A/N Heyy, to the person that leaves anonymous reviews, the name being : ( when you said in a review: In this chapter you basically said if a man hits you, it was probably your fault. I am not saying that, how dare you say that! You haven't read it right or you would have seen that that's not what I'm implying! You obviously haven't been reading my story right because Edward didn't murder her mother, there was a gas leak in Charlie's car that caused Charlie to fall asleep at the wheel, causing him to hit Edwards car. If you don't like my story, DON'T READ IT THEN!

Previously : I ran back downstairs and seen boxes upon boxes full of the unknown. I hear a giggle behind me and there was Alice. She pulled up her hands and aimed at my face. I then caught sight of what was in her hand.

"No, Alice!" I shouted…

In Alice's hands were 10 party poppers. BANG! Confetti of many colours hit me in the face and got tangled in my hair. There was a shriek of laughter as I pulled them out of my hair and brushed them off of me. I gave Alice a stony glare as she was doubled over with laughing.

"Haha!" I said sarcastically. Little annoying pixie!

"What this?" I asked no one in particular, eyeing the boxes with dislike.

"Decorations!" Alice cried. "Oh, by the way, great present choices!" Alice smiled. Damn! Stupid know it all pixie!

"At least you took it seriously! Emmett here-" She pointed to thin air. Then she got a vision. She frozen and looked up at the ceiling.

"EMMETT!!!" Alice screamed at the top of her lungs. There was a crash overhead and Emmett then fell through the roof. Plaster and rubble started raining down on us.

"Emmett!" Esme shouted, looking mad. Emmett was lying on a crumpled heap, his big arms over his head. His eyes were squeezed shut. Very slowly one eye opened. He gasped and jumped up and looked around us. He threw out his hand and pointed at Alice.

"Alice! What did you do?!" He cried looking at the roof. I began to laugh hysterically as Emmett tried to pin the blame on Alice.

"It was your fault, we seen you do it!" Alice laughed. Emmett's mouth worked furiously but nothing came out. He huffed and crossed his arms.

"No! Your fault, you gave me a fright, so I jumped and fell. That's why I fell through the roof! You screamed on me! Your f-a-u-l-t!" Emmett sang gleefully as Alice's mouth fell open.

"Why did you scream on me anyway?" Emmett asked, trying to look innocent, but failing miserably. You had to give him credit for trying.

"You were going to peek at the presents Bella bought!" snapped Alice. I rolled my eyes at Emmett as he began to laugh, while trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay, as its raining I will put decorations up tomorrow, I don't want anyone to help! I want everyone out of the house as I'm putting them up, alright?!" Alice demanded. We all nodded, except from Emmett who shook his head.

"No!" Emmett simply said. Alice slowly spun around, eyes glaring.

"What do you mean no?!" She demanded.

"Ha, I thought I was the stupid one. Okay Alice, well, usually no means, well, no. I want to play on the X-box so I ain't leaving." Emmett said slowly, but he smiled smugly.

"You will leave." Alice said in a deadly voice. Emmett smirked and raised and eyebrow. He then did the unthinkable: "Make me!" He said, smugly.

Alice suddenly flew forwards and grabbed Emmett's arms and twisted them behind his back. She pushed him to the ground.

"Jasper, get the game!" She cried but Jasper already had it in his hand. Alice juggled his wrists in her hand until she had a spare hand. Jasper gave her the game. There was a cried of shock as Emmett seen what was in her hand.

"NO! Not my game! Alice, please, you cannot destroy my Harry Potter game! it's a one of a kind, its priceless! Please!" Emmett yelled, trying to free a hand to get the game. His face screwed up with effort as he kept swatting at his game, desperate for it to be in his safe clutches.

"Where will you be tomorrow?" Alice asked. Emmett huffed in defeat.

"Outside." He huffed. Alice jumped up as did Emmett. Emmett lunged for his game, glaring at Alice. Alice smiled sweetly at him before disappearing, Jasper in tow. Edward made his way towards me. I smiled and thought of what I was going to say. How do I even begin? What am I going to say…?

"Hey." He said, his voice like velvet.

"Hi." I said, and was suddenly overcome with shyness.

"I got you something for Christmas. If you want, I could show you it?" Edward asked, gazing into my eyes. Looking in his eyes, I got lost. There was so much depth and honesty in his eyes. I found myself nodding, a smile forming on my lips.

"NO! Edward do you dare!" Alice screamed. We both laughed.

"Bella! I need you, come here!" Alice yelled. I smiled at Edward before departing. I found Alice in her wardrobe. She patted the carpet beside her, indicating me to sit down. I plopped myself down and over exaggeratedly sighed. She rolled her eyes at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm giving you a makeover!" She squealed, clasping her hands. I just stared at her, trying to mask my horror.

