Hi Guys! Lately I've been feeling oddly creative, so I decided to return to some of my long forgotten work. I've done some re-writes, fine-tunnings, etc., to make it a bit more... Well to match it to what I have in my head :)

I also must put in the WARNING: this is not a slash story, but there will be "slashy" bits. Nothing graphic, mind you and definitely not in this chapter. I will put the warning in front of the chapter that contains it though, so you're safe :)

All in all, I think there are just not enough Alice/Edward stories, so I want to finish this one up, simply to have it done!

As always - I don't own Twilight, it's Stephenie Meyer's.

General warnings: language.

That's it, enjoy and let' me know what you think!


The figure appeared in the middle of the meadow as clouds moved revealing the moon. The moonlight could not penetrate the woods, but it showed small meadow, which was almost magically beautiful even in the dark. Long, black shadows entwined and trembled in the light breeze as if dancing in the dim light of the moonlit night. The stillness of the figure was so absolute that it seemed everything was moving around it – as if it was the motionless core of the meadow.

The figure was the statue of abnormally handsome young man. It was standing alone, its face stern and its dark eyes impenetrable. The features of this young face were perfect, yet the expression was of the man who had weight too heavy put on his shoulders.

Suddenly, perfect lips moved and low voice spoke the words that matched neither his expression nor the voice itself.

"What the hell do you want, Alice?"

The sound of his voice was odd to the extent it could almost be called inhuman. It was as beautiful as everything else about this man, but at the same time behind smooth silkiness of it, the timbre of the voice was almost glass like. It didn't remind the screeching of glass but rather as if shards of glass or maybe crystals were brushing against each other softly, distantly.

His body moved to face the forest behind him and he froze again. His stillness was unnatural – he did not stir, nor shift, not even blink. His skin was pale, too pale even for moonlight and deep, bruiselike shadows were visible beneath the eyes. These shadows and the paleness would distort any features, but oddly enough they only emphasized his beauty.

A moment later sounds of forest were silenced by another voice. This voice was higher than the man's but it also had glassy sound about it - it reminded silent ringing of a glass bell.

"I had a vision," the voice said and a young woman stepped out of the woods.

She was petite, barely five feet tall. Despite this she was also oddly similar to the tall man in the meadow – her skin was as pale as his and she had the same shadows under her eyes. The similarity went beyond the features, bone deep although at the same time they were very different.

"I know, I've seen it. So?" the man answered in a bored tone. His expression remained impassive, but the flicker in his eyes betrayed the traces of unease.

"She'll fall in love with that boy," the girl stated simply.

"And why on earth should this matter to me?"

"Edward, you still can do something about it," she replied softly. The way she said his name was almost a caress and the man in front of her stiffened slightly before replying.

"I don't want to. She's fucking plain human girl with no taste, seeing what she's interested in," a small cynical smile appeared on his face.

"She doesn't have to be human."

"Right, that's exactly what I need – a ball and chain for eternity," he sniggered but even expression of sheer distaste didn't distort his handsome features.

"If it was me, I'd fight."

"Would you really?" he asked silently. His voice was saturated with something she could not understand. He was sad, but he was always sad, yet this was something else. He looked at her and in the same silent, strange, even frightening voice he asked the question he knew the answer to - "Have you ever lost someone?"

"Have you?" she asked in return as he turned to face the meadow.

"How's Jasper?"

Alice knew Edward too well to return to the subject. So instead she did what she knew the best, she changed it altogether to make him feel better.

"He's alright. You know, we tried…"

Edward knew what she was referring to. For the past several months Jasper had been thinking about trying something new. By 'new' he actually meant trying having sex with a man. He was even considering Edward as an option, given that they knew about his previous endeavors with Demetri… Edward, however, was absolutely not interested in Jasper, even though Jasper was very attractive and undoubtedly sexy man. When Jasper proposed a threesome to Alice, she was surprised at first, but soon started thinking this would indeed be interesting. They came to Edward one night and although he knew what they would be proposing, he still hoped they wouldn't.

"You did? Threesome, really?" he wondered.

"Well, not technically a threesome, foursome."

