At first, when I decided to take his soul... I would have eaten it just like everyone else's...
But then...I never thought I'd only want his soul...Nor...Did I think... I'd miss him...
He let go of the edge without a care, he was ready to die. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. A child so young just wanting to die, because he knew he had owed me the ultimate gift, his life, his soul. I felt a strange sinking, sick feeling in the pit of me as I watched the memories of his heart tear out of him, as I dived in after him. Demons don't have hearts, no, no they don't. They eat souls and move on, or die. They spend their life in hell, fighting against the Death Gods for souls. They have no feeling, they're monsters. Did Ciel see what I did to that fallen angel? No, of course not, I'd never let him. I care too much about him. I care too much about him...? I don't have a heart... Spending time with humans might soften me up, but I don't have a heart, now do I? Do I? Can I? I hold Ciel in my arms, he's currently dead to the world that surrounds us, but he can live in death. He can live until I have to consume his soul. It's him or me. I wish we could
I was ready to die, I was ready to stop burdening Sebastian, he's been through enough. His body was bloody, his arm was cut off, who knows what else could happen to him if I decided to keep living. Even though I want to, I'm already dead, and I certainly can't live here with him. So I lay back and close my eyes, tell him to make it painful. It's ironic how I ask him to make it painful for all my sins, while it's a Demon that's doing it. I don't know how he's going to, how painful it's going to be. I'm scared but I can't look back. His hand on my cheek, I look up at him, the fear burning in my eyes. As he draws near, his lust for my soul grows, did he ever have any sympathy for me anyways? I love you Sebastian...
I near his face, though I want his soul, I don't want it at the same time. Is this the fate, is this the end? I am more monster than human, anyways, I can twist Ciel any way I please, making it painful physically, cut him, draw blood. Though, the greatest pain is emotional, I will make it so carved in his soul is my name, to consume, and forever wear his blood on my hands. I kiss him softly and grasp his neck, choking him while stealing his soul, driving my nails into it, drawing blood. I can hear his whimpers, it makes me lurch a little with pain, though I carry on. I suffocate him with my tongue, there's no other way, his heart starts to beat slower and slower. He's almost dead, I have his soul, as he sits there drenched in blood, still looking at me with those wide blue eyes, the sinking painful feeling of that soul crawls within me, screaming in agony.
So I grab him, hold him close to me, tell him I love him, and sink my demon-hand deep into his...
Through the sputters of blood, I hear faintly...
"I do too..."
I felt a heartbeat, but all it ever did was hurt...
-Sebastian FIN.