Chapter Twenty Seven: Seven Steps To Heaven

Ga Eul stood on the balcony of the penthouse, gazing down at the dark streets below. She had been doing this for a few minutes, since Yi Jeong slipped into the bathroom right after they got in, which she assumed was to relieve himself to prevent any more shortcomings. He was sure taking his sweet time though. Ga Eul pulled the two sides of the coat closer to her body and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She enjoyed the night view very much, but it was getting chillier. She turned around to go back into the suite when she saw Yi Jeong, strolling towards her with a satisfied grin.

"Took you long enough," Ga Eul teased, and found her way back into the room blocked by her lover. She took a step to her left, and he followed her step, not letting her through. He leaned forward, causing Ga Eul to retreat until her back touched the railing surrounding the balcony. He stretched his arms out and placed on both sides of her.

"What's the matter? You don't want to give me a kiss?" Yi Jeong asked jokingly as he lightly sucked on her bottom lip for a mere second before letting go.

"I just wanted to go inside, that's all." Ga Eul ducked under his arm and headed for the door, but Yi Jeong rushed over and used his body to block the entrance.

"What's the rush? Don't you want to enjoy this atmosphere a little longer?"

Ga Eul narrowed her eyes. "What are you hiding in there?" There better not be another woman inside.

"Nothing! The night air is so fresh, don't you think?"

"I think it smells a little humid if you ask me."

"It's Korea, it will always smell humid in the summer."

"Why don't you let me go back in?" Ga Eul asked, pushing on Yi Jeong's right arm, but he swiftly flipped her around and pinned her to the wall next to the balcony door. Yi Jeong raised one eyebrow and gave her a seductive smirk before leaning down to kiss her. He had made arrangements so that they would not be disturbed no matter what, even if there was an Earthquake. His flawless planning will pay off at last.

Feeling her smooth skin with the pads of his fingers, he traced from her neck down to her defined collar bone, and untied the fabric that was holding her dress in place. His fingers continued their expedition down to her breasts, feeling every inch of her skin like an examiner performing palpations. He twisted her nipples, and watched the sex flush gather and the goose bumps erupt. He smiled, glad that he still got it.

His skillful tongue was not distracted by his hands' workout, and mated furiously with Ga Eul's tongue, eliciting many throaty groans from her. When he felt he had teased her swollen nipples enough, his fingers slipped down and ran up her inner thighs. He smiled again, remembering that the piece of broken thong now sat safely in his pants pocket, adding to his collection of broken Ga Eul panties.

"Sunbae…" Ga Eul broke the kiss and buried her head in his chest. He was tracing the perimeter of her sensitive area at painstakingly slow pace, but the sensation was mind-blowing to her nonetheless. Her breathing increased in frequency the closer his index finger got to her nub, but a few drops of water on her face disrupted her pleasurable moment. She ignored the first drop, thinking it was her imagination, but the continuous dripping of water alarmed her.

"Sunbae, it's wet," Ga Eul commented, raising her head to meet his eyes.

"I know," Yi Jeong replied, waggling his eyebrows at her. He stooped so his lips were next to her ear and whispered, "It's good, I like you like this."

Ga Eul rolled her eyes. "No, I think it's sprinkling!" Ga Eul looked up at the sky and raised her palms upwards to collect water droplets. Just then, a tiny raindrop fell on Yi Jeong's nose.

"See? We can continue this inside."

"Just trust me on this." Yi Jeong rested his forehead on hers as he unzipped himself. He leaned down to kiss her, and a few seconds later they both groaned from the pressure being exerted on their bodies. All he needed to do was stroke her thighs and her legs naturally wrapped around his waist. After noticing his patterns of behavior, she could easily predict his next move, which was to pump into her as fast and as quick as possible to release the tension in both of their bodies. He had missed doing it against the wall. They haven't ventured in this direction for a while, and experimenting with different positions always made every sensation amplified. He couldn't keep back the groan from her tight hold on him, and he very much enjoyed her calling his name at the top of her lungs again and again.

The occasional raindrops gathered in speed, and soon their hair was drenched, and layers of moisture gathered on their coats. The rain eventually developed to a point where their kissing would have affected their breathing, and they clung to each other, grinding away in the heat of their passion while their extremities felt cold from the rain.

