She was pretty much the picture of normality. She had a family that consisted of a mother, a father, a little sister, and of course her two dogs. She went to school and had friends. She was thirteen, somewhat tall, with sandy blonde hair, and deep blue eyes, and to be honest she looked as if she could lay off some of the cookies. Some might say she was your average everyday person, but that's not what she would say. If you were to ask her she'd say that in her words 'I'm different and there's something special about me and someday I will find the true place where I belong because it ain't here.' That's what she would tell you and little did she know she was right, this is her story.


It was July 31st and she had had a wonderful day. She had spent the whole day with her best friend, having fun, and laughing like there was no tomorrow. She was getting ready for bed when she decided to go out on her deck and look at the sky because after such a perfect day the sky should be absolutely gorgeous. So she slid open her sliding door to her deck and went across to the far railing. She turned her face toward the sky; she could actually see some stars tonight. She decided she'd try once again maybe she'd have a chance tonight.

"I know I've had my share of wishes, but if you could, please let me find where I belong. I know this isn't where I belong. Please let it be tonight that I find my true place in this world." And with those words said she walked back inside. She took a look around her bedroom, flipped the lock to her sliding door, turned on her music softly, flipped off the lights, and crawled into bed. She fell asleep shortly and as she was sleeping she didn't know that someone was looking for her.

The clock lights formed the time 12:30. Her sleeping form lied in the bed. She was having a rather restless night. She had woken up twice in the last hour and now she was sleeping extremely light. So light that when the lock to the front door turned she stirred and when she heard the door open her eyes flew open. She could hear footsteps she saw someone run from her parent's bedroom and now she could hear voices.

"Oh hello Professor Dumbledore." She heard her mom's voice say. She screwed her face up in confusion. How could her mother know this person, and how had they got in?

"Hello Carol." She heard a voice that sounded somewhat like an old man. She didn't know what to think now. Why had an old man broken in their house? Well he really hadn't broken in had he; he had more just strolled in.

"I can only guess why you're here. She's asleep, I'll go and wake her." She heard her mother's voice reply and she heard footsteps. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder that would have shaken her awake had she been asleep.

"Wake up, come on get up, I need you to get up." She heard her mother's voice coaxing her awake. She decided that she'd better go along with the sleeping act.

"Huh?" She asked looking up at her mother.

"You need to get up and get dressed. I'm going to walk out and shut the door behind me if you're not out in 5 minutes I'm coming back in here." Her mother told her.

" Okay Ma." She answered and waited for her mother to leave until she got out of bed.

As she went around her room grabbing the first items of clothing she found she was pondering her awkward circumstances. A man had showed up that her mother apparently knew, he had showed up in the middle of the night, and it sounded as if he were here for her. By the time she had thought about all that she had dressed herself in a t-shirt and her baggy old gym shorts. She looked in the mirror and smoothed her curly hair out as much as she could then she opened the door and walked toward the voices she had heard.

"You came so late. I was expecting you'd show up weeks ago. I thought maybe you'd come on the 12th." She heard her mom say.

"No I decided tonight would be best since Harry is getting picked up tonight as well." Said the old man as she emerged from the kitchen into the living room.

Her mom was sitting on the sofa in front of her. She looked around for the man whose voice she'd heard and there he was, sitting on the sofa across from the fireplace. He looked as though he was tall when standing, he had long gray hair, a long gray beard, a crooked nose, upon which were sitting a pair of half moon spectacles, behind the spectacles were the bluest pair of eyes she had ever seen, but the oddest feature was that he was wearing robes somewhat like the ones she had seen sorcerers in the movies wear.

"Dear, sit down." Her mother said patting the seat beside her. She sat and looked from her mother to the man sitting across from her.

"This is Professor Dumbledore he's here to see you. I'll let him explain the rest." Her mother told her. She turned herself to face the man before her.

"Well as your mother or as I should say foster mother so kindly explained I am here to see you." The old man who was called Professor Dumbledore started.

"First of all I must tell you that you are not the person you think you are." He said looking straight at her with those overly blue eyes.

"Wha-woah." She had started to ask exactly what he meant, but then she had this funny feeling in her gut and then there was someone completely different sitting where she was looking.

She had become at least 90 pounds lighter and her hair hung shoulder length, but it was no longer curly it was straight, and it was redder now, her fingers had slenderized considerably and now she would say that she must have been rather good looking, but there was one problem she had also shrunk about 4 or 5 inches. The most new quality about her was the fact that now she had a lightning shape scar on the upper inside of her left arm. With all changes of height and size she thought her clothes would fall in the most embarrassing places, but they appeared to have shrunk with her.