"Your kidding, right? I don't need a make-over!" I said, furiously. She slowly nodded her head, an evil grin forming on her face.

"No." I simply said.

"What did you get everyone for Christmas?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not telling you, that would ruin the Christmas spirit." She said.

"Why did you interrupt me when I was talking to Edward?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Because, everything will work out. Trust me." She moaned. Trust me! I was getting sick of that.

"Lets go hunting!" Alice cried and jumped up, pulling me with her. Yay, hunting?

We hunted till the night passed and the sun came up. I wasn't in the mood to hunt so I only caught a few deer and a bear. The sun had started to come out, as we walked back to the house.

"WOO! Decorations time!" Alice laughed. Everyone at once rushed out of the house, Emmett in the lead. I burst out laughing when I saw him clutching his beloved Harry Potter game. I was going to ask Alice if she needed help but then thought better of it.

"Bella, do you want to go a walk, till pixie here is done?" Rosalie asked. I nodded and followed her.

A few hours passed and we got a call from Alice. She said she was done. By now, the sun was high in the sky, causing us to sparkle in the rays of sun. The house came into view and I felt my mouth fall open.

The house was covered in lights. There were rainbow lights around the windows, doors and the house. There was thick tinsel also around the windows, and doors. Snow spray was artistically sprayed around the windows, it looked like it had snowed. There was bobbles hanging from the roof. Fake plastic icicles was dangling from every possible surface. There was sting going from one side of the house to the other and hanging form it were candy canes. Alice even put a Santa at the chimney. Surrounding the house was Santa's and Reindeer and snowmen that lit up. As we approached, a snow man began to sing. Everyone laughed as Alice danced along to the music. Then I saw the tree. In front of the house, there has always been a huge real Christmas tree. Alice had decorated it. Tinsel and bobbles covered every inch of the tree. Twinkling lights winked at us as we gazed in wonder and amusement.

"Oh, wait there!" Alice cried and she disappeared and re-appeared a moment later. She had on a white maxi dress, and for some strange reason: pure white fairy wings. She ran and climbed up the Christmas tree, before settling at the top.

"Look! I'm the angel!" She cried, laughing loudly. Everyone laughed. Emmett disappeared then re-appeared. I burst out laughing when I seen him. He had squeezed into Esme's wedding dress. On his back, there were scarlet red devil wings, i recognised from Rosalie's wardrobe. Upon his head was a head band that had a halo attached to it, that light up when you pushed a button.

"Emmett, get my wedding dress off right now!" Esme cried, her eyes open in horror. Emmett fidgeted with the dress before grinning at us. He ran and climbed up the tree, giving everyone a clear view of up the dress. Lets just say, he wasn't wearing his usual underwear. They looked frilly and downright embarrassing! He climbed up and settled beside Alice.

"I'm the most beautiful angel, my dress is prettier!" Emmett laughed. Alice's mouth fell opened furiously. She reached out and gave him a sharp slap on the arm, so Emmett flung his hand out and shoved her out of the tree. Alice screamed as she fell to the ground, landing in Jaspers awaiting arms with a loud thump.

"Emmett you little mother-fucker! I will kill you!" Alice screamed. The sun then peaked out of the clouds, making us sparkle. Emmett began to twirl around carefully in circles, arms out-stretched.

"I am like a sparkly fairy! Oh, I'm a princess!" Emmett yelled, batting his eyes.

"Emmett, get down here, you silly fool!" Rosalie cried, adoration etched in her eyes. Emmett waved at her, beckoning for her to come up. She giggled, shaking her head. There was a ring at the front door.

"I got it." I said, and walked around to the front of the house. There was a man and a box at the front door. I climbed in the window and walked down to answer it. I smiled and opened the door.

"We have a package that needs to be signed for." The mail man said. I took the form and scrawled my name on it, and took the box from him. I knew it was for me. I shut the door and ran upstairs. Very carefully I opened the box. Inside was a bed, made from cotton wool, with a sprinkle of glitter on it, but resting onto of it was the jewellery that had the crest on it. I smiled as I looked at the jewellery. They were all perfect. I ran my fingers over the soft leather, the smooth feel of the satin ribbon. I laced my fingers in the beads of mines, and I ran my finger on the edge of the ring and bangle. They will, hopefully, love them. I put them under my bed along with the other presents.

The days passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was Christmas day.

"Bella!!! Get your butt in here!" Alice yelled, slightly vibrating with excitement. Everyone was sitting on the floor, in a circle. The fire was roaring behind us, we didn't need the heat, but it created the atmosphere. I sat down, in the only remaining space: beside Edward. In the middle, was presents. They were all carefully wrapped, in bright and crazy paper, huge bows in the centre of them.

"Okay, we will go in a circle and give out our presents starting with me!" Alice smiled. She handed out presents. I looked at mines. I was a box, but it was light as a feather. If felt like it had nothing in it. Jasper opened his first. It was keys. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she smirked at him, casting her eyes to the window. Jasper got up hesitantly and looked out.