"Ah… And who were the lucky ones?"

"James and Victoria."

"James? I would have never thought… And?" he smiled. James and Victoria was a couple of traditional vampires who sometimes visited the Cullen family. James' interests in, for the lack of better word, people solely depended on the amount of chase he'd get trying to get to them, so it was rather strange that James was interested in a voluntary foursome. Then again, perhaps he was prone to underestimate Jasper.

"And it was… Interesting. Would've been better with you." – She winked at him.

"No doubts. Would have liked to see you with Victoria, though…" – he laughed and hurried to stop himself from going down that road.

This was exactly why he loved her so much. Alice was only person in whole world who could make him laugh even in the worst of his moods. This tiny, beautiful girl was the reason he stayed with all of them for so unbelievably long. It did not mean that Edward did not care about the rest of his family; he would die for all of them, but love… Well, he only loved Alice and rest he liked and respected enough to be able to stay. They all were so natural and truthful to what they were that it was impossible not to respect them. Esme, who had lost her child, was a mother to them all. She never forced it on any of them and was a mother they all ever needed. She never pretended to care, she honestly and truly loved them unconditionally and Edward was the best prove of it. Carlisle's compassion was admirable. He truly cared for every living soul – humans, animals, even vampires, although Edward was not sure they could be called "living soul". Rosalie was vain and shallow. She enjoyed it and although she was actually a smart girl, she intentionally made being beautiful the core of her existence. Edward had to admit she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and since she was happy about it and refused pretending she did not know how beautiful she was, Edward had to admire that. Emmet was all very, almost extremely simple. He never wanted nor needed to be considered bright, but he was ridiculously honest and decent. He never thought anything he couldn't say aloud and he could never even lie. It was easy to be around him and Edward enjoyed the fact he could read his mind without Emmet being unhappy or embarrassed about it. This was why he usually concentrated on him rather than anyone else. And Jasper… Well, Jasper was the one who struggled the most. It was unbearably difficult not to attack humans for him and he only did it because of his love to Alice. Edward had to admit this kind of love was what he himself wished for her – the only person he ever loved.

"You could have, but you refused, remember?" – She asked smiling, remembering that night as vividly as if it had happened yesterday.

"Well, I haven't ruled that out yet…"

"Well, we haven't either…" – She chuckled and Edward laughed loudly.

"You know I was thinking that Jasper probably is interested in you because of how I feel about you."

"So you don't think he might be interested because of who I am? Devil, you're hurting my feelings…" – He whined mockingly, but then became serious again. – "Is it really so impossible to want me?"

"I think I might not be the one to be asked this question… I wanted you from the first time I saw you in my vision. I want you still."

"You chose Jasper, remember?" – He asked bitterly.

"I wasn't given an option and you know it better than I." – She replied calmly and allowed her thoughts drift to the day they met, taking Edward with her.


Carlisle had sensed the approach of a vampire before any of them and all five of them were sitting in the living room, waiting. If any human was to see the sight of them, he'd be disturbed to the core. They were all so inhumanly beautiful and being together intensified their beauty even further. However while they were sitting and waiting, anyone would have thought he entered the room full of astonishing statues rather than people. They did not move; they made no sound; they didn't even breathe in their concentration. Finally the door opened and a girl entered the room. Edward stared at her as the rest of them, but he was the one to think that this girl was far more exciting and interesting than Rosalie. Rosalie was more beautiful in obvious kind of way, but this tiny creature was fascinating in the way Edward could not yet describe. He stared at her feeling his world freeze for a moment giving him time to just look at this creature. He was so amazed and shocked that it took him couple of seconds to focus on the oddest feature of the girl – her eyes. Her were golden like his own. He had never met any vampire apart his family whose eyes were golden and not crimson. She was beautiful, interesting, exciting and mysterious. And as soon as this registered in his dumbfounded mind he hated it all immediately.

"Hello, Carlisle." – She greeted in high singing voice, which Edward thought was too damn beautifully annoying. She smiled at them all and greeted them by their names, finishing with Edward.

