The clock on the wall said 1:32 am. Blossom was still awake, thinking about what had happened hours ago. Buttercup and the Professor came in earlier to talk to her, but she pretended she was asleep to avoid it. Blossom knew she would have to talk to them at some point, but she didn't know what she was going to say. How would they react to her actually being afraid of her counterpart? Even Bubbles wasn't afraid of Boomer. Blossom suddenly heard someone tapping on the window. She didn't want to look, but she did anyway because she knew he would go to extreme measures just to get her attention.
"Hey, open the window will ya?" Brick said with an evil smile.
Blossom didn't move; she was too afraid to.
"Open the window, or I'll murder your family." He demanded.
She didn't have a choice now, so she stood up and slowly approached the window. Her heart was beating faster then usual. When she reached the window, she looked up into Brick's eyes. He was planning something, and unfortunately Blossom had to find out what it was the hard way. She slowly opened the window and stepped back for him to enter.
As Brick walked in, his smile grew. It just scared Blossom even more. "We're gonna have fun tonight babe."
"W-what are you gonna do?" She asked, trembling.
He chucked before he answered. "This." Without warning, he grabbed Blossom by the shoulders and forcibly kissed her.
As she was grabbed, the fear she was feeling almost tripled. Then she realized what Brick was doing to her. The confusion she felt was Immense.
Brick broke the kiss and smirked. "You have good tastes babe." He laughed and then took off out the window.
Millions of questions were swirling around in Blossom's mind, but she could only identify one. 'Why did he just kiss me???' Obviously she didn't get an answer, and then something ironic happened. Blossom could feel the fear inside of her growing; it was like that kiss had made her even more afraid. She couldn't take it anymore, she had to do something. She quickly flew out the window in search of answers.
Buttercup's POV.
I walked into the local arcade; it was open even though it was one in the morning. I wasn't there to play video games or have any kind of fun. I was there to see someone. As I looked around for him, I could feel the anger building up inside of me. I was still angry at Brick for what he did to Blossom, and I needed revenge.
Finally I saw Butch playing a boxing game, but he was actually punching the screen.
"Come on, is that all you got?!" He asked the game as if it was going to talk to him. With one hard punch, he sent the whole game into the wall. "Stupid game, they need to make games that strong people like me can play without trashing."
I walked over to him with an angry expression.
"What the hell do you want?!" He demanded as he saw me coming.
I grabbed him and threw him into some pacman game. "Where is Brick?!" I shouted.
"Brick?" He said as he stood up. "What are you getting tired of messing with me?"
I responded by punching him in the face. "I don't have time to mess around, where is he?!"
Butch rubbed his face and then spoke. "Why do you want to see him?"
"He tried to kill my sister!"
"Oh…" Butch sighed and started pacing, which annoyed me. "Brick just can't leave Blossom alone can he? He's an idiot."
"Huh?" I said.
"Me and Boomer always tell him to just forget about her, I mean now that she is so scared of him he could easily take over Townsville."
"So you have nothing to do with what he's been doing?"
"No, and I'm actually getting tired of fighting you girls. I was planning on leaving Townsville in the future."
I gasped. "You're going to leave???"
I thought about it for a moment. If he and Boomer left, that would mean less trouble for me. "Alright you can leave, but how do you feel about me getting revenge on Brick?"
"Hmm… he's hanging around your house thinking about what to do next. He's probably on the roof." Butch smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled too, and it was the first time I ever smiled with him in the same room as me. Then I departed.
Normal POV.
Brick was standing on top of the girl's house, just like Butch said. He was making plans for things to do in the future, and thinking about the kiss. "I'm such a genius! She's probably all confused and everything, and this is my opportunity to use that confusion." He continued thinking about what to do next, but his thoughts were interrupted by Buttercup landing right behind him. "What are you doing out here?!" He asked as he turned around.
She smiled evilly. "You're brothers are leaving Townsville because they don't want to deal with me and my sisters, and they don't care if you don't come with them. In fact, Butch wanted me to get my revenge on you."
Brick's eyes widened. He never expected his brothers to just decide to leave Townsville, and they didn't even tell him. He didn't notice Buttercup dashing towards him.
Blossom was returning home at the time, and saw what was happening. Buttercup was about o hit Brick with a lethal attack. "BUTTERCUP NO!!!"
But it was too late… as Buttercup's fist hit Brick's chest a green light surrounded them both.
Brick's eyes were still wide, and he had a few tears going down his cheeks. The green light started to burn his skin, but he didn't care. He could feel his arm being pulled with great force. He ignored it until his arm was ripped off, then he screamed in agony.
Blossom could only watch in horror as Brick was slowly ripped apart. After a few minutes, the light faded and what was left of Brick remained on the roof. Blossom cried as she floated in the air. She desperately needed to know why he kissed her, but now she would never know…
Two weeks later and Blossom's POV
I sat at the edge my bed and stared out the window. I remembered the day Brick came in and kissed me for unknown reasons. I still don't know why he did it, and it's killing me. I sometimes cry when I think about it. Buttercup apologized, but I know she didn't mean it. She doesn't regret killing Brick, but I guess I can't entirely blame her. She thought he was trying to kill me, and she wanted to make sure he didn't succeed. But Brick wasn't trying to kill me. He just liked to torture me. He knew how to play with my mind and manipulate me, and that's something nobody else has been able to do. Boomer and Butch left Townsville a week ago, and they didn't seem too upset about Brick being killed. Butch was completely ok with it, and Boomer was only a little sad. They were nice enough to say good bye to us, and ironically I kind of miss them. Maybe it's because they remind me of Brick, and when I see them it just makes me feel like he's still around somewhere. Could he have loved? And if he did then why did he make me so miserable? I'll never know. I was surprised when Buttercup said bye to Butch. She hates him, but that's not important. I expected Bubbles to say bye. The same night that Brick was killed, I told my family about all of the things he had been doing. They weren't upset about me being so afraid. Bubbles and the Professor didn't say it, but I know they're glad Brick is gone. Strangely, now that Brick is gone I feel much worse then I did when he was around. It's like he completed me somehow. If he was alive I would have found out how, but he isn't. He may have been annoying, mean, and my worst nightmare, but still…
I miss him.
Well that was the last chapter to the story. I hope you liked it.