Two hours after Sara ended her phone call with Catherine, the woman in question found arrived.

"Hey, it took longer than I thought it would."

"That's alright."

"What's wrong?" Catherine took a seat in the chair next to Sara.

"I need to talk to you in private." Sara said quietly.

"Shift is over in thirty minutes, would you like to come over to my place?" Catherine offered.

"Yes. I just finished all of my notes for you." Sara moved her notes so that both women would be able to see them. Catherine listened while Sara verbally detailed the three cases she was still working on; making a few notes of her own. When they were finished, Sara gathered her things and headed to her car while Catherine headed to her office. She found Grissom waiting for her.


"Hello Catherine."

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm taking the next week off. Here are my case notes." He handed her several more files to add to her growing pile. She knew this pile included case reviews that he had yet to sign off on. She absolutely hated doing his paperwork.

"Can I pass some of these off to the guys? I've already got Sara's cases too."

"That's fine, but I would like you to finish the one case I brought you in on. I'd like for you to finish it solo."

"I understand. Do you want me to keep you updated?" She wasn't sure how much more information there was going to be other than the ruling on Sara's shooting of the suspect. The man she shot admitted to killing the other three victims and the attack was provoked. She was sure the shooting would be ruled as justified.

"Yes, please. I don't know yet if I'm going to leave town at all, but if I do, then I'll let you know. Don't tell the guys what's going on and don't let them call me."

"Ok, I have to tell them something though to explain the sudden absence of both you and Sara." She argued.

"I took time off to attend an out of town funeral and I don't wish to be disturbed."

"That's fair. I'll ask Sara what she wants me to tell them." Grissom nodded in agreement and stood to leave.

"I'll see you in a week." he said.

"Enjoy your time off." She called after his retreating form. She sighed and locked up all of her the new files she had just acquired and left the building. She saw Sara in her car, waiting patiently for her. She also saw that Grissom was walking toward the parking lot ahead of her. She saw him slow as he neared Sara's car. His body language screamed that he waned to talk to her, but Sara refused to make eye contact with him, so he kept on walking. Catherine was wondering what had transpired between these two since she left Sara's place that morning.

Sara saw Catherine approaching less than a minute after Grissom walked past her. She smiled softly and without any words needed, Sara prepared to follow Catherine home. Catherine climbed in her car and drove home.

Catherine brewed a pot of tea and joined Sara at the kitchen table. Thankfully, her daughter Lindsey had already left for school.

"So what happened?" Catherine asked as Sara unconsciously fingered the bandage on her wrist.

"I have your complete confidence, right?"

"Of course."

"Well the other night was pretty stressful as I'm sure you can imagine."

"It's not everyday that you have two cases overlap, Grissom gets hurt and you kill a suspect in self-defense." Catherine replied.

"I also broke up a fight." Catherine nodded and Sara continued.

"When I left the scene, I went to the lab and logged my evidence. After that I went home to my liquor cabinet." Catherine held up her hand to stop Sara while she served the two cups of tea. Sara smiled gratefully.

"I'm not sure what happened during my hangover. Were you there?"

"Yes; Brass, Vartaan, and I were there for a while. Grissom answered questions for us and I watched him feed from you before I left. The guys didn't stay for that part though." Sara flushed with embarrassment upon learning that they have had a witness to him feeding.

"Oh." Catherine covered Sara's hand with her own.

"Sara, I thought it was romantic; there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"What was the fight about between Brass and Grissom?" Catherine asked as a way to change the subject.

"When speaking to Brass, Grissom only confessed to abusing his senses to learn my body. That's when Brass starting shoving Grissom at the scene. Later on at my apartment I asked Grissom what had happened. Grissom told me that he used his enhanced abilities to study me. He would flirt with me to learn how I respond and what it smells like when I'm aroused. He says he's even tracked my cycle. It pissed me off to learn that he knowingly abused my feelings for him."


"Yeah, both of us accused him of using me to his advantage."

"Why do you think he did that?" Catherine asked.

"He said it's because he cares. I don't mind that he did it so much, what bothers me is that it took so many years away from what we could have had. It pisses me off that if I hasn't discovered his secret, I'd probably still be a pathetic, single woman hopelessly in love with her boss and wondering if he's ever going to figure it out." Somehow, Sara managed to not lose control and start yelling at Catherine. She also somehow managed to keep her tears in check.

"I see your point and I agree with you, but I think I can shed some light from his point of view." Sara looked at Catherine, demanding an explanation.

"Let's not forget that Grissom is a man who's been married and faithful to his job for more than twenty years. You need to realize that Grissom is risking everything to be with you. His job is his life and if he's caught breaking a major rule, like being in a romantic relationship with a direct subordinate, his reputation is over. I understand why he did it, and I agree with you that he took too long to act. New relationships are complicated enough without the added stress you both are carrying. I personally don't think you should be too hard on him."

"Thank you. I didn't think of it that way. You're right though. His career and his reputation could be over because of me." Sara sighed and was desperately fighting the tears at this point.

"It could also benefit because of you. I've been watching you two for years and it's as plain as my love for Lindsey that you two make a good team. You balance each other. That's why neither of you have managed to have maintain a long term relationship and also that yours has lasted through the test of time; you're connected."

"You're right; I've loved him for so many years."

"I knew it the very first time I saw you two together." Sara smiled. Catherine covered Sara's hand and squeezed it.

"Give him another chance. He won't screw up again; because I'll kill him." Sara covered Catherine's hand this time.

"Not if I get to him first."

"That's the spirit."

"Thank you for talking to me, Catherine. I need to go talk to him." Catherine smiled and walked Sara to the door, secretly hoping that everything would work out.

A/N: I apologize for the long delay in updating. Life has been absolutely crazy around here. In the next chapter, Sara will confront Grissom. I will try to post again by Friday. Reviews are wanted and appreciated. Have a great day everyone! Kelly