are still voting) which makes me laugh. It's fun to see what people want to see, maybe it'll affect the story. (wink)

I don't think anyone likes the Dimenticato guardians, especially Mimi (haha) Oh well.

I've been thinking of replying to reviews in the chapters... should I? You'd get this spam of review replies in the beginning of the chapter or something of the story... Review and tell me if you want or not~

Anyways, time for what you're reading this for... It's a teaser for chapter 33! It's only a teaser~ I want to make this chapter LONG so this 800 word teaser is probably going to be NOTHING when I'm done with this! (Probably some canonrapecoughcough)


That night, making sure Yoko was safe, Yuna cried herself to sleep.

The next day wasn't any better. Yuna woke up with eyes and cheeks covered in dried tears and sighed. She washed her face. Her eyes were swollen, barely noticeable after the night sleep, but a little red as well. Evidence that she had been crying.

Yuna considered bringing Yoko to school with her that day, but decided against it. Especially after seeing what was on her front doorstep.

Enma stood casually on her front porch, leaning against one of the poles that supported the roof. Beside him stood Miyuki. He looked as if he was trying to stand as far away from her as possible.

"Um…," Yuna said, unsure of what to say. She eyed the two suspiciously. "Good morning…?"

"I'll walk you to school," Enma murmured, nudging her a bit in the arm when she locked her front door. Yuna looked a little distressed but nodded. She then looked at Miyuki.

"I'm just here to deliver a message from boss," Miyuki said. She looked at Yuna blankly. "As long as you remain true to Dimenticato and the plan, we will assure the complete safety of your sister."

Yuna swallowed and then nodded reluctantly. "I understand…"

"Don't worry Centro Nebbia, Noir will certainly assure your kin's safety," Miyuki said nodding. The expressionless of her face made Yuna uncomfortable. Suddenly, a warm smile crossed Miyuki's face, which actually shocked Yuna. Enma glanced between the two. "I will definitely promise your sister's safety as well."

"…u-uhn…," Yuna nodded. Enma pursed his lip and grabbed Yuna's hand, dragging her to school. Miyuki glanced at them, the lack of expression back on her face as she disappeared. "E-Enma?"

"Sorry for yelling at you yesterday," Enma said quietly. His expression hardened. "But we have to take precautions, especially after you heard of what happened between the two famiglias…"

"A-ah…," Yuna replied, no coherent words left her mouth as she left herself be taken to school, hand in hand, by Enma.

Tsuna was surprised… actually, maybe even beyond surprised. It's not every day you see the girl that confessed to you coming to school hand-in-hand with your new friend. The second Yuna caught sight of the brunette, her grip on Enma's hand tightened. Enma glanced at her and then looked at Tsuna as he walked towards them.

"M-morning," Tsuna greeted awkwardly smiling. He was trying not to look at their enjoined hands.

"G-g-good morning Tsuna-san," Yuna said blushing. She bowed a little. Enma's grip tightened on her hand and Yuna glanced at him.

"Morning," Enma murmured to Tsuna.

"Yuna-chan!" A female voice called. Yuna perked up.

"Kiri-chan!" Yuna grinned. Enma and Tsuna blinked. Yuna managed to slip her hand out of Enma's and hug the girl. Both boys glanced at each other awkwardly. "Morning!"

"Morning," Kiri replied. She glanced behind her best friend at the two others. "Eh? Kozato and Sawada?"

"M-morning," Tsuna said. Enma didn't say anything. Kiri frowned and raised an eyebrow, looking at Yuna questionably. Yuna shook her head and Kiri took it as a sign that she didn't want to talk about it. Kiri nodded and then slung her arm over her friend's shoulder.

"Alright! Let us head into the hell we call school!" Kiri shouted, pointing at the school.

"Higurashi Kiri," A deep baritone voice growled. Kiri tensed and Yuna furrowed her brows, already used to the voice. "You dare insult the school…"

"I'm sorry Hibari-san!" Kiri exclaimed turning around and bowing repeatedly to the prefect. Hibari glared at her, tonfas already out.

"Good morning Hibari-san," Yuna murmured. Hibari paused from getting ready to bite Kiri to death and looked at Yuna.

"…Morning," He replied. Kiri's jaw dropped. NO WAY! He glanced at Kiri now with lack of interest and walked off.

"YUNA!" Yuna winced as Kiri grabbed at her arm and pulled her close. "Since when did you become so popular with the boys?"

"E-e-ehhh?" Yuna turned bright red. "W-what do you mean?"

Kiri glanced around. "First there's Tsuna, who you started talking to, then there was Enma, Hibari said GOOD MORNING to you, not to mention Irie who's always connected at the hip with you!"

The first thought that Yuna had was: Good, she didn't see me holding hands with Enma earlier… wait…

"I'm not always connected at the hip with Shouichi!" Yuna cried.

"Sure you aren't," Kiri scoffed. "I get the feeling that I'm missing people… your blush isn't as… bright as it usually is once I named all the embarrassing stuff… Who else is there?" Kiri nudged Yuna with her elbow.

"N-n-n-no one else!" Yuna cried as she ran towards the school. Kiri laughed and followed after her friend.

Enma and Tsuna stood forgotten at the school gates. They glanced at each other and Tsuna spoke:

"So… do you like Mudkips?"