"Who, the fuck, are you?" – Edward asked before any of them could speak. He sensed Carlisle looking at him disapprovingly.

The girl simply smiled.

"My name is Alice." – She chirped. – "I came to stay with you all."

Edward raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"Did you now?"

"Edward!" – Carlisle interjected and turned to the girl. – "Why don't you tell us everything?"

"There's not really that much to tell. I don't remember anything before last year, when I woke up in the middle of the woods in Maine. I was wondering around in woods thirsty to the extreme when I saw the herd of deer. From then on I've been living there and feeding on them as I could not bring myself to hunt a human. Last Tuesday, however, I saw a vision of Edward. Few more visions later I knew I'd be living here. Now, can anyone tell me where my room is?" – She smiled at the all. Rosalie and Emmet were looking at her cautiously, Esme couldn't suppress her curiosity mingled with concern and Carlisle's look was welcoming, open and curious. Only Edward was glaring at her angrily.

"Don't you know?" – Edward sneered. – "You seem to know everything."

"I know, but you'll overreact if I tell you it's your room…"

"You're insane if you think I'll let you have my room, tiny one!" – He growled.

"Tiny devil," – Alice corrected, - "this is how you'll be calling me soon."

Edward glared at her wishing to hate her. Instead he felt irresistible urge to laugh. His loud laughter echoed through the house startling everyone except Alice, who kept smiling joyfully. His entire family turned to him. They barely ever heard Edward laugh – he only laughed angrily if he heard something in their thoughts he was not supposed to know. Yet now he laughed freely, happily. They all gaped even more when he came to Alice and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Come, devil, I'll show you around." – He mused and led her upstairs.

'Can it be? Can she be the one for him?' – Carlisle thought.

"No!" – He heard Edward's angry voice from upstairs and then Alice's laughter.

"Were they thinking if I was your mate?" – She asked and as he nodded, continued. – "You're right, I'm not. In a year or so another vampire will join our family, He's name's Jasper and he doesn't know about us yet…"

"And he'll be your mate?" – Edward asked. He never believed in such thing as mate or any of that 'meant to be' crap, but he had met many of the ones, who did, including his entire family.

"Yes." – She replied simply.

"I think I'm going to like you." – Edward grinned and Alice laughed.

"I think you already do."

"Don't push it." – He finally opened the door, revealing a large and bright room. – "This is my room."

"My room." – She corrected and Edward growled.

"Your room then." – He said and heard gasps from Carlisle and Esme in the living room. – "You'll have to help me prepare a room for me, though. And then move my stuff."

Alice chuckled.

"I will help you decorate, but I wouldn't rush with your stuff…"

Edward raised his eyebrows, but decided against commenting.

"Where are your things?" – He asked.

"I left everything at the train station. Do you want to come with me and take it?" – She asked smiling innocently.

"No." – He growled.

"But you anyway will?"


From that day Edward spent almost all the time with Alice. They went to the school together, they hunted together, and they prepared the room in the basement for him together. She even managed to drag him along for shopping; refusing his suggestions to take Rosalie instead, which then resulted in Rosalie's bitterness towards Alice. This was unusual for Edward – he generally liked to stay alone and only returned to the house from time to time. For following two weeks he only left to be alone for few hours every two days. Alice knew when it was time to leave Edward alone and even encouraged him to go. She spent this little time she had with the rest of the family – getting to know them, telling stories about herself and Jasper, who she hadn't even met yet. Esme and Carlisle were the first ones to accept Alice. She knew it was more to do with the way Edward seemed happier around her, but she was fine with that. After all, they would be family soon enough. Emmet liked Alice from the start and she only really had difficulties with Rosalie. Alice knew it would take time for Rose to get used to her and did not push her much.

Two weeks later Edward took Alice to the theatre to watch Hamlet, one of his favorite plays. After the show they went hunting to the woods near by.

"Devil!" – She heard him call her as she was finishing her deer.

"Almost done, coming!" – She replied. When she went to him, she found him sitting on the fallen tree trunk, waiting for her.

"Come, sit." – He said quietly and she obeyed.

"Do you know what I want to talk to you about?" – He asked.