"As I was saying you are not the person you think you are, your name is Harmony Dawne Potter." Dumbledore told her as she studied what she had become.

"Wait so how do I spell it? I think it a good idea I don't go around spelling it wrong." She said for lack of better conversation. She was startled at her new accent, which sounded like it was British and now her voice was higher.

"Quite right. You spell it H-A-R-M-O-N-Y D-A-W-N-E P-O-T-T-E-R. And very good thinking as you will be keeping this identity a secret. No one can know where you've been for the last past 10 years when you're reintroduced." He told her. She was feeling rather embarrassed about the how-do-I-spell-it thing, but curious as to why she'd be keeping where she was a secret.

"If you don't mind me asking why was this kept from me in the first place and where am I getting reintroduced to?" She asked voicing the conversation in her head.

"That brings me to my next point, Harmony you are in fact a witch." He stated it as if it were the most common thing in the world, but to what was now Harmony witches were things of fantasies and dreams.

"Well if I can be a whole different person in 20 minutes I guess I can be a witch too." She said accepting it rather quickly. Harmony was ready to believe anything because this felt right and she knew that her wish had come true.

"You actually took that better than I had expected. As for why this was kept from you it was to keep you safe. And now you have come of age you will be reintroduced to the wizarding world." Dumbledore said.

"Wait just a minute ago you said last past 10 years so I've been out of the wizarding world since I was 4?" She asked.

"As a matter of fact that is not true. You may have noticed that you have lost some of the height that you had before. As most of life here, your age was also a cover, you are actually 11 as of today speaking today is your birthday." His calmness made it all easier to grasp. Okay so she was not 14 she was 11, okay that was an ego dropper, but on the plus side she was a witch.

"Well how could I pass for 14 if I'm 11? I mean most people just aren't that amazing, are they?" She asked.

" I thought that might come up. Harmony you could talk at 3 months of age, you could walk at 4 months, and you were a very smart child far above your age. So we were able to put you 3 years above your age and you still got ahead of them." He explained smiling.

"Alright then, but if this isn't my family, if I'm a Potter, where are my parents?" She asked looking at him concerned about the fact that her parents hadn't shown up to get her and curious as to why she'd been put here in the first place.

"I'm sorry to say this, but your parents were killed. We don't have time for the full story just yet. Anything else you wish to ask?" He said partial pity and sadness in his eyes.

"Do I have any other relatives?" She asked feeling a little alone.

"You have a twin brother named Harry." Dumbledore answered shortly. Now the feeling of loneliness began to fade, as she knew she was not alone.

"Now to the deeper and more important point of why I am here. You do not have to accept this life Harmony. You may stay here and live as a Muggle if that is your desire, but if you wish to return to our world you should go to school. The school you would be attending is for witchcraft and wizardry and it is called Hogwarts. I am headmaster there." He explained to her.

"What's a Muggle?" she asked.

"A person that does not posses the gift of magic." Dumbledore explained.

"Then you're a Muggle? And Dad too?" She turned on her foster mother and asked.

"Yes dear in a sense. I was born into a magical family, but do not possess magic myself. Russ on the other hand is a Muggle." Her mother answered.

"Oh, well I think I've already made up my mind, I will go to Hogwarts." She answered. Why should she stay? She had a whole other world where she could be. She had a brother that she would love to see and be with. She had to go! She really didn't have much of a choice; there was so much she needed to know.

"Excellent." Dumbledore said. Her mother looked at her and nodded, but Harmony could tell she wished that her choice had gone the other way.

"Well go and get the things you need and don't worry about the fitting problem I will fix that." He told her. She began to worry how he would fix it, but did as she was told anyway.

She grabbed all of her favorite clothes from the closet and her ipod. Then she shoved all of it into the backpack on the floor. She slung the backpack over her shoulder and walked back to the living room.

"Ready." She told her new headmaster.

"Alright I'll just give this a tap and we will be off." He said and gave the backpack a tap.

"There, all done. I'll be outside when you are done saying goodbye for the year as you will in all likelihood be staying here for the summer." He said and stepped out the door closing it behind him.

"Bye Mom." Harmony said hugging the woman who had raised her.

"Bye Harmony and be safe." She told her foster daughter. Her daughter looked at her in surprise. She had just called her by her real name not the name she had grown up with.

"Well I've got to start calling you that sometime. You are not entirely mine anymore." Her mother said.

"I love you." Harmony said hugging her mom again.

"I love you too darling, but you better get going and remember this isn't goodbye. I'll see you as soon as the school year ends." Her mother told her and gently pushed her through the door. And with that Harmony knew that this was her newest and greatest adventure and her wishes coming to life.