Ga Eul's bare feet made contact with the concrete floor of the balcony that was drenched with the rain. She looked up at Yi Jeong, his hair sticking to his flawless face with water dripping from the strands. His breathing still didn't return to normal yet, and she could see a white cloud forming whenever he took a breath. Was it that cold?

"Now can we go inside?" Ga Eul shouted through the splattering sounds of the rain.

Yi Jeong took her hand in his and hurried her through the vast penthouse suite to the door of the bathroom, leaving a trail of water behind them. He smiled at her as he turned the silver knob, revealing a dimly room illuminated with candles surrounding the ceramic bath tub in the center.

"Is this what you were trying to buy time for?"


Yi Jeong led her to the bathtub, which was more like a Jacuzzi, and large enough to accommodate at least ten people. He slipped off the remains of her damaged wardrobe and ripped his off to the side as well. They immersed themselves in the hot water, head thrown back to relax in the heat of the water. Yi Jeong's hand reached for a shampoo bottle and tossed it in Ga Eul's direction.

"Can you wash my hair for me please?" he asked, giving her a cute but childish pout.

"All right, all right, come here you."

Yi Jeong grinned and sat faced away in between Ga Eul's legs. She unscrewed the top and squeezed some shampoo and lathered it on Yi Jeong's hair. A lot of bubbles formed, and she used her fingers to massage his scalp. At the same time, her body was moving to every motion her arms and hands made to wash Yi Jeong's hair, and he could feel his body stiffening to the intimate contact. However, more important tasks were at hand.

"Did you see anything strange from the shampoo?" Yi Jeong questioned suspiciously.

"No, does it feel strange?" Did shampoos have expiration dates? Ga Eul didn't think so, and luxurious hotels wouldn't have old shampoos anyways.

"No, squeeze more."

Ga Eul shrugged and squeezed another handful onto Yi Jeong's head. He was sure a diva when it came to grooming himself.

"Still nothing?"

"Are you expecting to see a giant fly or something?"

"I need more shampoo."

"But you don't even have that much hair."

"Just squeeze the entire thing."

Ga Eul's eyes grew big but she abided by his command. "Okay Rapunzel, whatever your princess wishes."

With the last drop of the shampoo however, a platinum ring rolled out, landing directly in the puddle of shampoo on Ga Eul's palm.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Ga Eul wrapped one arm around his shoulder and extended her other arm to show him the ring.

"Well that depends on your answer."

"So does that mean if I say no, you will pretend like nothing happened?"

"I can try. But don't blame me if you find me very depressed and emotional over the next few years, drowning my life in alcohol and finding comfort in women with loose morals." Even though Yi Jeong was certain she would say yes, he had to put in a little incentive for her to say yes.

"You wouldn't dare sleeping with other women." Ga Eul shook her head slightly with a confident grin.

"You're right, I wouldn't."

"Where is my candle-lit dinner? And who blackmails their girlfriend into marriage?"

"Hey I had that planned last week, but you didn't show up. Besides, this room is candle-lit?"

"So Yi Jeong, you're avoiding the question."

Yi Jeong sighed and kneeled his way to the center of the tub, and he turned around to face Ga Eul. He washed the ring in the water to get all the bubbles out, and he held the ring in front of him.

"Ga Eul-yang, from our recent excursions I've come to realize how much I rely on you. I think about you all the time, and I want to get you opinion on everything. It also pains me to think you're with someone else, especially if they can offer you thing I can't or protect you better. I admit I'm not the best man in the world, but you make me want to try harder. Sarang…hae..." Yi Jeong cringed at saying the last three words.

"Is it really that hard to say it?" Ga Eul was slightly offended, since his face made all the sweet words seem meaningless.

"It's my first time saying this to a woman. I've never told my mother I loved her, and not even to my first love. You are the first person I've said this to, and I hope you will be my last."

Ga Eul looked down and secretly smiled to herself. Although some parts weren't conventional, coming from an infamous playboy made her heart flutter even more.

"So, Chu Ga Eul, will you help me be a better man? Will you marry me?"

Ga Eul leapt to Yi Jeong's arms and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "I've waited so long to hear those words from you. Of course I will marry you. I don't want all the eligible bachelorettes in Seoul to smother you tomorrow if I reject you."