"Alice! You shouldn't have, but I love it! I want to take it for a quick spin-" Jasper cried but Alice cut him off.

"Not yet, wait till everyone has opened their presents. Sitting outside was a shiny silver motorbike. Next was Rosalie. She opened hers and inside was make-up. A box full of expensive designer make-up.

Thank you!" Rosalie cried, whipping out a red lip stick and putting it on. This process continued until all that was left were my presents. I picked up Esme's first. The keys, deed and blue prints for the cottage were in the box. She opened it and cried out. Her eyes welled up as she seen a picture of the cottage.

"Oh honey, thank you so much!" She gushed. Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper and Edward all opened theirs too. They were thrilled with the new watches. I smiled as I passed Rosalie and Alice their gifts. As foreseen, they both squealed and immediately tried them on. Everyone(but Alice) got up to leave.

"Wait, I also have something else." I said quietly fumbling for the huge box that held them all.

Emmett whooped and thumped himself back on the floor, rubbing his hands together and looking around for the present. He frowned realising there was only one present.

"Is it a Harry Potter game?!" Emmett asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, I was in a shop when I got an idea. I will show you all them first before telling you the story." I said. I opened the box and picked up Carlisle's ring first. I leaned over and put it on his outstretched palm. He smiled as he put it on his finger. Next, I took out Esme's bangle. I passed it over to her, and she put it on her wrist. I then took out the three leather wrist cuffs. I handed them out to Jasper, Emmett and Edward. The tied them on with help, from Rosalie and Alice. I then got out Rosalie's chain and gave her it. I then took out Alice's and gave her it and lastly, I took out mines and put it on. Everyone was smiling and looking at everyone else's.

"I thought that we, could maybe have something that represents us, and I was in a shop picking up jewellery and I thought out the crest. I sketched it out and asked the guy if he could make it. He told me I could then I decided to get it put on jewellery, so I picked out the jewellery and got the crest put on it. So, yeah." I mumbled, looking out of the window.

"Bella, these are fantastic, they link us together. This brings us close, we are united. Family." Esme, smiled a watery smile, as she played with her bangle.

"Yeah, I feel like I belong to the family even more." Smiled Alice, who was sitting in Jaspers lap.

"Yeah Bella, they're perfect." Said Edward looking intensely at me. If I was human, I would have gone beetroot red. Instead, I ducked behind my hair.

"Way to go Edward, just make it awkward, trust you too." Emmett sighed. This made everyone laugh.

I looked around, everyone was happy and together. Happiness swelled inside me and I grinned.

"Whoa, Bella. Calm down with the happiness." Laughed Jasper, who was also grinning hugely, no doubt my fault. I giggled. I looked at my presents. Carlisle and Esme got me an apple laptop. Emmett and Rosalie got me a whole load of Paramore stuff, including clothes, CD's, a skin for my laptop, bag, and accessories. Alice and Jasper got my 10 unlimited credit cards and hundreds of pounds of hundreds of vouchers, most of them for designer clothes shops. Edward had got my an Ipod touch. He had already loaded all of Paramore's, Greenday's, You me at six's, Taylor Swift, The killers, Kings of Leon and Owl City's albums on it, there was also tonnes of songs on it. He also handed me a box. Inside contained a camera. Not a digital but a really expensive professional one. I looked at him in amazement. I secretly always wanted one of these, I like taking pictures of nature and its beauty. He knows me so well! Jasper had got me a separate present: a blackberry curve 8520. I thanked everyone continuously until they would make noises if I said thanks you. Alice brought out a box of crackers and started lobbing them across the room, at us.

"Catch." She said, and I turned around, just in time to be hit in the face with one.

"Sorry, Bells!" She laughed. I scowled at her. Music began to blare from huge speakers. Where did they come from?! I walked over to stand at the door when Edward cornered me. I smiled.

"Edward we have to talk." I said, looking up at him.

"I know." He smiled. So, I took a deep breath and began.

"Edward, about the other day, when I just walked away, I'm sorry. I walked away because, well, when you slapped me. I couldn't let it go." A flash of agony crossed him face. "Then, I realise, you didn't do that. Autumn did, it was her power. I couldn't really get over it, but now I have." I whispered, looking into his golden eyes. I love him. There is no denying it, and it scares me how much I do. Its this instant feeling, a rush when I see him. I takes over me and leaves me confused and stunned.

"Bella." Edward whispered. "I have to tell you right now, before I explode. I love you, and I have for sometime. You are so beautiful. I love you, every time I see you, I get butterflies, and when you smile, I find myself smiling." He smiled.

"Edward, I love you too." I whispered.

I stood on my tiptoes but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I closed my eyes and I felt his lips on mines.