"No, I wasn't looking." – She replied. – "But I do have an idea."

"Alright then, I won't have to make a fool of myself." – He grinned and then instead of saying anything else simply kissed her full on the mouth, pulling her into his lap. Alice wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss, sinking into it.

'I think it's time for you to come back to your room…' – She thought and Edward chuckled lightly into her mouth before pulling back a little.

"I think it is."

They came back to the house later that night and Alice led him holding his hand tightly back to their room, which they shared from then on.

As months passed they remained inseparable. The only thing that changed was that they drove entire house insane by having sex constantly. This was one of the things Edward himself hated before – he could always hear both Carlisle and Esme and Emmet and Rosalie having sex. It was impossible for the vampires not to hear so this time he did not feel bad at all and allowed himself be as loud as he wanted to. Other than that, they talked about almost everything – their past, their hopes, their dreams. The only thing they never talked about was their future. They both knew this relationship had no future and was destined to last until Jasper comes, but they never spoke of it anyway. Edward thought that Jasper was the reason why he got himself involved – knowing it couldn't last and will end soon enough made it worth having. There were no promises, no declarations of eternal love – all they had was there and then and they both tried to get everything of it. A month after Edward returned to his room, he knew he loved Alice. For the first time in his already long life, he truly loved someone. He never told her this, he hated being sentimental, but he was sure Alice knew it and deliberately did not make him say it, which made him love her more.

One night, approximately a year later, Edward returned home after ordering Alice her first car, she wanted so much. When entering the house he sensed something was wrong. He ran to his room to find Alice sitting on the bed in the dark room. She did not light the lights, but he could still see she was sad. And that all his belongings were packed. He sighed.

"He's coming?" – He asked silently and she nodded. – "Good, I was not sure how much longer I can endure."

Alice smiled at him sadly, came closer, hugged him tightly and kissed him.

"I will miss you too, Edward." – She finally whispered resting her head on his shoulder.

"Don't get all sappy on me, devil. Your mate's coming, remember?" – He forced a smile, although deep down he knew this was going to hurt eventually.

"It hurts anyway." – She said as if she had read his mind. – "Edward, promise me you'll come back, please…"

"You see me leaving?" – He chuckled darkly. – "I'm not surprised. I always knew I'd leave as soon as he comes – don't want to witness your happiness, at least for a while, until fuck-at-any-chance phase passes."

"It doesn't have to be that way." – Alice whispered softly.

"Yes, it does." – He cut her off and she nodded feeling her heart break.

"Alice, don't you fucking dare feel bad about this!" – He growled. – "This is what you wanted and we both knew it from the start! For fuck's sake! I will not be the one hurting you, you hear me?!" – He lifted her from the ground, kissing her fiercely, and laid her on the bed. Suddenly she rolled over and Edward was now laying beneath her.

"I will only say it once, Edward, so listen. This year was the happiest in my life and not once did you hurt me. I love you immensely and damn it, I know you love me too! If you gave me a choice, I would keep loving you, mate or not. But we both know you won't and we knew it from the start. So no, you're not hurting me, this is just the way you love and I accept it. I accepted you from the start as you accepted me. So now please, just shut up and make love to me…" – She paused as Edward raised his eyebrows. – "Yes, Edward, make love to me – not fuck me, not have sex with me! Make love to me and then we'll part." – She finished with a silent sob.

Edward rolled her over again and kissed her softly.

"Now you listen to me, tiny devil. We will never part. I will always be around, whenever you need me, I'll come. Alice, devil… I…" – He halted and she smiled.

"I know, you don't have to say. I love you, too." – She kissed him.

"And this is why… Now, promise me you'll look for me if I'm needed."

"Edward, you're needed all the time. I don't want you to go."

"I have to. It's better that way – if I stay, you'll be sacrificing the time you should be spending with Jasper to check on me. I'm going to be fine; I just need some time to get used to this and you need your time with your mate. Just until all the fucking gets under control." – He smiled trying to look convincingly. – "Right, I believe there's love making we need to attend to, before I go?"

Alice laughed.

"I believe there is…"