Yi Jeong snorted. "Yeah right, I know you love me too."

"I do love you, despite your flaws."

"At least my face is perfect."

"You're such a kid." Ga Eul grabbed some foam on Yi Jeong's hair and smothered it around his eyes, causing him to cry out in pain and submerge under water. That would teach him to get witty with her.

Suddenly she felt a sensation between her legs, and saw Yi Jeong lodging his tongue against her folds. Her eyes fluttered to his strokes, but she had to pull him up to keep him alive. She didn't want to be engaged one moment and have to plan the funeral of her fiancée the next.

When Yi Jeong emerged however, Ga Eul rolled her eyes at the familiar look on his face. Does he ever get tired? Ga Eul thought. She supposed that practice makes better, and sat back to enjoy her fiancée take advantage of her over and over again.

Finally, it was that dream again. The dream that had made her palm sweat profusely and clench to the pillow for support for many nights already. She was scared and excited, and his seductive morning-scratchy-voice always sent her over the edge begging for more. It was this voice she heard all the time, haunting her dreams, luring her to his presence. Once she was within his reach she would be rendered helpless, like a sheep being hunted by the hungry wolf, and indeed he was dying to taste her.

"Ga Eul-yang," he whispered, his lips so close to her face she could feel his hot breath, which sent shivers down her spine.

She met his gaze and immediately wished she hadn't. He saw right through her, through the good girl exterior, and changed her into a sexy vixen who would get out of her shell for him only. The pleading look in her eyes only added to his desire, as he leaned down to capture her lips, but not kiss the entire way. He made slight contact with her lips and waited for her to tiptoe higher and ravish him until he had his fill. However, she has gotten smarter from the dreams as well. She leaned forward to cover his lips with hers entirely and waited for two seconds, letting him have a taste of her before withdrawing.

He wouldn't allow her to escape, and trapped her between his body and the wall. His mouth pressed on hers harder and his tongue ventured into her wet cavern, sucking and stroking her tongue until he felt the groan at the back of her throat. The electricity from the kiss spread throughout their bodies like wildfire, burning away at every nerve ending. The goose bumps revealed themselves, and the tiniest hair reacted to this tension by standing up.

She whimpered when he tugged her white school uniform from the suggestive plaid miniskirt and ripped the front, sending the tiny white buttons to fly all about the room. His hand dug into her bra, caressing her soft and perky breast, which was warm and slightly swollen from the amount of blood flow in the area.

He broke the kiss to look at her erect nipples before giving her a dirty smirk. She could feel her cheeks getting hotter from embarrassment and his unrelenting magnetic gaze on her. He tilted her head up to face him, and forced his thigh in between her legs.

"You know how I like it right?" he questioned, waiting for her response.

She bit on her bottom lip and wrapped her hands around his neck. With her butt settling on his thigh, she was very aware of the wetness that had broke out in her sensitive area. She grinded against him, as close as she could to his private area, and she knew he was affected. His eyes were closed, his lips parted, his breathing erratic, and his lips curled into grin.

She stopped and he knew exactly why. He inhaled sharply and claimed her mouth again, this time he kissed so deeply she felt like he was trying to suck out her soul. He grabbed her hips and rubbed against his nether region, letting her feel the outline and rigidity of his member. She smiled knowing that she had this kind of power of him too, but she wanted to make him wait a little longer, and therefore didn't do anything to relieve the tension in his body.

She thought she could outsmart him, but the Casanova always had tricks. He unhooked her bra with two fingers and threw it on the ground with the rest of her buttons. His hungry mouth went for right nipple as his hand stroked the other breast roughly. She leaned back against the wall and moaned. The harder he sucked and bit her, the louder she cried out. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her, and her desire was reaching its peak.

"Sunbae, I can't wait anymore."

After half a night of sinful pleasures, Yi Jeong was sleeping soundly on the king sized bed when he heard someone talking in the room. He ignored it at first, but the sound kept on getting louder, and he angrily opened his eyes to check the source of the noise, but he was not disappointed to find the results.