"Woo! Finally!" Emmett yelled. We both looked at him and laughed. I smiled and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Life is good…

"Bella, you love me and I love you, so why wait? Will you be my wife?"…

A/N Sorry, sorry! That was absolutely sh*t, but it was either cr*ap chapter that or none at all. I got writers block and sorry for the long update, I got really busy, sorry. Okay, so its finished, I feel sad, I had sooo much fun writing that but I'm now going to concentrate on Hush, my other story! I want to thank everyone so much for being there and reviewing, I owe it all to you, without you all, this story wouldn't have existed. So huge, massive thanks to (in no particular order) :

Snickers1027, DaniCullen426, princess1996, Flora73, GabzR, p.g, TooManyThoughts, Atalanta17, iole01, anteliacullen, Tayler117, lovin this earth, alexbrooke16, Jolite-Music-Luver, Bella53323, Emmett or Edward, mouse123, Jenn, TwilightRulesXo, TwilighterluvsEdward, I am the wind Mizuki Kay, SmokeyMelina, KristenStewartFan, honeylove90, Tashhie-tots, gabyhyatt, Jessie-Colleen, twilight4evr84, I-luv-Edward-Cullen18, xNOMx, MayMariek, BookwormStrawberry, Kolored, Valery3019, frankfart101, xoChubbaChopLollipopox, anna23xo, , Part-Time Irish, ForeverRose123, AliceCullenisTheBest, buffy and twilight forever, h2ocatluvr33, EdwardCullenMasenforever, Kayb, VALICECULLENatFORKSHIGH, kylacullen, , KarlaAndTaniaAreImmortal, sprinter1, gypsyprincess94, Andie, TwiLust, ghostbunnieseatcheese, cutegirl03, Princess Colours story writer, r0xi, gldlys, -team-Edward-lion-lamb, twilightgirl141, Seattle_seahawks_rock, m10guttle, twilight lime, Paliaya, Hyper Mufasa, Xx-Team-Twilight-xX, blissfulmemories, LoveDrunk 101, Brooke Da Cookie, EdwardxBellalover, crystal, Peaceful Dragon Rose, Shani, vampyregurl09, wOOTWoot, lovenovels123, Edward's Doll, Sponjah, lola mariea mathews, madigurl, Meredith, , ..fia, Edwards lost lamb, princess michelle, AutumnOtts, michelle, EmmettismyHUGeteddyBEAR, lilio, Emma, Anon, jazzys Mistress, SEXY HOT GRUL, sandy_cheeks, cazares.a, Isabela is Online, TheCutiePie325, Twilight Addict For Life, MyLifeIsEdwardCullen, JENJEN87, Alicia Vampire101, jayd-n33, Danielle, horseluvr007, angelplusbuffyequals4ever, knbn, b jnk, KatFromLalaland, jules, SPsgurl96, music-is-life2009, , Twilier, AlwaysTrueToYou, Eebee Cullen, melibaskiw, rides the beast, tigerlilly101213, SakaguchiMaya, KKKKK, danniellepost, raibowbrite123, RogueRaina, narley410, Patshawna, lucky charms, Cullen0-Luver-101, j-mart, //, GoGoBellaSwan, Edwards lost lamb, Deadronika, bubbles, lklklkllklklklk, april123, FICTIONAL-STAR, bells, aiyanatwilightfan, Bella53325, eddieluver, bella-cullen1989, , twilight girl104, , Alicia Vampire101, cullencutie747, Elven at Heart, Vampkissez, Emx, shimmeringMoonlightTears, XoPoisonMinxoX, Madjestic and Edward-Bella97. I probably wrote some names twice, or I probably missed someone, if so, I'm so sorry! So, thanks again to everyone above!

So yes, its on a cliff hanger, I did that because if I make it into a sequel, I will use this to start off but If I don't make it into a sequel, you all know the answer (:

So I was kinda thinking, that since it's the last chapter, everyone can all review?

As this is done, maybe you could all check out my other stories?


Bella is raped and abused by every male she knows. One day pregnant she runs away to Rosalie in Forks. She doesnt speak one word of her past to anyone. Not even rose. Can Edward cullen get her to speak up about her past. Rated T AND M. M for Rape scenes

Tell me why:

16 year old Alice Brandon can see the future. One day her parents decide enough is enough and sent her to an insane asylum. She is abused on a daily basis. Will she be able to make it out alive? Or will getting out be more fatal than being inside! R Rx

Looking up:

All Victoria's life, it had been endless hell. Abused and unloved she goes about her daily life going to desperate measures to protect her secret. James the new boy finds out, but is it too late? Can she be saved at all? R R xx

I feel sad ): I had so much fun writing this, and now its done… It has been awesome writing it, and seeing everyone's reviews, so thank you all so much! I love you all! So, goodbye!

-Louise x3