I own no one but my sick, sad imagination.
A/N Alright, I've seen a lot of the stories where Bushido offered to pay the 100, leaving Elliot and Olivia in a really sucky situation. What if he had offered to pay the 250 instead?
"Mmm, are you ready for me, daddy?"
Elliot looked towards the bathroom and forced his mouth not to become agape at the sight before him, and tried to make it seem like he knew she was in his bathroom half naked.
"God, what the hell am I doing?" Olivia thought to herself frantically, looking over to the two men, trying to act surprised that they were there.
"Ooh, I didn't know we were having a party. That'll be a hundred to watch, two fifty to join, each."
She hugged him and pressed her body against his, burying her head in his neck.
Elliot, realizing that he had better play along threw out a chuckle.
"A guys gotta eat."
He closed his eyes and kept his hands at his side, afraid to even look down, knowing what he would see.
"You have good taste, I'll give you that."
"Get her out of here," Bushido barked.
"Why so tense?" Olivia asked him softly, draping her arms around him, praying to god that her fright and embarrassment wouldn't sneak through her acting.
"Um, not tonight," muttered Elliot, handing her the shirt, too focused on getting her out of here safely to really play along.
"Well guess what? you still gotta pay."
Tybor held the gun out for her to see and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the room, Elliot hot on his tail.
Bushido looked after them for a moment.
"On second thought," Bushido told Tybor as he made a move to drag Olivia out of the room, grinning cruelly as the two turned back around. "I think I will pay the 250."
Olivia's eyes widened in shock as she tried to pull away from the hold he had on her.
"Come on, guys," Elliot said, trying to keep the franticness out of his voice, "let her leave and then we can get down to business."
Bushido shook his head.
"I think." He strode over to Olivia and stroked her cheek, "that a little bit of relaxation is exactly what we need."
"I just think I should go," Olivia told him, forcing herself to let out a chuckle as she yanked out of Tybors hold and beginning to make her way out of the house "I mean, I'm not really comfortable around guns, and I'm sure the three of you have work to do and-"
Bushidos hands enclosed around her wrist and she whipped around to face him.
"You look like you're worth every penny," he whispered pulling her towards him, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Just let her go, Bushido, come on."
He seemed to ignore Elliots outburst, and instead looked her up and down, still holding on to her, "I managed beautiful women for many years. I would be able to make you a lot of money."
"I work by myself," Olivia told him quickly.
"In that case," he pulled out his wallet and began to count out the bills and handed it to her. "Two hundred and fifty, now," he yanked her closer and gently kissed her on the lips. "Where do we begin?"
Olivia pulled away and glanced over at Elliot, frightened to the core.
"Let her go!" Elliot half demanded going up to them.
"I paid, and there for she's mine," Bushido said, not looking away from Olivia, grinning. "You know," his hand made his way down her back, "you are quite beautiful."
He moved his hand down to her ass and squeezed, letting out a grunt of pleasure.
"No!" Olivia cried, pushing him away.
Bushido stumbled and looked at her with surprise, and Olivia looked at him, fear heavy in her eyes.
He laughed, and his face broke out into a smile. "Oh I see."
Bushido walked back over and grasped both of her wrists, "you like to play games." He gripped them harder and yanked her towards him, pressing his body against hers.
"Just let her go, Bushido, come on!" Elliot pleaded, his undercover act vanishing.
"Mike!" he yelled, looking over at him, letting go of Olivia. "Shut up, or I kill you where you stand!"
He got out his gun and pointed it at Elliot, but before Elliot could even react, Olivia grabbed his head, turning it to her, and kissed him full on the mouth.
Bushido kissed her back hungrily, running his fingers through her hair, tugging on it.
Olivia pulled away from his touch, and let out a small cry of pain.
"I love a woman who screams," he breathed, gently sucking on her neck.
He pushed her hard, and she fell onto the bed, and he quickly moved on top of her.
"Give us some privacy, huh?" Bushido said, holding her hands above her head as she struggled to get from underneath him.
"Get off me!" Olivia screamed, her heart and mind racing.
Elliot ran over to them, and pulled Bushido off of her, sending him flying to the ground.
"Don't touch her again," he growled, reaching a hand down to help her up.
Olivia took his hand eagerly and collapsed into his waiting arms.
"You little bastard!" Bushido yelled, aiming his gun at him.
"Don't hurt him!" Olivia cried, pushing him behind her.
Bushido looked at her in confusion, slowly walking up to her.
"What kind of hooker are you?" he grumbled, stopping right in front of her.
He bored into her eyes for a moment, before he reached out with surprising speed. But instead of grabbing her, he patted her jean pockets, and reached into her left pocket where her wallet and badge was. Olivia closed her eyes in defeat.
He pulled it out and looked at it for a moment.
"Detective second grade Olivia Benson," he read, "SVU."
He looked up from the badge, glaring at her.
"You're a cop?"
She said nothing, and his eyes narrowed even more.
"I don't like being tricked," he growled. "And I don't like being tricked by cops the most."
"Look, why don't we all just calm down, and no one has to get hurt?" Olivia said, trying to control her breathing.
Bushido stormed up to her, his gun now trained on her.
"I hate a bitch cop even more then a regular one," he hissed, before hitting her across the face as hard as he could.
She let out a cry of pain and fell to the floor, clutching her face, where not three months ago, several of her cheek bones had been broken courtesy of Lowell Harris.
"Don't touch her!" Elliot yelled, but Bushido pointed his gun at him.
"Mike, shut up!" he ordered, turning his attention back to Olivia, his gun once again aimed at her.
She looked up at him, her heart pounding so hard, she was sure they could all hear it. She felt too vulnerable, too out of control. She was half naked, and she nor Elliot had no weapons, and here they were with two murderers with guns.