Ga Eul was breathing rather hard, and there was something very familiar about the smile on her face. She moaned occasionally, and her smile would widen even more. He waved his hands in front of her face and she did not respond at all. Could she be having that dirty dream he had heard before? Only time would tell. It was only 4AM; he had the rest of the night to find out.

"Sunbae, I can't wait anymore," she muttered, followed by more heavy breathing.

Sunbae? Yi Jeong narrowed his eyes at her. She better not be dreaming about another sunbae. He was the only one who had the right to take her virginity in any realm. Thinking back to their first night brought much happiness but also frustration to Yi Jeong, due to the many interruptions from his good buddy Woo Bin.

He had tried to talk to Woo Bin about these interruptions during many occasions, which Woo Bin was unsupportive and laughed his butt off the entire time. Woo Bin assured that Yi Jeong was making too big of a deal out of it and it was simply coincidences. Therefore, Yi Jeong decided to do the same to Woo Bin, but his mission failure miserably. All Yi Jeong saw was Woo Bin's bare butt thrusting away, and Woo Bin didn't even bother to talk to Yi Jeong when he clearly knew someone was in the room. Yi Jeong supposed he should have thicker skin when it came to this issue, but how could he make sweet love to Ga Eul when someone else was watching? It disturbed him to think such preposterous thoughts.

"What's the magic word?" He asked, giving a tiny peck on her cheek.

"Sunbae, please, I need it now."

He grinned and unzipped himself. After he made sure she was gaping at his pants, he let them drop to the floor, along with his navy silk boxers. Her eyes widened, which made him feel all the more powerful.

"Wow, Yi Jeong sunbae…"

He smiled again. How could he not love this girl? She was stroking his ego when she wasn't even aware of it. "Are you ready?"

She nodded and widened the distance in between her legs. He leaned in, planting soft kisses on her cheek as he prepared to enter her, making her his even in her dreams.

When Yi Jeong heard her calling out his name in her sleep, all of his other thoughts evaporated instantly. If she wanted him, she could have him anytime, anywhere. He climbed on top of her and was amazed that her legs parted naturally to him, although she wasn't showing any sign that she was lucid.

He probed her sensitive area with his index finger, and found that she was much aroused, and she was responding to his every stroke by moving her hips to his touch. Watching her behaving like this made him crave her body even more, and he had been ready ever since his eyes opened (he had many exotic dreams as well). He positioned himself at her entrance and entered her slowly, inch by inch into her tight folds until he was all the way in. She inhaled sharply to the sensation, but her eyes didn't open.

She was surprised that he invaded her so easily, but it might have been because she was well lubricated. The sensation was something else also. It was so real and hard, and she felt goose bumps forming to his ecstatic intrusion. His hands were on her hips, and he moved slowly into her again and again, but picked up the pace once she was more adjusted to him. She responded to him by bucking her hips against his plunges.

Her moans and heavy breaths filled the room, along with his own throaty groans. Somehow the scenario was very hot to him, but he had promised himself to always put her satisfaction first. He went on to lightly gnaw on her nipples and stroke her nub, hoping it would bring her to heaven faster.

"Yi Jeong sunbae!" Ga Eul cried out under him, her hips moving at even faster pace than before. Her moans were nonstop now, and Yi Jeong knew what that meant. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and penetrated her as deeply and hard as possible.

"YI JEONG-AH!" Ga Eul's eyes shot open at that moment, seeing her legs in the air and Yi Jeong thrusting into her. There were beads of perspiration that had gathered on his forehead, and both of their bodies were also covered in a thin layer of sweat.

She arched her back and fluttered her eyes shut, enjoying the climax of her dreams and real life. Yi Jeong continued to ride her until her back collapsed on the bed again, and he released himself in her, his member quivering in a way only he could feel. He released her legs and collapsed on her, much drained after their exercises.

"You did this without my permission?" Ga Eul asked when her breathing had returned to normal.

"You're welcome."

"Can we do that again sometime?" Ga Eul looked down in embarrassment, but Yi Jeong caught the dirty look in her eyes.

"Aren't you being a little selfish? I can't be up all night waiting for you call my name." Even though the idea sounded pretty sweet to him.

"Oh… right, you're right. Sorry."

"I'll just have to surprise you when you least suspect it." He waggled his eyebrows at his future bride as he continued to take her breath away.