If Spock and Nyota had a word of the day calendar...which totally seems like something they would have to me....
sinuous , adjective: characterized by many turns or curves; winding.
Consultation of his internal clock indicated the current time to be 0500 hours. Logically, now that he was awake, required no more sleep, and had many tasks to accomplish in the day ahead he should, in accordance with his normal schedule, rise from his bed and after returning it to its pristine condition leave his sleeping quarters to cleanse himself.
However, he thought to himself as he faced the mass hidden in shadows and valleys of the bedding, today is not like any other day. Today, he thought, is the first day that I wake to her. Here in my quarters. Sliding closer to her cool frame gently, so as not to disturb her, he noted, with some approval, if he was honest with himself, the bite mark on the back of her neck.
Would he be remiss in demanding that she wear her hair up today so that it would be visible to all? Perhaps even a step farther then her usual ponytail. How had she referred to his preferred method of her styling her long silky mane? Ah, yes, a bun. Most satisfactory. Allowing him to see the graceful shape of her elongated neck which mimicked the sinuous soft lines of those parts of her anatomy which no one, but he had ever seen since she had reached physical maturity.
Those parts of her no one would ever see. Even if it meant he had to revert to the ancient custom of fighting for mates to the death. He would make sure of it. Especially Cadet Kirk. A most annoying subject. As most Terrans on the Command track were. It seemed nearly a requirement to be filled with hubris to become a Captain and Cadet Kirk seemed not only to meet that particular requirement, but to exceed it.
He soothed his mind with the logical conclusion that no matter how good the intentions of a hero, in the end, his hubris would ultimately be his downfall and the fall from grace seemed not only far but also rather permanent. Many Terrans, including Jim Kirk, held a belief in the afterlife that was startlingly strong in its either/or destinations with little or no room for movement between the two choices.
Cadet Kirk's deity seemed to be referred to as Father and required extensive repentance of bad deeds termed as sin. Absolution of those sins was offered by men who abstained from physical excess of any kind and wore a black and white uniform. Interesting in the fact that this religion seemed black and white in interpretation of right and wrong as well. The cadet could often be seen forming a sign of a plus or what Terrans referred to as a cross on his person and he had heard discussion of "sacrament" which to the best of his knowledge including eating a flavorless wafer substance, termed bread, and drinking fermented grape juice, termed wine.
The followers believed these to be the embodiment of the blood and body of the group's savior. A Jesus Christ, or Jesus of Nazarene. Cadet Kirk seemed to spend an inordinately large amount of time in the stall used for profession of guilt and acceptance of repentance. After studying Terran religions for many years he was aware that in this set of beliefs there was a clever creature who had been cast out of heaven and into an abyss of heat and fire for what he could best describe as mutiny. The residence of this creature was now where those who disobeyed the God were sent to atone for their sins through eternity.
Gently pulling Nyota's shoulder to turn her to face him, he wondered absently, as he slid into her moist center while simultaneously kissing her awake, if Cadet Kirk could currently see him defiling this angel if he would think Spock himself this Devil and Vulcan the Hell he seemed so determined to avoid.
sinuous , adjective: characterized by graceful curving movements.
Logically it was not necessary for him to attend the talent show. Nyota had invited him and even though they had been dating for several months according to the Terran calendar it in no way obligated him to attend. Except, Nyota was a human, not a Vulcan.
On Vulcan it was not necessary to go to an event for your bond mate until you were fully bonded. Prior to the bonding, most couples led wholly separate lives and often after a bonding ceremony the only time the couple came together was for Pon Farr, to produce offspring, or official matters of state.
As Spock stepped into the auditorium he noticed Captain Pike speaking with several cadets and Admiral Prescott. Admiral Prescott moved to speak with an Professor Morris from the Engineering Department. Moving towards the group he paused within range of notice, but not so close as to invite himself into the on going conversation.
"Spock, you're here! I was beginning to think you might be late." Captain Pike broke from the conversation to acknowledge Spock's presence first.
"I have over two minutes to spare Captain Pike. I am early." Pike shook his head and Spock ignored the stares of awe from the cadets in front of him.
"Spock, this is Cadet Nealson, Cadet Tomlins, and Cadet Chekov." All of the Cadets greeted Spock and turned to take their leave of the Captain and Lieutenant.
"Cadet Chekov." The smaller boy, obviously allowed into Star Fleet early for extraordinary intelligence, with the still round face of a boy not yet a man turned to the tall stoic Vulcan with eyes wide in fear.
"Y-Y-Yes, Sir?" Spock tilted his head slightly as if studying the cadet for a time.
"In Star Fleet, regardless of our position or title we are all communicators. With each other, Federation planets, planets not currently in the Federation, and civilizations we have yet to discover. I am confident that you are aware of your accent and the difficulty one might have in understanding you. It is therefore suggested that you practice many languages and attempt to remedy the problem. Although I teach in the Science Curriculum I am sure that anyone in the Xenolinguistics Department would not view your accent as an asset." Spock delivered the line and watched as the stunned Russian boy and two other cadets processed his speech.