He picked up the shirt she had dropped and thrown it at her.
"Get dressed," he ordered, and Olivia quickly pulled her shirt back on, thankful at least for some form of covering.
"Mike, go get me some tape," he ordered Elliot.
Elliot looked between Bushido and Olivia, who nodded frantically.
"Now, Mike! Move you ass!"
Shaking, he went to the drawer and pulled out some duct tape, praying that he would be the one to tie her up so that he would be able to make it loose.
But instead, Bushido snatched the tape from Elliot, and bent down beside her, and flipped her on her stomach, and yanked her arms behind her.
"Take it easy!" she ordered, which earned her a slap in the face.
Bushido wrapped the duct tape around her wrists making it as tight as he could.
He stood up and kicked her hard in the ribs, making her cry out in pain and roll over on her back.
Bushido reached down once more and put a strip across her mouth.
"You know," he whispered, moving her hair out of her face as she glared at him. "Things would have been a lot better for you if you had just let me screw you, detective."
He kissed her on the cheek, and she yanked away from him, trying to get out of her bonds.
He chuckled and stood up and turned to Elliot. "Grab her and put her in the trunk."
"No," Elliot told him forcefully. "Bushido, I'm not gonna let you hurt her."
Bushido sighed in what seemed like boredom. "I have to tell you, Mike, the whole red cape and tights thing is getting pretty old."
He aimed his gun at him and cocked it. Olivia let out a muffled scream, trying to stand up without the use of her arms.
"Why does this cop," he spat the word cop out like it was a foul curse word, "care for you so much, Mike? Are you an informant of hers? Huh? Is that what it is?"
Olivia frantically shook her head no, while Elliot swallowed hard, unsure of what to say.
Olivia screamed something through the duct tape.
"I think your little cop buddy has something to tell us," he said going over to her and ripping the duct tape off her mouth.
"I'm working a case with another detective," she lied. "I heard from a source that this man is involved in an animal smuggling ring that was responsible for a rape and murder of a woman. I was about to do whatever it took to get him to confess. My necklace is a wire, and my earrings have a G.P.S. system in them. And in about one minute, this place will be surrounded by cops and SWAT. So I suggest you give yourself up, Bushido, and just come quiet. Because I promise if they come in here and see me tied up, the shit will hit the fan."
Elliots eyes widened. Why this woman became a cop instead of an actress was beyond him. He had lied to get perps to confess before, lied in undercover stints, but never come up with a completley brand new story right off the bat under this much pressure.
Bushido grinned and chuckled. "Too bad we will be long gone before your friends get here."
He reached down and took her earrings off of her and then ripped her necklace off of her.
Her threw them to the ground and stomped on them, and Olivia closed her eyes in defeat. That wasn't what she had planned.
"Grab her. We're going for a little ride," he told Elliot, placing another strip on her mouth.
Elliot looked between him and Olivia, who nodded, meeting his eyes.
"Shit," he whispered, before going up to her, picking her up, and leading her out of the room.
Bushido left the room, and Tybor looked from Elliot and Olivia, shaking his head before they followed.
"Oh god, Liv, I'm sorry!" he told her sincerely as he walked out. "I promise I won't let either of them touch you."
She said nothing, as they made their way to Bushidos car.
"Give her here," Tybor ordered, yanking her from his grasp.
Olivias heart pounded. Two violent men with guns, and she had nothing to defend her or her partner.
Elliot looked between the two of them before he opened the back seat.
"What are you doing?" Bushido asked him. "I told you to put her in the trunk."
"She won't be able to breathe in there," Elliot told him, as if that solved everything.
"You think I give two shits about that? I have over 1 million dollars coming in next week. I do not care about the couple tens of thousands I will make from her if she so happens to die along the way."
Elliots eyes widened. "No! I won't let you do this to her!"
"Mike, either you do it and live or I will and you die. Your choice. And hey." He grinned at him, and it made Elliot nearly sick to his stomach. "I might just let you two try her for free. After I am done of course. Don't want to sell a product I have not personally tested myself, of course."
Olivias eyes widened in fear, and she struggled against Tybors hold.
Bushidos chuckled before he threw the keys to Elliot.
"Open the trunk and put her in."
Bushidos eyes narrowed at Elliot, and stormed over to him.
"Do you know how many men I have killed, Mike? Do you really think another one will matter to me?"
Elliot stood his ground. Bushido sighed before he aimed his gun at him and pulled back the charger.
Olivia screamed as loud as she could, filled to the brim with desperation.
Bushido stormed over to Olivia, and ripped the tape from her mouth.
"Please don't hurt him!" she cried, tears falling from her eyes. "I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt him!"
Bushido growled softly before turning to Elliot.
"Whatever is going on between the two of you. I intend to find out."
He went over to Tybor, and hit Olivia as hard as he could with the gun, her eyes closing instantly. Tybor had to grab her by the shoulder to keep her from falling to the ground. "Open the trunk," Bushido demanded, taking her from him, "and put her in."
Tybor went over and took the keys away from Elliot before going over and opening the trunk without so much as a moments hesitation.
He went over to her, and grabbed her, throwing her over her shoulder.
Tybor walked back to the trunk, Elliot looking on in helplessness as he placed her in the trunk, and slammed it shut.
Bushido turned to Elliot, who kept his eyes on the trunk where Olivia laid. "Now. Are we going to have any more problems?"
Elliot shook his head no, not trusting himself to speak for fear of saying something that might blow his cover further.
"Good. Get in the car."
With one last fleeting glance at the trunk, Elliot got into the passenger side, while Bushido got into the drivers side, and Tybor in the back.
Without another word, they all drove off into the night.
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