Contrary to popular ,the fact that Spock did not show emotion helped when he had to deliver corrections or criticisms of this nature. Most Humans, he found, disliked getting criticisms and often felt that it was due to dislike that they were being "picked on." For Spock, however, since it was a generally widely held belief that he was emotionless therefore, could not like things he could not NOT like things so his corrections were usually seen as emotionless and driven from pure fact.
The lights dimmed in the room and Spock took his seat next to a noticeably amused Christopher Pike. Act after act of Star Fleet's finest showed their skills learned from their home planets and continents to their instructors and fellow classmates. Spock, who typically expected perfection in any performance, especially one in front of an audience of this magnitude was pleasantly entertained by a Cadet Kim's singing and Nyota's roommate Gaila's Orion Slave Dance, even with the pheromone suppressors to keep the male audience from mauling each other for her he could sense nearly three quarters of the males in attendance state of arousal.
Finally Nyota took the stage. She was with another cadet. A male cadet. A song began and Nyota in all white with her partner in black pants and an unbuttoned white dress shirt performed a dance supposed to simulate the growing pains of their marriage. A bed was involved. Spock was pissed.
There was no other way to describe it. If he had his way he would storm the stage and rip that cadet's head off. No one touched Nyota that way. Even if it was simply for a performance. The sinuous movement of Nyota's body against the other cadet's forced Spock to clasp his hands tightly together in his lap. Obviously one bite mark was not enough.
sinuous , adjective: not direct; devious.
Absentmindedly trailing her fingers across Spock's stomach Nyota yawned tiredly.
"If you are tired Nyota, why do you not sleep?" Spock's questions always sounded like suggestions to Nyota and this was no different. She shrugged her shoulders without glancing up at him.
"I'm waiting for you." Spock did not pause in his work on the PADD in front of him.
"That is illogical. Vulcans need less sleep than Humans. That information coupled with the fact that I am a professor and you have yet to receive your diploma from Star Fleet allows me certain privileges that you are currently not at liberty to partake of. Such as a lack of exams." Nyota did not respond, but Spock did not repeat himself. He knew that she had heard him and if Nyota chose to act irrationally and it proved detrimental to her grades or position at the top of her class then she would be the one who had to deal with the consequences of her actions.
"They're almost gone....finally...." Spock heard Nyota mumble to herself.
"What are almost gone?" Nyota didn't respond verbally but instead moved Spock's hand to the back of her neck. The bite that had once been there along with the bites on her breasts and thighs had nearly faded completely now.
Removed from the situation Spock could admit that he may have overreacted, perhaps even been emotional, in his response to the dance at the talent show several weeks ago. He had nearly forcibly removed her after the performances had concluded. Barely clearing the door to his quarters, he had ripped her dress and bit her, hard, probably six or seven times over her breasts and thighs.
"I do apologize for my loss of control." Spock placed the PADD down and looked into Nyota's eyes. She rolled her eyes and raised her left hand in a lackadaisical waving motion to indicate the little affect of the loss of control on her emotional state.
"It wasn't anything I couldn't handle. The worse part was all the questions and comments." Spock's interest was now peaked. He hadn't been aware there had been inquiries as to the bite marks. He raised his eyebrow which Nyota now recognized as a cue of interest and a signal to elaborate on her previous statement.
"Jim...I mean, Cadet Kirk, sits behind me in Advanced Physics and he was always asking about the bite on the back of my neck. Of course, since all he thinks about is sex it usually devolved into a debate on how freaky I must be if I was into biting of this magnitude and if I would let some surely less talented man bite me then what might I agree to with him making me moan." Nyota rolled her eyes at the ludicrousness of the statement, but Spock's whole being was focused on the fact that Cadet Kirk had sexually propositioned Nyota again. He had better be in confession right now and even that might not save his soul if he continued on this path.
"Then, you know Cadet Chekov? Little Russian kid? Cutest accent you ever heard? Well, anyway, we went to the beach, Leo, Chekov, whose name is Pavel by the way, Gaila and of course, Jim invited himself along. Well, my bathing suit, naturally being a two piece because who wants their tummy to be lighter than the rest of them, didn't really cover my thighs or one of the bites on my breast. Well, Chekov was so concerned and he had some sort of ointment from Russia that he ran back to his dorm and brought for me to try. I didn't want it under my nails. Leo was in the water with Gaila and there was no way I was going to let Kirk touch me so Chekov helped me rub the ointment onto the bites, carefully so that I didn't get sand..." Nyota's narrative was cut off by a fierce growl and a yank of her head to the side so that a set of teeth, with canines nearly as sharp as an animal's, sank into the muscle on the left side of her neck.
The bites continued across her shoulder and one on her left wrist. When he had exhausted the animal desire Spock moved off of Nyota and laid beside her. Feeling, yes, feeling, remorseful for his second loss of control, but unable to feel remorse for the action of biting her itself. After several heartbeats, she released a breathy moan.
"Finally, I wondered how many men I was going to have to lie about to get you to do that." Spock looked at Nyota in shock. She lied. Sinuous little creature.
"That biting is such a turn on." She moaned and writhed deeper into the sheets on their bed.